Wednesday, November 7, 2012

A Festival of Democracy

Slave spent the last several days as I have the last few election cycles: working within an organization devoted to protecting the right to vote.

This year saw a particularly aggressive effort to make it harder to vote in our state and around the country.

The cynical math was that the fewer  folks who voted, the better the chances for the political establishment that wanted to turn back to an earlier (and less inclusive) time.  After a night like last night, the punditry is already proclaiming that what was unclear 48 hours ago was pre-destined. Inevitable.

Don't believe a word of it. It took a whole lot of work, as well as the determination of folks here and around the nation to wait in long lines in often hostile weather and conditions to make it happen. They would not be suppressed.

The satisfaction of fighting that fight successfully is pretty strong today here at the UCTMW World HQ. But we did rouse ourselves for some celebratory wake-up sex. And now its back to our "day" jobs. 

We'll get back to normal here after a good night's sleep tonight.  Until then, no matter who you voted for, we should all celebrate a country that can fight it out at the ballot box, and then, hopefully, move forward.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Mistress Spends her Sunday With David

Cougar Week may be  over, but there is at least one 'keeper' so far from Mistress's little experiment.  After our morning sexual rituals here at the UCTMW World HQ yesterday morning, Mistress got focused on primping for her "Command Performance" up in the little college town where our cute Co-Ed is matriculating.

"He says I'm to wear a skirt, Slave."

"No doubt he wants full access to those clean shaven folds, Mistress. And who can blame him?"

So as Slave read the election news with a high degree of angst, Mistress slid into her "surprise", the peek-a-boo tights that definitely provide an "all access pass" to the lucky guy de jour.

She even had me hook up the back of her sweet black corset.  What do you think og the package that David had the privilege of unwrapping yesterday:

Mistress was out the door by 9 am. Slave did some leaf raking, then headed off to watch Payton Manning dismantle my helpless pussycats.  It turned out  I was wise to avoid a bet with the WC with Mistress's lovely ass on the line.

During the game, Mistress texted that David had elected to take her to dinner after a full day of 'other' activity. 

"I'll be home in a few hours, slave."

After the game, Slave visited the local Board of Elections, where local voters, mostly African American, were waiting in a three hour line in the cold and dusk to vote early.  Their determination to be counted certainly was inspiring.

At home I fixed some dinner, and enjoyed the replay of my alma mater's unlikely OT victory on Saturday evening. At least one of my teams won over the weekend!

But nagging in the back of my  twisted mind was the image of Mistress in that sexy outfit, being fully exploited by her younger lover. I certainly was curious to know how things went.

She made it home safely at a little after 9 pm. And was surprisingly refreshed after her long day. She confirmed my suspicion. Amidst all the sex they had time to take a Sunday afternoon nap before dinner. A good choice, and a sign that the two of them must be meshing.

"Even his dog liked me, Slave."

Which says a lot, since Mistress would not be mistaken for a dog person.

"Did he like the peek-a-boo tights, Mistress."

"Oh yes.... and my ass too. He says I have the ass of a 19 yr. old cheerleader."

In summation, a good time was had by all. And Mistress collected a full photon torpedo spread of cums.

"I lost count Slave...."

(Though that did not prevent me from awarding her with one more cum via my anxious lips and tongue as she lay there in be next to me. She even slept in the peek-a-boo tights, to cater to my particular kink for them).

Before we drifted off to sleep, Mistress announced that David will be coming to dinner again on Thursday night.

Sounds like a keeper.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Another One Bites the Dust

We left you hanging here Friday afternoon with Slave heading home to see how Mistress did with her "nooner" engagement with K, the 43 year older who was a late contender for Mistress's Cougar Week play-offs.

On the drive home, Mistress let me know that the "coast was clear", so I did not have to worry about barging into anything that would make all of us blush. 

I found Mistress in bed, her laptop open, under the covers, dressed in one of her cute little nighties. She had that post-well - fucked look on her face.

"My body's sore, slave...."

The debriefing went as you might expect, if you were a 61 year old Slave / Cuckold coming home after your wife had spent a few hours in bed with a young(er) stud.

"He knows what he's doing Slave.... and he 'bounces back' quickly.... we did it three times betweem 1:30 and 4:00."

"Impressive, Mistress."

And he likes different positions.... from the side, from behind, me riding his cock."

"Sounds like you had a lot of orgasms, Mistress...."

"Oh, I did Slave...."

"But I detect a slight lack of enthrallment...."

"Well.... I have to say, he's a little strange...."

"How so, Mistress...."

"Well, kind of full of himself.... he actually said 'some women say I have the perfect cock'."

"Well was it perfect? 

"It was OK, Slave.... but nothing to marvel over."

"Glad to know the WC doesn't have to worry about that...."

"And his situation is pretty strange...."

Mistress went on to describe the fact that K, who is divorced, has what some might consider a bizarre relationship with a woman who lives out west.... they met on a yahoo chat page, and have had a three year relationship. But they've only actually been together three times.  But he says  she's planning to move in with him at the end of the school year, along with her child.

OK, maybe that's not so odd. But K, who had said he also wants a 'live' relationship here in River City, is rather tightly leashed by this woman.

