Friday, April 26, 2013

Slave Hoping to End His Drought Tonight

Slave is heading home this afternoon, as long as the furlough taxed air traffic controllers have enough attention to spare to my humble mini-jet back to River City.

As you might imagine, I'm getting a little horny while following the "no touch" rule imposed by Mistress. (I can already hear the cynical snickering from certain quarters).

I do feel a little guilty that she's been going without any worship or other sexual attention back at home. It's like I let her down as a social secretary on AM. Of course, there are some guys who continue to keep knocking on her cyber "door".

"Shane (the Witchita Lineman) keeps tecting me Slave.... he;s kind of sweet, and wanted to take me to lunch yesterday."

"Maybe throw him a bone and text back."

Ultimately, she must have relented, and said she might consider lunch next week.

"At least he's trying hard to impress, Slave."

"He knows you're worth it."

Mistress also had what she described as a  chaste dinner with her former lover Jay on Wednesday night, along with his son.  But he's still in his "I don't want to get too attached to you" phase.  A little bizarre, but Mistress still enjoys his company, even if it does not involve those marathon fucking sessions.

Here on the East coast, I've treated our younger cute Co-Ed to a couple of dinners, and had a little time to walk around, running into one of the characters that still haunts our friends in Boston:

It's a young Babe Ruth, watching over the new / retro stadium in his hometown. He's the guy the Red Sox traded for chump change to the dreaded Yankees all those years ago. Some say that unfortunate  trade triggered the "curse of the Bambino" that long World Series draught that only ended a few years ago, and now may be getting a 2nd wind. (I'm wondering if the Patriots might suffer a similar fate after unceremoniously dumping their over-achieving smurf-like receiver, Wes Welker?)

Fortunately,  even though Slave has gone without these last few days, I am optimistic that  I can count on my "drought" ending tonight, well short of the record set by the Sox...

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Slave of the Road

Your managing editor is off this morning for a two day trip to the East coast, just in time to enjoy the fruits of sequestration. I mean who needs air traffic control? It's a threat to our freedom to fly wherever we want whenever we want, right?

It's been pretty rare for me to travel for work these last few years. I'm not used to leaving the warmth of Mistress's bed here at the UCTMW World HQ.  And last night, after some robust love making after a long day at work, Mistress brought up the subject of my cage:

"It's a shame I can't lock you away before you leave tomorrow, Slave.... I guess I'll just have to trust you to behave."

The problem is the steel cage that we have for such purposes would make the TSA go bonkers. I guess we could get a "travel cage", the less sturdy plastic kind, like we used to use. They tend to break, and pinch a bit more than our current model, but can make it through a conventional metal detector.

But what about those full body scanners?  Has anyone figured out whether a plastic cage pops up and gets the screeners all slack jawed when you "assume the position" hands overhead, waiting for the "all clear"? (I'm sure we'll hear from Suzanne on this subject.)

I also feel badly that I'm leaving Mistress to her own devices for the next few days. Despite my best efforts as her corresponding secretary, the pickings on AM have been particularly slim this time around. Of course, it may be that Mistress has been getting better at screening out the pretenders, posers and dorks than last fall, when she had her "Cougar Week" adventures.

She's decided to simply blow off the guys who fail to "court" her sufficiently. If you don't have enough energy to show a lady why you are interested before you bed them, then we all can imagine how they might behave afterwards.

Guys who have cock shots in their "private showcase", or send said photos unsolicited also get tossed.

Guys who don't bother to send a real message,  but just a "wink" or photo request are ignored to.

"I think they're just looking for something to wank off to, Mistress."

"Sad, but probably true, Slave.... they should just read the blog."

Mistress did get a text from the erstwhile 35 year old Latin Lover, wondering "how she was doing ", and asking if she'd like to meet for a drink.

"I think he still can't get over that you blow him off after he sent you those cock shots, Mistress."

