Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Heading West

Mistress and Slave are heading west this morning to the Mile High City. Our plan is to perform a snap inspection of the UCTMW Western HQ and collect the keys and company AMEx card from our erstwhile Western Correspondent. Although we've spent a lot of time conversing with him via email, text and telephone, and Mistress had her moments of cuber bliss with him over the years, we've actually never seen Miguel in the flesh.

Not for lack of trying, we might add.

I note that Mistress has dolled herself up nicely for the occasion, with those sext tights, a mid thigh skirt, and some sexy ankle boots.

We have the co-ordinates for our lunch down, and look forward to reporting to you all later this week.

I might add that Slave is a tad horny this morning. You see Mistress had a late night rendezvous with Mr. Perfect Cock in our bedroom, as Slave slept down the hall. I'll also report more on that later. But duffice it to say Mistress is a little sleepy.

"It seemed we fucked most of the night, Slave.... I'll need to catch up on my sleep on the plane."

K seemed pleased with the coffee service and other hospitality I provided this am. And I must say I slept pretty well..... I caught some of the pre-midnight moaning of delight from Mistress, but slept through the early morning re-match.

More later, since they're calling our flight now.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Dinner With Mr. Perfect Cock

Before we get into Mistress's strategy for avoiding Sunday NFL widowhood, let me address Friday evening. You may recall the plan whereby Slave would make dinner for a certain would be Dom who was going to come over and cast his spell on Mistress?

Well Mr. Would be Dom had a last minute "scheduling snafu" that forced him to cancel on Mistress late Friday afternoon. It left her wondering if he was yet another guy who likes to talk big via email, text and telephone, but gets cold feet when it comes time to deliver. Somehow I think he may have trouble getting back onto Mistress's busy schedule anytime soon.

But I threw cold water on her initial  thought of posting a bitchy blog on the theme of "I'm done with these assholes once and for all", because I had a feeling she might have a change of heart once the prospect of an eager and earnest cock popped up on the horizon.

And, sure enough, by Saturday morning, when texts from "Mr. Perfect Cock" (aka, K) began to arrive wondering how her weekend was going and if she might be interested in a visit, she suddenly reconsidered that resolution.

"So , remind me, what's our plan for Sunday, Slave?"

I mentioned my hopes of watching the late afternoon showdown from Mitt Romney's new hometown between the Pussycats and the Bolts.

"Maybe we invite K over for dinner, Slave? He says he'd like to meet you."

"I'm happy to do the cooking, Mistress."

So Slave went to the grocery, and did a little leaf raking early Sunday, while Mistress spent some platonic afternoon time with J and his son, who has now moved into the former "Love Shack". Then we both met back at the UCTMW World HQ for a nap before the evening's festivities.

K arrived at half time in the Pussycats game, after Slave had prepped for dinner.

In physical terms, he was exactly as Mistress advertised: about 6' 1" or so, very fit, and Abercrombie Model handsome.

I can see why Mistress was smitten in a sort of little girl in a candy shop sort of way. And since he's almost 20 years younger than old Mick, well, he seemed more like a potential son-in-law to me than a contemporary.

There was that slightly awkward moment when Slave opened the door to greet him. He had that look in the eye that suggested he figured there was a not inconsiderable chance I had a chain saw hidden behind my back.

But we overcame that as he saw Mistress seated on the couch, looking Sunday jeans casual. And I poured them both a glass of wine, then say down again to watch the 2nd half.  There were a few awkward moments when Mistress speculated aloud that maybe K would prefer to watch the game with me rather than adjourn to her boudoir for something less passive and more physical. (It was pretty obvious to me what K had in mind, though he may have been a tad reluctant to say so in mixed company).

So I made an excuse to go grab another bottle of wine from the basement to let her close that deal. Sure enough, I was coming back up the stairs when I heard Mistress call out "We'll be just upstairs, Slave....."

This allowed Slave to enjoy the game - a nifty come from behind win in the final minutes affair for the River City team - knowing that Mistress was hardly getting bored.

I did feel a little intrusive when - the game over and Slave getting hungry - I called upstairs to suggest it might be time to eat soon. It was approaching 8 pm by then, and I had heard nothing from them tad an occasional groan of floor board or moan of delight from Mistress once I had turned off the TV.

