Wednesday, August 21, 2013


The folks over at The Long Bean have posted a short story based on the Sunday Switch provisions of the Mick and Molly contract, though I must say that this Slave is smart enough not to use my switch privileges as an excuse to deny Mistress her accustomed allotment of multiple orgasms on our switch days.

After all..... what's sauce for the goose can turn into an extra helping of sauce for the gander. (Wait, do I have my goose / gander genders confused?)

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Summer's End

Summer has always been a more laid back time of year for Mistress and Slave.... but this summer?

Not so much.

Having gotten used to the luxury of the empty nest last school year, this summer seems like things are way too crowded and scheduled.

Too many dirty dishes stuffed into the sink at the end of the day.

Too much laundry for slave to do.

Too much "empty the dorm room and dump it here until fall" detritus about, filling our basement.

Too many people demanding use of our cars.

And of course, too little privacy cramping our peculiar sexual stylings.

Add that to Mistress going through the drama of leaving one job and starting another one, and Slave relocating his Mom and cleaning out her condo, and we're looking forward to fall here.

Thankfully, one daughter heads back to school on Thursday, and we drive another one East very early on Sunday morning.Then things should slow down to a more relaxed pace, including some time away at our Southwestern hideaway.

Of course, it's not like we've been celibate here.  Over the weekend there was time for our wake-up sex, and another session on Sunday afternoon, raising questions among the girls about we we "sleep so much".

"Your parents work hard during the week and need the weekends to rest up."

Mistress was pleased that her Slave remembered to get the 'baby oil gel" (our substitute for the WC's $50 an ounce high end lubricant) to use with some of her favorite toys. Sunday afternoon she commanded me put it to use.

"Go insert your aneros, Slave..... I want a very hard cock this afternoon!"

Who was I to say no. After all, Mistress is always right.

Friday, August 16, 2013

Slave Dines In. Mistress Eats Out.

Yesterday, a little before noon, Mistress sashayed into my office, with only a few minutes to spare before a lunch engagement just across the street.

"I don't have long, Slave."

No time for idle chit-chat. Slave shut the door, slid her "throne" up against it, and spread the nice absorbent maroon blanket over its upholstery.

If that blanket could talk!

Slave was soon on his knees, for an early "munch". Not exactly at my desk, but in very close proximity.

Once Mistress had her fill, she was off to her more formal luncheon. Hopefully this was a healthy diversion that only piqued her appetite.

"Thanks for the lick, Slave", was the text message I got later in the afternoon.

Just in a day's work for a pampered house Slave.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Equal Time Thursday: For Submissive Women and Their Authoritarian Doms

Yesterday I stumbled upon this article -How to Be a Perfect Nazi Wife - about the Wives Training Camps in Nazi Germany organized by the highest ranking lady Nazi - a woman named Gertrude Scholtz-Klink (No, not Kink, but Klink - no apparent relation to the Colonel). The goal was to have some basic training for good Arayan women aspiring to marry SS officers or other guys with pull in the Reich.

The article mentions training in most of the "domestic arts":

  Scholtz-Klink’s schools were attended by girlfriends and fiancĂ©es of SS officers and other Nazi functionaries, who were instructed in the basics of “washing, cooking, child care and home design.”  They also received training in how to entertain at cocktail parties and proper topics of conversation. They were also taught “special knowledge of race and genetics.” Himmler wanted the schools to produce ideal German wives in order to guarantee a “strong family life to create a strong, pure nation.”  He viewed women principally as breeders to bear and raise Aryan children for the future of the Reich. Himmler signed a decree in 1936, three years after Hitler came to power, ordering women who wished to marry SS members to sign up for the course.

Not surprisingly, women with Jewish or Gypsy heritage were not encouraged to apply for such training.

Ms. Klink referred to women as "The Secret Queens of the Reich", but  no where does the article  mention their proper role when their SS hubby comes back from a hard day of loading rail cars or looting art collections, takes off the swastika arm band and jack boots, and wants to "unwind".  Did they offer up their breasts or asses for some corporal punishment, or did they pick up the riding crop and give hubby a taste of their own medicine, but with a "happy ending"?

Wouldn't it be interesting to get a glimpse at that part of their curriculum? But you have to admit they look fetching in their skimpy shifts and ballet slippers. If they had reality TV back in the 1940's,  I suspect HBO would have done a "Hard Knocks - Nazi Edition" at this training camp.

Speaking of hard work days, Mistress has been working double duty this week - leaving one job and already starting another one (please don't tell her boss!). It had her out later than usual last night, dining with a new client.

Once home, she was at the accumulated email for another hour or so.

Slave finally persuaded her to relax, with some oral worship that had her moaning with pleasure and pumping her hips against her Slave's lips and tongue.  But when she had her fill, and asked "are you horny Slave", I could tell she was a little too tired after that long day to indulge her "work-a-day" cock.

"I can wait until morning, Mistress....."

I wonder if that lesson was taught at Nazi Wives Training Camp?

While this broke our "two-a-day" streak, sometimes even a pampered house Slave has to know when not to press his luck.