Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Looking Forward to Tights Week

Yesterday, over at All Mine, Suzanne pointed out that next week has been declared by some shameless vendor or prurient blogger ""Tights Week". There's even a cool illustrated logo:

Of course, Slave has a bit of a fetish for a woman in tights, which Mistress has been more than happy to exploit over the years. AS I recall, the first time I laid eyes on her, at an otherwise tedious political dinner in the fall of 1987, she was wearing an unusually short dress (by River City standards) and very sexy hose that accented her incredibly long and trim legs. I was immediately smitten, and the rest is history.

However, Mistress is a stickler for an apparently unwritten fashion requirement that one only wears tights in the cold weather months. You would never see her prancing around between April 15 and October 20th or so in anything but bare legs. And of course she has the shapely and toned legs to pull that off, as visitors to this page will note. And by rationing Slave's exposure to her in tights to those limited months, she gets her Slave all the more anxious for the time when the seasons finally change and I get to observe and feel her legs encased in that tight, sensuous fabric.

I'm not quite sure where this obsession came from.... though I can recall stealing furtive glimpses of my female class mates in their hose back in my 8th  grade Catholic school days. Maybe that's why the nun clobbered me that day in class, not because she observed me "snickering" while serve as altar boy at Christmas Eve midnight mass?
In any event. tights season has arrived here in River City. On Saturday night at that house concert fundraiser we attended, many of the ladies were also decked out in various tights stylings. Mistress had the look I preferred, solid black, with black boots and a colorful silky dress that provided ample space for her legs and thighs to peek out.

But some of the overdressed 40 something house fraus, the types who spend lots of time at the gym, spend lots of cash on designer clothes, but just can't score on the "sexy" scale, were sporting some (in my book) over designed tights -  patterns that seem way too busy and distract from the "goods' they should be enhancing. Here are some examples:
Now maybe some of you go for this, but they don't score when it comes to my highly attuned tights fetish. 
But of course what one could not tell Saturday evening was what the ladies' skirts and dresses were hiding: were the house fraus wearing the "peek-a-boo" variety of tights that Mistress sometimes  wears, that are so suitable for office worship, or a quickie in the guest bath at some otherwise dull dinner party? That's Slave's favorite type:
In fact, Mistress has promised to drop my my office today, between meetings and a business lunch to give her Slave a little mid-day tasting opportunity. I wonder if she'll unearth some of last season's peek-a-boo tights for the occasion?

An to get in the spirit of tights week, I'm hoping that some of my fellow blogger's post pictures of themselves in tights... what about it Suzanne, Sin or 'Nilla? And what about you Tammy? If Robin can wear tights, so can you.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Making Up for Lost Time

Mistress and Slave had some pent up demands that needed to be satisfied by the time she landed back in River City on Friday evening.

I had spent my evening sharing a pizza with my cranky Mother, about a 15 minute drive from the airport. Which made it easy for me to get to the airport early, paging through my Times, still locked away in my cage, anxious when it was announced that her plane would be about 15 minutes late. OT in the cage was no fun!

But soon she was striding through security, a smile on her face, looking as lovely as ever. She had not adopted the Portland grunge look, though the dark leather jacket she wore, and flowing scarf, gave her a bit of a counterculture flair.

Naturally, I was very glad to see her, but the cage prevented me from showing her just how glad. No, 'Nilla. There was no extra key on hand. I had to wait for her bag to show on the carousel, and complete the 20 minute drive home before I earned my release.

Of course, Mistress seemed to enjoy my oral attentions, which led to her permission to indulge myself amidst those clean shaven folds. And over the ensuing 20 hours or so we "did it" two more times.

The bonus was spending several hours in bed on Saturday afternoon, napping and fucking and redeeming some of the time we had lost during her trip to the Northwest.

Last night we had a social engagement: a dinner party and concert at a local home for a charity that Mistress's mother is associated with. Mistress was her mother's "date" for the dinner part. I got to stay home a little longer and watch my alma mater school the poor cadets from the Air Force Academy in the thinner air of the mountain west. Sorry, WC. But at least we show our patriotism by giving the academies a nice pay-day and network exposure.

By the time I arrived at the party, Mistress was finishing dinner. She had dressed up for the occasion, and with the weather turning considerably colder, I was treated to the first day of "tights season". With the tights and high black boots she was wearing, I was glad Mistress did not make me get back in that infernal cage.  Slave is a sucker for Mistress in those black tights, and as we sat together for the concert part, Slave was treated with the opportunity to fondle that tight covered thigh protruding from a dress with a convenient slit up the side.


The music was sexy / ethereal too. An acoustic set from a local duo with a national reputation. Here's a video of them which you may like, of a song called "Sacred Ground", with a line about someone leaving little bite marks on the female singer's neck. It made Slave want to head back to the "sacred ground" of the executive suite at the UCTMW World HQ and help Mistress out of those tights.

