Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Catch and Release

Here in River City we've been reading with some amusement the comments and commentary from Suzanne and the WC that Slave should be relegated to more cage time and fewer cums. You can catch the drift here.

Of course, every Domme has her own management style. I suppose I am quite fortunate that Mistress has not adopted the "spare the cage spoil the sub" approach that some adopt. Usually, my "cage time" is saved for those days when we drive to work separately, or when Mistress has other particularlized security concerns. Or wants to make a point. As an example, the other night, when she had an early Saturday evening engagement with a potential suitor, she had me "cage up" as a bit of a tease, releasing me later in the evening. But she has never required Slave to sleep in the cage, which from my perspective can be danged uncomfortable.

(In a few months, Mistress is going on an exotic trip with her mother and our daughters to the Far East for 13 days. She has yet to determine what security measures will be in place then.....maybe we need to find a proper 'key holder'?)

As for caged worship.... you will be happy to know that on my "cage days" the routine is that I worship her prior to any release. In other words, whether I am released is typically contingent on whether I please her properly. That seems more than fair, doesn't it?

And we certainly try to maintain a imbalanced cum ratio here as well, whether Slave is in or out of his cage.  My guess is that it is an average of 3-1 in favor of Mistress, not counting when she is involved with another lover, and she has a larger edge.

Of course, some of you poor Slaves out there may be going days (or weeks) at a time without a little release.


Yes, I know I am overly pampered in comparison. But Mistress seems to adopt the approach that says keeping her Slave frequently "milked" of those excess bodily fluids keeps me a more docile and co-operative Slave. Yes, it is a little different, but vive le difference!

Speaking of other lovers, Mistress has decided to throw her potential "frighteningly hot" Latin Lover back in the AM pond. Over the weekend she did a little more due diligence and deliberation, and concluded that this one, though tempting, was not worth her valuable time and energy.

And while it is her call, certainly, I must say that as her counselor on such matters, I fully concur.

LL works for a large and well known locally headquartered consumer goods company. The same one where "Mr. Perfect Cock" and Nick, another dude you may recall from last fall works. Not like they know one another. It's a huge company. But they all seem to come from the same mold. After they make "the sale', they seem to lose focus and move onto the next prospective customer. Not much of a bedside manner, so to speak.

Mistress's sense of LL was that once she had agreed to meet him at our house for an intimate little get together tomorrow, he marked her as "sold" in his ledger and lost the energy that had made her even consider someone so young and otherwise not her "type",  Further, her investigation of him via linked in and facebook made her realize that he did not have much to share with her other than a 35 year old cock. (Not that there's anything wrong with that!)

The trouble with Facebook is that it can sometimes reveal a little too much.

Sure, some folks like guys with a "man cave" in their faux tudor ex-urban McMansion with three big screen plasma TVs on one wall. But Mistress's own bias is someone who curls up with a book now and again.

"There would be nothing to talk about after he fucks me, Slave", was the tone of her verdict on LL.

Not surprisingly, LL was a little disconcerted when he discovered he had lost the sale he already had booked. Let's hope he didn't post it for shareholders in the quarterly report.

"He'll get over it Mistress.... but you'll always be the hot cougar who got away for him.... a little humility could be good for the guy."

Mistress already has a couple of new prospects she was e mailing with last night to fill her dance card.

And the good news for Slave: I guess Wednesday won't be a cage day after all!

Monday, April 8, 2013

In Memoriam II

RIP: Pre teen crush fodder for those of us who came of age in the 50's.
Video Highlights from Annette's career

In Memoriam

Thatcher: Tramp that Dirt Down

Click on the link above for the song and slide show!

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Date Night

Saturday is a traditional date night for Mistress and Slave. But last night....

At least not for Slave.

Instead, Mistress had arranged an early evening date with one of her prospects from AM. We'll call him the Chef, because he had that job a while back. (Ironically, his real name is Jay too.... how many Jays are there out there?) There seemed some potential for connection based on his profile, and Mistress decided to cut to the chase and meet him at a local bar / restaurant not far from our house, rather than engage in a long and tedious cyber flirtation.

 Suzanne will be happy to know that Mistress made clear what my status would be for the evening before she began primping for her  little date.

"I want you in your cage, Slave...."

"No problem, Mistress."

We were both a little grimy after a day outside... there had been morning sex, of course. And a bike ride. Slave did some of his "field slave" activities - mowing the newly burgeoning lawn. And Mistress had spent some time out on our deck, collecting some early spring rays.

So Mistress was showering before her date, and I joined her, taking along that nasty little steel ringthat forms the base of my cage. It is a little easier to smush my cock and balls through it under the arm water of our shower than otherwise.  Mistress watched the process with a little amusement.

"What an obedient Slave.... I'm glad I didn't have to remind you...."

Unfortunately, here was a little confusion about pre-date protocol, and Mistress called me on it as she applied her make-up.

"You didn't offer to worship, Slave...."


"Well... I wasn't sure if it's good idea to take off your sexual edge before a date, Mistress...."

"Hmmmm.... " she gave a little snicker...."clever excuse Slave...."

Naturally, I offered to make amends for my oversight, but Mistress demurred....but she did make sure I was safely locked away and that I had turned over the key to the cage for her to conceal somewhere out of sight.

Of course, Mistress looked quite fetching as she left.... a summery black dress showing a tad of thigh, naked legs and sexy but not overly slutty shoes. And a turquoise scarf and some of her SW jewelry to add a little flash. I was sure the Chef would be impressed.

While Mistress was off on her date, I did our weekly grocery shopping, then sat down tow atch the Louisville / Shockers game... which sadly had an un-shocking ending. (At least we've avoided the All Big East Refugees Championship game.)  I did get a text from Mistress letting me know all was well, and then, towards the end of the game, notice that she would be home soon for dinner.

When she arrived home I poured her a glass of wine, and began our dinner, some gnocchi with a sauce of my own creation.

"He was nice Slave.... tall....we had a lot to talk about.... he seemed very interested....but I am not sure I am attracted to him. "

There's no accounting for chemistry, is there?

"He wants to take me to dinner this week..... we'll see."

So I would say the jury is out on the Chef.  Like my alma mater's boys team, he could be "one and done."

We settled into a couch with our gnocchi, then watched an episode of a show we'd been following. By then Mistress had stripped to a nighty. After we finished eating, her clean shaven folds became a bit of a distraction there on the couch next to me.... particularly since Mistress had not seen seen clear to unlock her cock just yet.

"I'm looking forward to that opportunity for worship, Mistress....."

"I'll bet you are, Slave....."