Thursday, February 18, 2016

Hunkered Down in the High Desert

Mistress and slave are safely ensconced in our SW hideaway here in the high desert. The sun is blazing, and even the ski slopes yesterday were pretty warm. It allowed Mistress to engage in some sunning yesterday afternoon on our patio, where large swaths of snow still remain from the big dumps of snow earlier this month, despite this week's warm sunshine.

But our travels were not without incident.  We had one of those pre-dawn flights out of River City, which found us scrambling in a dark house to feed the cats, load the car and get rolling.  The result was almost tragic: Mistress missed a step at the top of the stairs, while carrying her purse and backpack. Slave was already downstairs and heard the crash, turning to see Mistress flying face forward down the carpeted stairs, coming to rest at the very bottom. It was like watching Pete Rose fly head first into home plate, but on a significant incline. A call to 911 and a trip to the ER with broken bones or worse to deal with flew through my mind.

Fortunately, Mistress is one tough and well conditioned "cookie". She did have what amounted to a rug burn below her right eye that was bloody and swelling. But her limbs were in tact. Amazingly, she dusted herself off, fed the cats and we were on our way.

It did make me realize I was a poor slave. I should have carried Mistress's bags down the stairs for her.  Surely a punishment is due.

By the time we arrived here before sunset on Tuesday afternoon, Mistress accident and our long travel day had her pretty exhausted, with a "sore all over" body.  Amazingly, she even passed on some relaxing worship.  This was probably the first day in a very long time that Mistress was denied even a single cum!

But not to worry, Mistress and slave were back in action by Wednesday morning. And after a day on the slopes and a restful nap, she accepted my offer of worship yesterday evening before dinner.

She's my Wonder Woman!

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Q and A

Mistress and slave are traveling today. We change planes on our journey west here in ATL and are awaiting the next flight.  This allows just enough time for us to respond to a couple of questions received here over the weekend.

Q. (From Diane at " Married Sissy") "still can't believe you haven't spent the night in that thing."

A. Well I guess that's not really a question, is it? In any event, Diane, I have spent a night or two "in that thing" at an earlier stage in my on again off again experience in Chastity.  It was pretty danged painful when Mistress's work-a-day cock decided to stretch out on it's own while I was attempting to sleep. Ouch.  It's particularly painful where that hard steel ring surrounds my tender balls.  Once she discovered the extent of my misery, Mistress has been pretty merciful.  Lucky slave.

Q. (from Donna, our Senior Correspondent): Are there any chances the charms of your Mistress are hereditary and your relocated loved one and her boyfriend are having similar thoughts....?"

A. Well I guess that is a question, at least.  Donna wonders whether our recent grad and her boyfriend are dabbling in kink.  I guess that's one of those areas where a dad "doesn't want to go".  Altho they have certainly spent the night together across the hall from us this past summer, I prefer to think that they have a chaste relationship.  Yeah right!  But I can certainly say that we have heard nothing and seen nothing to suggest that they dabble in any F/m or M/f  or anything kinky at all. In fact they seem to "swing" to the vanilla side of life. Maybe this is a generation skipping hereditary trait?  But I have learned long ago that one can never comfortably speculate about other folks' relationships.  I suppose that applies to our kids as well.

Looking forward to getting back into a blogging (and sex) groove once we settle into our SW hideaway this afternoon.

Monday, February 15, 2016

Sunday With My Valentine

It was nice to combine the sweet pleasure of reunion sex with the celebratory glory of Valentine's Day sex here on Sunday morning in the UCTMW Executive Suite. Plus throw in the momentous relief of having your empty nest back sex!

Of course, first there was a presentation to Mistress of a little V-Day treat: a cute black and very short nightie that seemed to please her, and complemented her lovely curves. I had time to pick it up on Saturday afternoon at a crowded lingerie store. It looked like this was the busiest naughty undie day of the year, and slave was just one of the crowd looking for something to please their wife, mistress or significant other in a hope that they might "score" for V-Day.

It certainly worked in my house. First, Mistress commanded her slave to plop in "your device", the aneros, which once settled into place assured her of an even harder and more desperate for release cock than she might otherwise have enjoyed.  And after using my well trained tongue to deliver a shuddering starter cum for Mistress, she gave me carte blanche to  take my pleasure. Which was well and robustly taken, without the need to close the door and stifle.

Of course, surrendering our lovely daughter to her boyfriend, and seeing her re-locate 500 miles away in the heart of Dixie has a bittersweet quality. Somehow it seems more permanent than when she drove off to college, only an hour away. We knew we could pop in, or she was likely to come home at the drop of a hat. But, fortunately, never when Mistress was entertaining a "guest".

But then our sense of loss and regret did not prevent us from making tentative plans for now abandoned bedrooms -- still filled with the detritus of adolesence and a whole lot of clothes that seem to have accumulated in the style of their mother and the Dowager Domme.

Slave was contemplating a post retirement office in one room. Mistress was looking at the potential of more closet space.

In a way it was the first day of the rest of our lives. A little sad, true. But liberating as well. Though slave doesn't want to feel too liberated, does he? What would be the point.

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Valentine's Day Reunion

 Slave and Mistress were finally re-united last night around 11:30 pm. She flew into the airport up north of here, after completing her sad but inevitable mission of turning our recent grad over to the next phase of her life. It sounds like things went well.  The boyfriend has a new job down in one of those GA towns that General Sherman visited back in the day. Mistress reports that the two lovebirds have a very nice apartment, and that the boyfriend had already furnished it. Sounds much more “civilized” than the apartment I inhabited the year after I graduated from college. And while Mistress had a long two days of travel, she probably needed some reassurance that our no longer so little darling is living in a manner to which she has become accustomed.

As for slave, I was on lockdown from around 7:30 am until about 10 pm on Friday, night, when Mistress gave me the go ahead to find the key and self-release from that hard steel cage.  I was certainly grateful not to have to  see whether I could “sleep through the night” in that infernal device as our friends Terri and Diane over at “A Married Sissy” put it.

Fortunately, the timing of Mistress’s return was just right. We get to celebrate Valentine’s Day in our suddenly (and a little sadly) emptied nest. No big plans here though, other than some wake-up sex, some exercise, and a relaxing dinner at home.  We plan to have a more lavish Valentine’s dinner in a few days, when we return to our romantic SW hideaway starting Tuesday.

I am feeling a little badly for our Senior Correspondent Donna, who will spend V Day on the last day of her 7 day Super Bowl bet induced quarantine from the use of mechanical stimulation.  Last night this report of her sad plight was slid under my E-door:

 While I'm certain that Mick has a very mushy Valentine greeting for you today, please take a moment to think of me, the dildo-less, vibrator-less woman of the mountains.

It has been six long days since my beloved dildos and vibrators were packed away thanks to the bet I lost on the Super bowl fiasco last Sunday evening.  To say I have missed them would be a significant understatement.  To make things even more difficult this week, my Keurig coffee maker died.  No vibrators and only instant coffee, my world has come undone.  Then, to add insult to injury, my friend with benefits was out of town this week. Alas, alas. Woe is me.

WC suggested I use my fingers, just as he uses his fists and fingers along with gallons of lube every day.  But fingers for women just don't offer the same ah, Ah, AH, experience as vibrators, especially a vibrator known as a magic wand.

But tomorrow I cut through the duct tape to release the dildos, the vibrators, and my magic wand.

 Oh, and Mick, I will be submitting the bill for the special shipment of duct tape I had to have delivered to adequately seal my collection of vibrators into a rather large box.

No problem, Donna. But the next time this happens, consider using the duct tape to seal your lady bits away from the temptation of mechanical assistance, rather than the other way around. It might work like this.

I must add that last night, Donna sent a follow up email, wondering if "vegetables" were also quarantined as part of the wager.  I used my discretion to consider the matter, and ruled that since vegetables were "organic" they were not considered to be among the mechanical aids that she had agreed to forego for a week if Cam Newton fizzled and let "The Sheriff" prevail in Super Bowl L. 

I have a feeling that there is a well worn cucumber sitting somewhere near Donna's bed this morning. Or maybe one of those skinny purple eggplants?