Friday, April 5, 2013

"Frighteningly Hot"

That was how Mistress described her prospective LL when she arrived at my office a little after 1:30 pm yesterday. Naturally, I had been curious about how things were proceeding, as I sat at my desk, locked away in my cage. She did give me a brief text message a few minutes before hand saying she was "on the way" after their 90 minutes over fish tacos.

I de-briefed her as I shut the door, slid the apolstered chair against it, and laid the maroon blanket across it's surface. Mistress had dressed quite nicely for her "date", a black dress showing knee and a tad of thigh, bare legs, and black heels.


And as she wriggled out of her black undies and spread her legs, our conversation continued as I fell to my knees, though my lips and tongue were otherwise engaged.

"Yes, Slave.... he's pretty hot... and really doesn't seem to young for me."

"What's next, Mistress?"

"He wanted to get together with me tomorrow [Friday] but my schedule is just jammed.... so we decided he'd come by the house next Wednesday morning."

"Sounds like a good way to spend 'hump day' Mistress....."

"Mmmmm...... "

I wasn't sure if that sound was generated by the culmination of my oral attentions, or Mistress already considering her plans for Wednesday morning.

"Did he try to kiss you, Mistress...."

"No, but he did give me a hug goodbye out on the sidewalk. I guess I acted a little strange, but he said 'what's the big deal.... I'm going to be fucking you by Wedneday...."

"I suppose he had a point, Mistress....."

"Plus what's strange about giving a business acquaintaince a little hug...."

But last night, after some worship, a bike ride and post- bike ride sex I did notice Mistress sorting through the photos on her eye phone.

"Hmmm.... I just can't seem to find that cock shot he sent, Slave....."

Hope she found it. It would be rude to act as if they'd never been introduced cum Wednesday.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Slave Back in the Cage

I suppose if it's worth a headline, there are some of our readers likely to conclude that Slave doesn't get enough quality "cage time". But we have been traveling a lot, haven't we? ANd you wouldn't expect me to wear a cock cage whilst skiing would you?

In any event, Mistress has a lunch time "date" with her prospective latin lover, and made her plans for me clear.

"I think you should be in your cage tomorrow, Slave."

"Of course, Mistress."

She's lunching with LL just down the block from my office, and says she will stop by afterwards for some worship and to give me an update. LL knows that Mistress's "hubby" is in on their cyber flirtation so fat.

"He says he hopes I'll have some good stories to share with you, Slave....."

But Mistress remains a little skeptical.  After all, we've been to this rodeo before, and most of the guys turn out to be less than self-advertised.

Maybe these "first dates", are a little too much like opening day in River City. Lots of hype, hope springing eternal. But when they actually start playing the games.... well, it turns out that new lead off hitter, or the upgraded starting rotation are not all they are cracked up to be, right?

Fortunately, Slave and Mistress have each other to fall back upon. The whole cuckold fantasy is a hot one for both of us..... And the concept  seems to have caught on in the wider world hasn't it.  Check out this rather amusing video, one of a series, I stumbled on at YouTube. cuckold talk. But Mistress and Slave  aren't exactly having a sexual dry-spell without it are we?

Indeed, last night, there was some rather hot sex in our empty nest after our bike ride. And this morning, as a little warm up for her date, Mistress will have the benefit of Slave's work-a-day cock a little extra firm as a result of that hard steel ring that forms the base of my cage.

No, whatever happens with LL, I plan to make sure Mistress has a solid quota of cums today. But can you blame a woman for considering the merits of a somewhat larger cock mounted on some 35 year old stud?

I can't.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Cock Shot Proliferation

Mistress and Slave are back in River City. Nothing like some gray sky and snow flurries on opening baseball season day to remind you that you are no longer in the land of Enchantment. In fact, maybe "disenchantment" best summarizes our state of mind after a day back behind our desks.

Nevertheless, we move on, and at least Mistress has some "shopping" to look forward to this week as she evaluates two potential suitors.