Mistress called back and asked how much time they had.  I suggested 15 minutes, hoping that would allow the Perfect Cock time to bring things to a suitable climax. I mean they'd been at it for at least an hour already, right?

But ultimately they did re-emerge, Mistress now in a silky cream colored robe. (I forgot to check to see if there were any undies underneath).

At dinner, K was the perfect guest - cleaning his plate and asking for 2nds. He had worked up an appetite, and a chef always likes to see his art appreciated.

And it turns out he's not nearly as dull and full of himself as his informal title might suggest, despite the protestations from the WC.

He's an engineer for a local company, played NCAA hockey for one of those well known east coast programs, and can talk about cooking, architecture and other suitable topics, though he seems a tad clueless in the political realm.And he still plays hockey in a local men's league.

He is quiet though. "Taciturn" was the word I would use. But not in a bad way. More in that Gary Cooper kind of way. It could be  his Danish family background.

I let the two of them talk after dinner as I did the clean up.  And after he left, Mistress had good reviews for their evening together.

"I did a lot of cock riding Slave....."

"And I'll bet lots of cums too?"

"Yes..... he says I'm the most attractive woman he's been with...."

"That doesn't surprise me in the least, Mistress....."

"He is kind of perfect, Slave.... his body is rather amazing.... he's in great shape."

That does sound like a nice alternative to watching NFL football, doesn't it?

Saturday, December 1, 2012

New Harvard Club Needs Guidance

 Vanessa over at Fetish Furniture Factory shared this link from Fox News , which we needed to pass along as well.

 "An informal group that calls itself “Harvard College Munch” began meeting last year in the dining hall to discuss the sexual ties that bind them, and it is on the brink of gaining recognition from the school's Committee on Student Life."
 Harvard to welcome kinky sex club for students | Fox News

Nothing more amusing than see that great thinker Bill O'Reilly debate the merits of who pays for the handcuffs at Harvard.

But what occurred to me is who would be the faculty adviser for this new organization.... who would show them the ropes, or provide guidance on the right type of harness to go with that dildo so the cute but dominant Co-Ed could introduce  the left guard from the Crimson football squad to his softer side.

Now I think we all have gotten the impression that Suzanne over at All Mine has some role in higher education. Though the exact institution of higher learning where she plies her trade, fantasizes about the hunks in her classroom, and wards off student advances is cloaked in mystery.

Is it Harvard? Brandeis? MIT? Who knows. But I'm sure under these circumstances they might consider her for a visiting faculty member appointment.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

HNT/ Tight and Boot Season

Slave has a bit of a fetish for hose and tights, so the only bonus I can think of when the weather turns cold here in River City is that Mistress wriggles into her (usually) black tights most work day mornings.  They provide a distracting view when I chauffeur her to work as I did yesterday. And give me something to look forward to when she can stop by for some mid-day worship, as she did again before a lunch meeting yesterday.

Fortunately, she had elected to wear her "peek-a-boo" tights, which gave me easy access once I slid the chair against my office door and spread the soft absorbent blanket I keep on hand for such occasions. Once seated in her throne, all she had to do was spread her sexy gams and let her kneeling, obsequious slave get to work.


Then she was off to her lunch date with a client. AS she waited at the restaurant she did too off a quick text.

"Thanks for the lick, Slave...."

I was happy to be of service.

Another service I provide for Mistress is pointing her to new blogs that might peak her interest. Truth be told, Mistress does not follow many of the blogs on our blog roll, but she does seem engaged by a new blog by David, the "Tactile Dom", called A Bull's Life .  David has commented here before, which led us to his relatively new blog.  He's one of those rare male bloggers in this realm of the blog-o-sphere, and even rarer because he's presenting the perspective of the male cuckolder (as opposed to the sub or cuckoldee like old Mick and some others out there).

Mistress always seems anxious to catch up on developments in his effort to recruit a new couple, and on more than one occasion has expressed curiosity about where he lives (sadly, in the Northeast it appears, not the heartland).

Ironically, David has a first potential engagement with a new couple o Friday evening, when Mistress and Slave will be entertaining Matt here in River City.

It will be interesting to compare notes with the Tactile Dom when the dust settles over the weekend.