Friday, October 25, 2013

Long Day in the Cage

As I write this, Mistress is winging home back to River City after a few days in the Northwest. Sounds like she had her fill of gluten free goodies, and even some other  "medicinal" substances, while visiting a close friend out there. But I doubt she has picked up the grunge look after such a short visit to Pacific Northwest.

As for me... well I've been in the cage through the work day every day since she left. Of course, I did get a temporary parole at dinner time, and even permission to indulge each day my inner WC, but without the high priced lubricant that he puts on the UCTMW credit card.

And since I'll be picking Mistress up around 9 pm tonight.... this will be a particularly long day in the cage.

I did not exercise my "touch" rights this morning. I figured why go for brand X when I could use up my pent up sexual energy on Mistress tonight.

But after a long work day in the cage, and several more hours under lock and key, I'm starting to question my own good intentions.

It's a shame the key is back at the house, isn't it?

Yeah.... I know, some of you out there are not exactly feeling sorry for old, pampered Mick. Particularly since I get to spend the night with my lovely Mistress.

I just hope her plane is not delayed. I don't want to take cage time into OT.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

The Latest Threat to the Global Economy: Sexual Apathy

Here is River City, winter seemed to arrive a little early yesterday. It as cold and blustery, with a rain squall or two tossed in for good measure. Particularly cruel  that there was no Mistress here in my bed to keep me warm, and make sure my lips and tongue had something to do. 

Mistress did send me some cute photos through the day, of beautiful blooming flowers, and the local high tech Streetcar, which some in River City have coveted for years. 

And while she has been too busy visiting with her friend to get into any "trouble" of a sexual kind, she did share that a passenger on the flight out put on a full court flirt with her through the first leg of her trip.

“I bet I hear from him when I get back, Slave…. but he really wasn’t my ‘type’…  a little too geeky. He and his wife must teach yoga in their spare time.”

Well at least he’s probably more flexible than Slave.

A few days of “celibacy” is something both of us can handle. Particularly when Mistress has given me strict orders to make sure her cock remains in working order while she is gone. At least we don’t seem in any danger of falling into the sad plight of the Japanese, who’s growing plight of “sexual apathy” was written up in this story in the Washington Post.  Here are some pathetic lowlights:

People in Japan are so averse to romantic relationships that the country's media even has a name for it: sekkusu shinai shokogun, or "celibacy syndrome," according to a widely circulated Guardian story on the country's low rates of marriage, childbearing and even sex.

A series of grim statistics tell the story:

 • Extremely high numbers of Japanese do not find sex appealing. 45 percent of women and 25 percent of men, ages 16 to 24, are "not interested in or despised sexual contact."
• More than half of Japanese are single. 49 percent of unmarried women and 61 of unmarried men, ages 18 to 34, are not in any kind of romantic relationship.
• In every age group, the percentage of Japanese men and women who are not in a romantic relationship has been increasing steadily since the 1990s.
• About a quarter of Japanese don't want a romantic relationship. 23 percent of women and 27 percent of men say they are not interested in any kind of romantic relationship.
• More than a third of childbearing-age Japanese have never had sex: 39 percent of women and 36 percent of men, ages 18 to 34. That number hasn't actually changed much over the last decade, but it is unusually high.
The article goes onto explain that these developments are not only bad for the sex toy industry, but could pose one of those dreaded existential threats to the world economy. As the Japanese population shrinks and gets older, the world's third largest economy could default on it's debt, plunging the world into the sort of financial chaos that could be described as a Ted Cruz wet dream.

This seemed a little odd to me. I've spent some time in Japan, and my father worked and lived there for several years. From our "exceptional" American perspective it seems an odd culture, but hardly asexual. I mean what about all that Shibari bondage stuff all of us aspiring kinksters read about?

And what about all those strange Anime films and comic books which focus on women who seem a little too young for comfort tied in rather strange positions, on the verge of defilement? Throw in some aggressive tentacles and you have a plot line worthy of 'Nilla.

Of course, maybe this ritualized restraint reflects a society that would  rather watch than actually do something about their primal urges. But that doesn't mean we have to take their impending meltdown lying down - either on our backs, or maybe ass up and shorts at our ankles, does it?

Maybe our can do American spirit can help restore the Japanese libido.... But I am not sure starting with Caroline Kennedy as our next Ambassador to Tokyo is the right move, do you? She seems a nice lady, but hardly one to make the Japanses suddenly go out and couple up. She certainly does not have the reputation for sexual exploits that her Dad or uncles Bob and Ted had.

No, let's be more proactive, and lead by example. Provide a role model who can break this sad decline into celibacy.

How about Miley Cyrus, who could twerk her way across the Floating Kingdom?

Or better yet....I'd be happy to give our WC a "public service" leave from his duties here at UCTMW. Certainly he could teach the Japanese a thing or two about mating rituals....although he might have to get out of the habit of wasting all that seed, and back into spreading it around.