By Sunday, she had taken over Slave's correspondence duties with a certain Latin Lover, and by the time we were riding home from the River City aerodrome that evening, he had escalated (or should I say de-escalated) the level of discourse to subjects including favorite positions, threesomes, bondage,oral sex, etc. 

"I'm not sure what we'll have left to talk about at lunch on Thursday,  Slave."

Not surprisingly, he's a hot blooded fellow at 35, who has already pointed out that he would just love it if Mistress could find another woman for a three way.

"He's already got another babe involved and he hasn't even fucked you yet, Mistress?"

When he said he'd happily return the favor and share her with another guy, Mistress had a tart response.

"Don't worry, I know exactly where I can find the other guy."

Glad to know she was thinking of me.

Yesterday, he was already sending Mistress the infamous cock shot, which she told me about via text.

"What is it with guys and self-portraits of their cocks, Mistress?"

You see, Mistress has been undertaking a seemingly endless effort to root out past cock shots from her I-photo collection. The evils of "photo stream" have created a problem some of you may appreciate. Photos seem to migrate endlessly across boundaries between I-phone, laptop and whatever other Apple devices you have. Mistress found that suddenly she had 11, 000 photos on her thin little "Air" lap top, gobbling up available memory. And salted among them were not only the cute nakers photos of her that Slave sometimes takes, but also a collection of angry male appendages that kept cropping up again and again, no matter how many times she deleted them. The thought of one of our sullen co-eds "accidentally" discovering some of these photos on a family computer while downloading bootleg audio files is a source of heart burn for us.

Of course, a few of those cock shots were mine, all caged up, to show I was following the proper protocol when she was out of town,

But the ones that were thick , proud and ready for action belonged to some folks I will not name here to avoid potential embarrassment.

"Just when I though I had gotten rid of those, now.... more cock shots, Slave... Argggh."

She showed me one sample, and I suppose it was impressive, though it was hard to compare to a certtain "special occasion cock". 

"You really need to line them up against a coffee mug, pickle,  or magic marker to get the right perspective, Mistress."

We discussed the strange need of some men to get their goods so conspicuously out on the table, even before the first public meeting.

"I guess some folks take more pride in their peters, than I do, Mistress... to me it's just an accessory, but not the center of my self-worth."

"Who knows, Slave.... maybe he was afraid I would think there wasn't one there unless he showed it to me?"

"One suggestion though Mistress.... until this need of his passes, turn off the fucking photo stream."

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Returning to Reality

Mistress and Slave had one last glorious sunset last night before we pack up this morning and head back to the grim flatlands of River City. Our readers and facebook compadres may get tired of those sunset shots, but apparently we never get tired of taking them, or watching them from our porch.

We ended the evening here in proper form: dinner at a lovely little restaurant just down the street, followed by some long, slow and passionate love making here in our bed.

It may be a while until we are back here together. We've front loaded a good deal of our vacation this year to push the boundaries on ski days (the secret we won't tell the folks back at the office: more than 30 days on the slopes this season). But we will try to take the spirit of the mountains back with us.

Somehow during our last day I forgot to tune in to see how Suzanne's team faired against Syracuse. When I finally figured out the score, I was wondering: when did the Warriors reestablish their football program? It seemed more like a football than a basketball score. That part of the Big East this Slave will not miss!  Sorry Suzanne, at least they got farther than my lads. But there are always the ladies to root on!

Back in River City, I suspect it will take a while for us to come up for air. Many items have been back-burnered and will have to be thawed then re-heated. So you may not get an update for a few days.

Of course  Mistress has some upcoming interactions with several AM prospects, including her potential latin lover, who has spent the weekend persuading her that a nearly 15 year age difference is not a problem for what he has in mind. I am sure Mistress will give him a fair hearing, maybe with demonstrative evidence, before she pronounces her verdict.

So for now, happy trails to all of you. And one more picture: we have moon rises as well as sunsets out here in the high desert: