Sunday, June 28, 2015

Mistress Shares the Fruits of Her Friday Afternoon Diversion

As anticipated, Mistress got the full alpha lover treatment Friday afternoon from her lover Jay.

She shared some of the details with my by phone when she came back on the radar screen at about 4 pm, and then later, at home, when I tended to her well exercised folds with my avid lips and tongue.

"We had some catching up to do, Slave..... so there was lunch at our favorite sushi spot, then we adjourned to his house."

"How was lunch, Mistress?"

"Good.... though we did run into this guy who works with my mother....."

That's the problem with River City. It's almost impossible to go to lunch or dinner without seeing someone you know. But Mistress and Jay know how to be discrete.

"I'm not worried though, Slave..... it would have just looked like a business lunch to him.... he won't rat us out to my mother....."

"So how was your afternoon after lunch, Mistress...."

"Hmmmmm..... pretty hot slave.  We must have made love for nearly 2 hours. I think he missed me!  He spent a lot if time between my legs.... I think he likes tasting me as much as you do!"

By now I was doing the tasting..... and I certainly could taste the damp, sweet residue of Mistress's busy Friday afternoon.

Sadly, it will be a couple more weeks before Mistress gets to hook-up again with her lover.  We are headed back to the SW hideaway on Wednesday morning, for another 10 days.

"I think he's a little miffed Slave.  His son's going away for two weeks and he wanted me to sleepover while he's gone..... but there should be some nights once we get back to town....."

We'll have to come up with an alibi for our daughter I suppose.  Reversing the typical scenario, it could be the cute graduate saying..... "How come she's not home yet? At least she could text and let us know where she is!"

Friday, June 26, 2015

Mistress Reunites With Her Lover

The fog of jet lag is finally lifting here at the UCTMW World HQ. We have both been re-emersing in work: A sort of blitzkrieg of mollifying clients and meeting deadlines before we head off together for 10 more days of vacation back at our SW hideaway.

(We are pretty indulgent, aren't we?)

Mistress and Slave have had several opportunities since Monday morning to make up for lost sexual time, even though we have also had some too early mornings that have cramped our typical wake-up sex stylings.  As an example, last night, after we took a pre-dinner bike ride, I made sure to thoroughly worship Mistress's clean shaven folds with my avid tongue.  Then, after, dinner, we caught up on the "Aquarius" series (Mistress has a thing for David Duchovny). Her tempting clean shaven folds were there next to me on the couch, open and notorious, and too tempting not to fondle Mistress to a couple of night cap cums.

But this old, pampered house Slave can only do so much on his own to please his Mistress. Sometimes she needs a little more.

Today she has a lunch time engagement with her lover, Jay. No doubt he's in a randy mood, after three weeks without Mistress to tend to his sexual needs.  I have a feeling Mistress's body may be well used and abused by the end of the day.

I'm already looking forward to soothing those dampened folds with my tongue when I get home from work this evening.

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Catching Up

Mistress and Slave have been back in River City together again since very early Monday morning.  Her devoted slave arrived here late Sunday evening, then picked up Mistress and our Domme in training at the airport at 6 am where they emerged from their red eye flight from Tahiti via LA. The Dowager Domme was there too, and they all looked relatively well rested considering their long trip from half way around the world.

It was helpful to have a hearty slave there to haul the Dowager Domme's overstuffed bag off the luggage belt. It made me wonder if she had acquired some extra balls and chains on her trip.

Now you might assume that Mistress would be a little too tired to immediately climb into bed for something more than some much needed sleep.

You would be wrong.

With our daughter in the room across the hall, presumably getting some shut-eye, Mistress and slave were quickly into catch-up sex mode once we were settled into the UCTMW executive suite. Poor Mistress had gone more than two weeks without a cum, and slave was more than anxious to relieve that sexual distress. And while I had been abstinent only for about 2 days, I had some pent up demand to deal with as well.

After the dust settled, Slave was off to the office, and Mistress slept in a little longer. And though we were both jet lagged at the end of the work day, we could not resist engaging in a two-fer before slave prepared dinner.

Amidst our furtive couplings, Mistress brought me up to date on how things evolved with her various ship-board suitors.

"Dave was the finalist, Slave. He's the guy from the UK who spends a good bit of each year on exotic travel. We spent a lot of time together, like on the boat's bar after my mother went to bed."

"So did he come on to you, Mistress?"

"You could say that. He said I was very 'compelling'...."

"That you are Mistress.... but was there any groping? or more?"

"well there was a little kissing in one of the passageways one night..... but there was no privacy to do anything more...."

"Did it make you wet, Mistress.... when he kissed you?"

"What do you think, Slave?"

They did exchange contact information, so maybe the two star-crossed potential lovers will get back in touch in some other way, or venue.

In the meantime, Mistress has already scheduled some re-union sex with her primary side-dish, Jay.

As I was emerging from the shower yesterday morning, then getting dressed for work, I heard Mistress describing some of her overseas adventures, and planning a lunch time visit on Friday.

They have some catching up to do as well.

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Slave's Long Nightmare Over

Mistress finally came back on the  radar screen  yesterday at around 1 pm. I had not heard a word from her since her frustrating inability to contact me on Tuesday. It was good to learn that she had rejected the Polynesian Warrior's entreaties to become one of his wives, and instead had elected to come back to River City, where we will be reunited on Monday morning.

The poor girl does have a bit of a sexual edge to blunt though.  Despite all the on-board suitors, she was never able to find the privacy to indulge any of them.  But at least there was a "winner", according to an email I received:

"Steve from the UK has pretty much won the arms race. Have spent a lot of time hanging out with him. More later on that when we see one another...."

I did get to talk to her via viber when she arrived at her hotel in Tahiti.  She said that Steve is about her age some sort of adventure travel junky and writer with lots of interesting stories that certainly enthralled Mistress. Sadly, he did not have a private cabin, but was in the boat's "dorm". So there was no place to slide off to for some late night nookie. They did exchange contact information she says. And he likes the little town where our SW hideaway.

"I told him to come visit us, Slave."

"What happened to the French guy, Mistress?"

"Oh I got tired of him. He's a bit of  a cad. Then my sister ended up chasing him around."

Hmmm. I wonder if Mistress's married sister is into cuckolding too?

"And what about the Aussie?"

"Peter.... he was very fit, and charming, but a bit too old for me. Which was a shame, because he had a suite. He and Steve would hang out in his suite. Steve said I should ask him to see it, but I told Steve that Peter might take it the wrong way, since he'd been fawning all over me for a week."

"He must have been disappointed, Mistress."

"Yeah, but he was kind of cute about it. We traded contact information, and he said 'I hope you don't mind if I stay in touch, Molly. As you can probably tell, I'm quite taken by you."

Mistress also had much praise for the hunky crew of the half cargo vessel / half adventure cruiser.

"So buff and hot, slave. An American woman could be a lot worse than setting up hut on one of these islands with one of those guys."

Maybe Mistress should offer her marketing skills to the folks who run this program. "Polynesian hunks on board" could be the new angle that could draw more solo female travelers ....or cuck couples.

Meanwhile, Slave has new orders.

"No more touching slave.  I liked the cock shots you sent me, but I'm shutting all that down so you are nice and horny by the time I get home on Monday."

So my last officially sanctioned "touch" occurred at approximately 4 pm on Friday, mountain time. After about 13 consecutive  days of self abuse, It was hardly memorable.

I've never been so happy to embrace abstinence.

I know you chastity caged readers will find this hard to believe, but I really am glad that's over!  Otherwise I was going to have to ask the WC if he gets that overpriced lube from Amazon Prime.