He's a mucho machismo sort of guy who probably hasn't heard "No" much from women in his young life. So I suppose he's hoping Mistress will ultimately succumb to his charms. At least once.

"I don't think I'm interested, Slave."

So Mistress may have to resort to the power tool while I am gone. Let's just hope we don't see too much of a spike in the electric bill.

Monday, April 22, 2013

A Quiet UCTMW Weekend

The time is ticking away on our empty nest here in the heartland. In just a few more weeks the cute Co-Eds will be back,  crowding out our privacy, messing up the kitchen, and demanding to know "what are we having for dinner".

So we've been hunkering down a little more than usual in anticipation of their return. Not much kinky going on here this weekend... but plenty of time in bed, reading, having sex, napping, a little more sex. You get the picture.

And no, we've not adopted a "go green" approach, WC. I rolled out the power tool yesterday morning to give Mistress an extra treat before she indulged her work-a-day cock.

We were glad to hear that things have calmed down in Boston for our friendly competitors over at All Mine. Let's hope that the team of state, local and federal law enforcers who did such a commendable job identifying and then taking out of circulation the bombers get some well deserved rest. Oddly, the "disaster" down in West, Texas, with a bigger body count, but not the drama of a manhunt has gotten much less attention.  A huge explosion of known bomb making material with no clear explanation? Too many dead first responders? Can't  you call that terrorism too? But the folks from CNN and the rest of the networks definitely had that story on the back burner. Is it because there are better restaurants in Boston?

Since we are a little short of explicit sexual content today,  make sure you read Sin's weekend entry at Finding My Submission. It's a "frank and comprehensive" catalog of things that turn her on. It left me wondering if this was a homework assignment from Big Bad, or just spontaneous human combustion.

Finally, getting back to Boston, here is an article from the Esquire ("lust during wartime") web site that was posted over the weekend (I found it on Facebook) describing the sexual implications of the big Boston lock-down on Friday.  It got me wondering if the town will see a big uptick in pregnancies nine months hence, like after the New York blackout a few decades ago.

Or were folks too busy watching TV to get it on?

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Shelter from the Storm

Here in River City, a long way from the surreal, violent and unnerving developments in greater Boston, a lot of folks were riveted to their radios and TVs yesterday, rooting for the men and women trying to apprehend a young man who's profile seemed increasingly confusing as the day went on. Thankfully, their mission was ultimately accomplished with no more loss of life. It was a rare triumph for hard work and cool heads.  But back to River City....

After some bracing wake-up sex in the UCTMW executive suite, Slave went to work in his cage, after Mistress took the cues that some of our followers have been leaving for us in the form of "more cage time" comments these last few days.  I'm thinking maybe it's time I created a pay barrier for out comments section! At least then I might profit from the extra discipline you guys have been pining for!

But Mistress decided to "shelter in place" in solidarity with our friends in Boston. And it seems she was busy, despite the WC's entreaties that she spend some time getting reacquainted with her favorite power tool.

I got home at around 5:30, though I'll confess I was distracted through the day not so much by the hard steel containing Mistress's work-a-day cock, but by the drama unfolding on NPR and my computer screen. It was hard to imagine a great American city on lock-down through the day, as the Police, FBI and other responders tightened the noose.  The interviews with the suspects friends and family made the story all the more compelling, and confusing.

And of course, the media coverage was bordering on maniacal, depending on the source. As NBC disclosed that the two suspects had roots in Chechnya, CNN seemed to stick to their story that they were really time travelers from the year 2320. Either that, or that they had actually been arrested two days earlier. No doubt the frenzied coverage was cranking up the panic in lots of homes in the Boston area. We were thinking of our friends at All Mine, and hoping they were safely locked their home and taking full advantage of the day off.

But before Mistress and Slave returned their attention to the news, there was some business to be taken care of....

"How about some worship, Mistress?"

"Sounds like a good idea, Slave.... and if you do a good job, I might even take the cage off...."

You can bet I applied myself in earnest to the task at hand.