Friday, January 25, 2013

Abstinence Day Redux?

It's been cold here in River City this week.... not "cups of boiling water freezing in your hand" cold as Sin was touting from the great north... but cold enough for Mistress to forego her black tights for her black satin pants yesterday.  And while Slave is a tights fetishist going back to my elementary school days, I must say I enjoy the texture and feel of those satin pants.

With the sullen teen home, and an early performance for me yesterday morning, Slave and Mistress also had to forego our traditional wake-up sex on Thursday morning.  So it was fortunate that Mistress was able to stop by my office after a lunch meeting. It did not take her long to wriggle out of those black satin pants and assume her proper position on her "throne", once it was pressed against my office door.  Slave was quickly on his knees, serving up a little post-lunch dessert.

Of course, my "reward" was expected later, in the privacy of the executive suite.

At the end of the day our daughter was hungry. And since she has elected to be a vegetarian, and the cupboard was running bare, we elected to walk down to a little neighborhood restaurant for dinner. By the time we were home, and some of the household chores were finished we retired to the our room, a tad later than normal.

Slave offered to perform his husbandly duties, but Mistress demurred. 

"Slave, I'm quite satisfied after today's lunchtime worship....  you'll just have to wait until morning."


Now we used to have a weekly abstinence day here at UCTMW, applicable only to Slave of course.

"It's good for you to exercise a little self control now and then, Slave", was the message.

And I am overly pampered, as some of you have noted regularly.

I'm wondering ... is Mistress is deciding to exercise a little more of her authority over her Slave?

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Sent to Our Room

The nest is filling up again, at least through Sunday.

Our well traveled daughter is back from the land down under, looking tanned, and having fully exploited the 18 year drinking age there with her buddies, who are  on their summer holiday. (I'm still waiting for the Creationists to explain why God would ever make it summer on one hemisphere and winter on another.)

We picked her up late Tuesday night at the airport, after fully exploiting our last evening alone this week here at the UCTMW World HQ

Then last night, after I made dinner, as she sprawled across our couch and worked on the photos from her adventure, we asked if she'd like to watch a TV show with us.... maybe the latest episode of Girls, or Californication.

She looked at us with the disdain that only a 19 year old can muster.

"Why don't you just go to your room."

Well, OK. Why argue with that "sentence".  There were some clean shaven folds to worship, after all.

Monday, January 21, 2013

Catching Up for Lost Switch Days

It's been a while since Slave properly exercised his Switch privileges on a Sunday.... have I been lazy? Or was it simply the holidays and kids around that kept me in my more apropos submissive role?

In any event, with an empty nest yesterday, and no big plans other than heading to the gym early, and watching football late, there was no impediment for me giving Mistress a taste of her own medicine, was there?

So after returning from the gym, Mistress was instructed to strip off those spinning togs and lie on her tummy as I afixed those red cuffs to her wrists and then attached her properly to the bed.

Her ass was satisfactorily reddened with the palm of my hand, with a little twat tweeking interspersed to build up a little tension.

"What are you doing Slave?"

"Keeping you a little on edge Mistress.... will it be a slap from my palm, or my highly experienced digits sliding to and fro through those clean shaven folds?"

It was nice to have her going from cries of "agony", to moans of delight and back again.

But I'm really not programmed to frustrate Mistress.  So it wasn't long before I reached under the bed for her favorite power tool, that ended up thrust between those firm, well exercised thighs. Soon those ass muscles were flexing, tensing, trying to purchase just the right level of stimulation as I twisted and probed with her Hitachi.

Of course, the machine was turned off for a bit if it seemed she was getting there a little too fast. We had all morning after all....

"What are you doing, Slave?", she asked in frustration.

'What's your rush, Mistress?"

After I switched her little toy on again, pressing its churning bulb again betwixt those creamy folds,  she soon was begging to cum.....

And who was I to deny her?

She moaned into her pillow, her whole body tensing, pressing hard as she could against her power tool as she went over the edge....

"That was nice, Slave....."

"We're not done just yet, Mistress....

No, Slave had to cash in his chips too.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

His Spooky Girlfriend

It's been a particularly low key weekend here in River City.

With a sullen teen returning from the land down under on Tuesday night, it's our last empty nest weekend for .... well, another week of so.

So why not just hang out, go to the gym, have some wake up sex, then more afternoon sex after a nice decadent nap.

Today's plans are pretty much the same. But maybe the AM sex will wait until after the gym today, to accommodate Mistress's early spinning class.

Then there may be some football to watch this afternoon and evening. I'll try to make sure Mistress's clean shaven folds don't get too lonely though.

I did take some time yesterday to visit my grumpy Mother, while Mistress had lunch with her Mom. I could tell that the story about my alma mater's linebacker and his non-existent not-dead girlfriend had gone viral when it was the first thing my mother asked me about after I poured myself some tepid coffee and passed on the post-dated milk in her refrigerator.

Of course, her perspective on the story was not quite as nuanced as some.

"What's this about with the Notre Dame guy who had the pretend girlfriend?"

She didn't know the back story. Hadn't realized that the story had been milked by the media for months as if he really had a girlfriend who died on the same day as his grandma. All she knew was that this guy thought he had a girlfriend who died, and it turned out that she was never real at all.

"How dumb can you be?"

"Well, Mom you need to consider the fact that he is a linebacker....."

That seemed to go over her head. So I had to explain that in this modern age, it's not all that unusual for folks to meet and build relationships of a sort on line, and maybe only communicate by email or text message. Maybe they talk on the phone too. I didn't get into the concept of phone sex... Nor did I explain that her beloved daughter in law had a similar arrangement with a certain Western Correspondent of her vast media empire that went on for a couple of years before we were able to verify his actual existence.

She might have thought all of us were a little dumb,  or crazy, like that ND kid.

I also explained my operating theory: that the kid had been suckered into this relationship by some people who were in it for sport, and that he had been let down by the spinners and coaches at ND who had let the story be exploited by the media even though it seemed a tad incredible from the very beginning.

Maybe a 20 year old Mormon linebacker from Hawaii can be naive and gullible. But the  press flacks at a major University and his Coaches -- they should have been experienced and clever enough to ask the right questions: like if your girlfriend is really dead, how come you're not even asking to go to the funeral, kid? 

Did they peddle and milk the story to pump up his chances to win the Heisman trophy, something that would surely help the University's own image and recruiting prospects? The same place that asked a QB when I was there to change the pronunciation of his name to rhyme with that big assed trophy?


Or were they just dumb, like the media that did no fact checking on this sad, tear jerking tale as they used it to build ratings for the BCS Championship game on January 7th?

But at least it provided something for my Mom and me to talk about other than who's sick and which mother of one of my brother's old girlfriends died last month.

Spooky Girlfriend