Monday, May 6, 2013

Dinner Date

Here in River City its been a little gloomy today. It would be a good night for Mistress and Slave to head home, crawl into bed and let nature take its course.

Unfortunately, Slave has to accompany some of my colleagues from out of town to dinner, in advance of a seminar we have to put in in the morning. Of course, I gave Mistress plenty of advanced notice about my inability to amuse and serve her properly this evening.

And that gave her the opportunity to schedule a dinner date with Steve, her latest AM suitor. This is the guy who she interviewed in our living room Sunday afternoon. So he must have passed that initial screening and is now worthy of some additional scrutiny.

Apparently he and his wife also have gone to some local "swinger" clubs, and she's clued in on this budding courtship.

"He said I can call her and confirm she's cool with it, Slave."

"Hmmm.... that certainly shows his good faith...."

"True.... not sure I need to do that.... but maybe we'll have them both over for dinner some time if this seems worth pursuing."

All very amusing to consider. But the ultimate test is whether there is any sexual chemistry. And the jury is still out on that one.

"He's attentive, Slave.... lot's of nice text messages, but maybe a little too sensitive."

Ahhh.... it's a difficult balance isn't it?

Too macho and aloof, then you're not attentive enough.

Too sensitive, and you're not manly enough.

It's hard to find that sweet spot. I'm not sure how Slave did it, all those years ago.

BTW, Suzanne. You're constant harping about whether I'm in the cage seems to have caught Mistress's attention.

I have a feeling I'll be wearing it tomorrow.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Just Another Sunday at the UCTMW World HQ

It's been a busy weekend for us here in River City. We had one of those civic fund raiser events to attend Friday evening, and then dinner with some friends last night that lasted a little too let, and lefte us both a little bleary eyed this am. And there were some activities with my grand kids and a visit to my grumpy mother to cram the day.

Sadly, it's our last empty nest weekend for some time. The older co-ed will be back on Friday, and the following week it will be time to pick up the other one on her lovely little college campus on the East Coast.

Where did the time go?  We're going to have to get used to keeping our door closed, the volume down, and the extra guys on the low down until late August!

So you won't be surprised to learn Mistress and Slave have made a little extra time this weekend, despite our crammed schedule, for some time between the sheets.

There was some wake-up sex Saturday morning, and some late afternoon canoodling too before heading to that dinner party.

This morning it was a little gloomy out, so we lingered a little longer in bed, reading the papers before Slave got Mistress's motor running with her favorite power tool. Afterwards, she was more than happy to have me deploy her work-a-day cock as a little chaser for that power induced cum that seem to curl her toes and other body parts.

We did take a late morning bike ride before Mistress moved onto her other business of the day.... and interview with Steve, a fellow she met through AM. The plan was to meet at a local coffee shot, and Slave was doing some "House Slave" duties here after she walked down the street for her "meet and greet".  I had just finished repairing a broken hinge on a kitchen cabinet when I heard the door open.

Was he that much of a dud that she had walked off after only 30 minutes?  She did leave without too high hopes, after a series of duds encountered over the last few weeks.  Steve is a software engineer type, about 6 years younger than Mistress, and purportedly in one of those "open marriages" where he and his wife both see other folks.

"He could be a little too geeky, Slave....nice but not 'hot'".

"You should never settle for less than "hot" Mistress."

So imagine my surprise when Mistress walks up the stairs and says....

"The coffee shop closed early Slave, so I just brought Steve home with me...."

(I don't recall whether Steve was within ear shot when Mistress mentioned the "slave" part, but that is worth considering, isn't it?")

So they are down in the living room, chatting away on the couch, while Slave adjourned upstairs with the Times and my laptop. Now I'm watching the Knicks and blogging on a rainy day with a bit of a cuckoldy edge to it.

Guess we'll have to report more details tomorrow on how this interview goes.

Friday, May 3, 2013

Furtive Blogging

Slave was out the door early this am, heading north to our flat as a pancake state Capitol for some tedious "continuing education". Mistress on the other hand was planning a "work from home" day and so I figured she would be sleeping in, meaning that Slave was not expecting the treat of our typical session of wake up sex

So imagine my surprise when I heard Mistress paging me from the executive suite at around 6:30 am. You can bet I dropped the morning paper pronto to make my self available for some worship . And once Mistress was sufficiently pleasured, she called out for "my cock".

You can bet it was promptly made available to her!

Now I am furtively reporting to you via iPhone while a lecturing colleague bloviate a away.

Back at home Mistress is planning to serve a light lunch to Jay, her former lover who is stopping by to entertain her.

Last week at lunch there was a little high school make out session before he went back to work.

I' m wondering if today he'll get back to 2nd base.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

New Marketing Opportunity?

The other day over at Finding My Submission , Sin posted a helpful blog in response to a reader's question about what type of nipple clamps are on the market and the various advantages (or would that really be disadvantages) the competing options present. She gave us a tour through the various styles of products on the market with handy pointers on the types and quality of pain they can inflict.

(Funny, the only reader questions I ever seem to get are of the "why aren't you in the cage today, Mick?" variety, but I digress).

Of course, Sin does appear to be an expert on the subject since her "Big Bad" Dom seems to require her to submit to various forms of nipple torture in the most unusual of settings - parking lots, lady's rooms, the office, grocery store, etc. He really is a sadistic sombitch it seems, but then an interesting, long running  blog probably requires one or two characters like that to sustain the entertainment value and melodrama.

But Sin's post gave me one of those bright ideas for expanding the UCTMW media empire which I simply had to share.

What about a sex paraphenalia shopping channel on cable, designed for the folks like Sin's questioning reader who want the skinny on what's on the market and have a credit card handy to call the number on the bottom of the screen and make that impulse buy. We'd be spreading joy and collecting cash at the same time!

Sin could be available to display and demonstrate the proper application of nipple clamps, either in the studio, or from some of those remote locations she blogs about. Maybe one where she is shoveling snow, or making breakfast for her kids while "secretly" clamped.... the secret known only to the studio audience (of course you need one of those, with slack jawed ex-urbanites who clap like seals whenever the floor manager gives the signal).

Suzanne and Tammy over at All Mine would certainly be helpful in demonstrating the various products on the market for the proper "pegging" of a submissive.... from strap on starter kits, to the more complex products on the market. I'm sure we'd all like to get a look at "Big Blackie" in action. And they could give pointers from the perspectives of "pegger" and "peggee" on the advantages and disadvantages of the many products available just a phone call away.

Of course, your UCTMW Executive Editor  could offer a line of cock cage products for the discerning Domme concerned about the proper security of her Slave or Sub, ranging from the lighter weight plastic models that can slip through airport or court house security to the sturdier and more compelling steel models. (no live modeling for me of course... we need to keep this classy!)

"Nothing says "your cock belongs to me" like stainless steel, ladies and gentlemen in TV land...."

Our Director of Security, International might peddle a line of floggers, since that seems to be a particularly specialty for him and Donna.

And our Western Correspondent.... well.... Since he buys lubricants by the drum load, maybe he can do a special segment on products available  to avoid abrasions when you masturbate the day away.