Thursday, March 27, 2014

SW Bound

I can hear the groans already. (Or it might be more eye rolling from the complacent cuckolders over at All Mine.)

Yes, Mistress and her devoted slave are headed once again to our SW hideaway to catch the tail end of the ski season and some early spring high altitude rays. (Watch here for some risque sunbathing pics over the next few days, you HNT afficianados).

We're parked at DFW airport, waiting once again for our connecting flight, giving slave a little time to post an update.

You will be happy to know that Mistress stepped out again last night for a little bon voyage action with her lover.

"He wanted me to spend the night, Slave....but...."

She did have another ridiculously early meeting this morning. So she came home to me. I was grateful to have her back in our bed at the UCTMW World HQ by 10:30 pm or so. And although she apparently had her fair share of action, I was rewarded for staying awake  by an opportunity for some after action worship.

"Don't you want a taste, Slave?"

Who could resist.

I took my time savoring her clean shaven folds, which were somewhat damper and more pliant than I might find on a typical graze after a day apart.

I made sure to savor my opportunity, using tongue and lips to slowly work Mistress up to her final cum of the evening.

Of course, she had no need for the work-a-day cock at that point. And that early morning meeting precluded a chance for some pre-travel wake up sex.  But I suspect there will be more than a few opportunities to make up for my sad denial (another 40 hours of abstinence, all in one week!) over the next ten days in our version of paradise.

Patience has it's reward.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Mistress and Slave Reunited

As Slave was heading to work on Tuesday morning, Mistress was unwinding herself from an evening in her lover's bed, and heading home to refresh and get ready for her own work day. But she was able to stop by my office mid-afternoon for some enticing worship. Down on my knees, head buried between her thighs as she sat on the "throne" pressed against my office door, Slave could reflect on how much I had missed her in our lonely bed the night before.

At home by 6:30 pm we had a brief meeting with our realtor (we're getting ready to 'downsize'), but all Slave could think about was the chance for some reunion sex once we shooed our guest out the door.

Fortunately, the paper work did not take too long. And Mistress was still in her peek-a-boo tights, allowing for some quick and easy access....

After a round of oral devotions Mistress finally gave her horny Slave the "all access pass", which was quickly put to good use.  But I was gentle.

"Are you sore, Mistress...."

"Yes, Slave .... though thigh muscles are pretty tight ...."

The convenient aperture in those tights made for a convenient entry point, and Slave gently but persistently used the tool that had been locked away for safe keeping the day before.

When the dust settled after Mistress gave me permission to cum, she seemed impressed.

"Wow, Slave.... you seemed pretty horny...."

"Well it had been nearly 56 hours,  Mistress.... what would you expect?"

(But who's counting?)

The moral of this story is that while I surely miss Mistress when she is away for a date night in another man's bed, the reunion sex is always very, very hot.

Absence not only makes the heart grow fonder. It also makes the work-a-day cock harder.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Cold Night at the UCTMW World HQ

Our devoted readers will be happy to know that my modified plastic cage was able to slide through the high security at the local federal office building yesterday. I must admit that when I stepped through the scanner, with the crackerjack security guard monitoring me for suspicious behavior, I had a little flutter of anxiety about whether they had upgraded the standard metal detector to something more "all seeing". But I got the quick wave through, and all was well.

Fortunately, there was none of that annoying pinching that the parts of the CB 6000 can sometimes induce when you sit down. Nothing like squirming while doing performance art.

Mistress did check in with me via phone around 5 pm. She was on her way over to her lover's house for their "date night". She wanted to make sure my cage was still tightly affixed, and I promised to shoot a photo for her when I got home to show that the plastic lock had not been tampered with during my long day at the office.

I stopped by for a visit with my cute grandchildren, and was thankful that there was not too much bouncing on my lap. By 8:15 pm  I was home, and got a text from Mistress that she and her lover now were headed out for dinner.

Hmmm..... that meant they had about 3 hours to "take care of business".

"You must be famished, Mistress."

"Starved..... been very busy since I got here...."

I did shoot her a photo of my cage cock, that probably provided a little entertainment over starters. Would Mistress show her lover her husband's predicament?  I doubt it, but....

Not long after I got a response indicating that I could now "free" myself.

That was a relief. It's hard to sleep in those contraptions, though I suspect some of our readers think I should simply "man up" and endure a little discomfort now and then. Mistress checked in via phone at around 10 pm, letting me know that she would be spending the night and not to wait up for her. She and her lover were going into extra innings. Or would that be overtime?

As it turned out it was a cold night here.... though the snow they were warning about has yet to materialize. I sorely missed the warm body of my beloved next to me through the night. Mistress texted at around 6:15 this morning:

"Awake. Going to do round three.... then home by 9..."

Sadly, I will be long gone for work by one will be here to greet Mistress and offer a soothing tongue to minister to those well utilized clean shaven folds.

Hopefully she'll allow me a chance to remedy that this evening.

Monday, March 24, 2014

While Slave's Locked Away, Mistress Will Play

Mistress slept in her peek-aboo tights last night. It's unseasonably cold here for one thing. Plus she had one of those god awful 7:30 am breakfast meetings that folks without lives like to schedule on Monday mornings.

"Who does that Mistress?"

"My Mother."

See what I mean. The original Domme of the family. 

Of course, with a 7:30 am meeting, Slave knew there would be no time for indulging my daily urge for wake-up sex. Luckily, there was time for a little worship, facilitated by Mistress's special tights. So I was able to send her off on her pre-dawn mission with a smile on her face.

But Slave is not so smiley.  Mistress's lover has the week off from kid duties, which leaves him available for an evening visitation.

"I'm not sure whether I will spend the night, Slave.....I will let you know as things develop."

With more snow predicted,  it might be particularly cold in the UCTMW World HQ bed tonight.

Plus, Mistress made sure Slave would not get into "trouble".

She made clear Sunday evening that I'd be in my cage all day. The complication is that I have some work duties today involving a building with a metal detector.  Not to worry though. At her request I had ordered several weeks back a new plastic CB-6000 model to replace the one with the broken ring. Just for "no excuses" on days such as these.

The only problem was that when I opened the little brown packing envelope last night, I discovered they sent me the CB6000S! As in S for "Small".

Well Slave may not be armed with a special occasion cock like our Western Correspondent. But I sure as hell was not going to fit into the S size either. I mean, maybe after being packed in ice for a few hours. But what happens when things thaw out down there.  The big squeeze was not what I had in mind.

Fortunately, I still had the "business end" of my old CB model. And the rings from the S model were compatible. So I was able to cobble together a suitable restraint for Mistress's work-a-day cock to make her feel sufficiently secure for her night in at her Lover's Nest this evening.

And I don't have to worry about some security guard wanding me where the sun don't shine.

Sort of a win - win, I suppose, if you don't mind being locked away while your lovely wife plays.