"He says he can't go more than about 2 hours without 'checking in' with her.... so, if I spent the night at his house, he'd have to be able to talk to her for about an hour or more every night..."

"So he's got you there, but is probably having phone sex with her in another room?  Ewww....."

"Very Ewwww, Slave....."

"Had he told you about all this before...."

"There were wiffs of it Slave, but not all the details."

"So what made you overcome that initial reluctance, I mean some of his texts were pretty anal... like whether you could PDA in public, or go on weekend trips with him, even before you figured whether there was a spark?"

"I guess I fell for those superficial good looks, Slave. He has this Abercrombie model handsome thing going for him.... and making out with him on the park bench was kind of hot. But, truth be told, after the first time we had sex, I was ready for him the leave."

"But at least you got those extra cums for the 2nd and 3rd times, Mistress."

"True... but now my body hurts...."

Poor Mistress.

But yesterday she sent  K a brief text message which she read to me. The gist was that it was nice meeting him, but his situation was way too complicated, and she had no desire to get in the middle of his relationship with the lady from out west.

Good bye  Mr. Perfect Cock.

That leaves David and Matt.

Matt is the "nice guy", divorced, who has been dutifully texting Mistress this weekend from his trip with his two cute kids to the Smokies. They have another dinner scheduled Wednesday night. He's the tortoise in the race. But as Mistress says, maybe he needs a wife, not a lover.

And as it turns out David, the free spirit, texted Mistress early this morning, taking advantage of the time change.

He's "summoned" his "little slave" to come up to his town today even earlier than planned, and dictated that she wear a skirt.  She seems excited by these demands, and will surprise him with her "peek-a-boo" tights. It's cold out here this morning !

Fortunately, there was still some time for wake-up sex for her dutiful Slave.  But there is a downside.

"All these rendezvous are messing with my exercise schedule, Slave. But amazingly, I've lost 8 pounds in a week."

"Wow.  There could be a book in this: "The Mistress Molly Diet:  Cougar Your Way to a New You".

I'll get the editorial staff on it.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Mistress Has Another Brush With the Law

You could call this a bonus post, but then there have been so many things going on at the UCTMW World HQ that its hard to keep up with events.

First, there is the tampering with our "valuable" personnel assets by our friendly competitors over at All Mine. Sure, Suzanne, we appreciate your generous promotion of our blog. But all this fawning over the WC's once every few months posting about the come on he's getting from that disgruntled horny housewife at his gym who works out sans undies was a little over the top. Miguel throws in some quotation marks and suddenly he's James Joyce?  This is more sucking up than Jay's Trophy Cock gets most weekdays.  I'm a little concerned that you are trying to get the WC to jump ship, despite the stringent terms of his ironclad non-compete.  At least let's work a trade. Maybe Sherry would like to spend some time over here at UCTMW?

But what has gotten me on the laptop before heading home this evening has more to do with Mistress's date last night with K.  They met at a local restaurant, a few miles from our house, in a rustic old neighborhood along some old railroad tracks.  The restaurant sits on a quiet little square, which is where Mistress had her little brush with the law last night.

When I signed off last night entry here, all I knew was that Mistress's date appeared to exceed the diminished expectations she had beforehand.  What was supposed to be dinner at 8 pm had lasted until around 11 pm.

Shortly after Jon Stewart came on, I did get a text saying she'd "be home soon."

And sure enough, she was home by around 11:30 pm, a wicked smile on her face.

"That was a surprise, Slave.... he may be the best one yet.  Much nicer in person than on the phone. And very sexual."

"Hmmm.... How could you tell?"

Well after dinner, he walked me to the car, but we decided to sit for a while on the park bench there on the square. It was dark... no one was around.... so we started to make out."

"And how did that go, Mistress..."

In the meantime Slave is being reminded that his cage is still locked tight. But this sex talk is making it suddenly much, much tighter.

"Nice Slave.... he's a very good kisser...."

She's taking off her dress now....

"How about unlocking the cage, Mistress?"

"We'll get there Slave.... let me wash my face first."


"But just as things were getting hot.... well a cop pulled up.... asked what we were doing there, and reminded us that 'loitering' was prohibited."

"I guess you're lucky he didn't run you in.... it might have been a little embarrassing to K if I had to bail you both out."

Ultimately, Mistress did unlock me. And it was obvious there was a little undischarged sexual energy that needed to be dealt with by her Slave's devoted lips and tongue. And by the time that was done, well, Slave's work-a-day cock was eager to get into the action. As we fucked, I did a little more debriefing.

"He was playing with my breasts Slave.... through my top.... and he slid his hand between my legs... my regular tights were on.... but it was nice...."

"Did you come, Mistress...."

"No.... I didn't want him to think I was TOO easy....."

"And what about your hands Mistress. Did they wander?"

"Did I feel his cock you mean? Why yes I did, Slave...."


"Hard Slave..... and he seems very well endowed...."

I guess it was good that the Cops asked them to "move on". Who knows where things would have gone.

"So is there a return engagement scheduled Mistress?"

"Why yes... we compared schedules and we're both taking the afternoon off tomorrow. meeting right here at 1 pm.... So I guess you and I will be driving separately."

Mistress thought it should be a cage day. But since I had a meeting in a building with a metal detector, Slave got off the hook today. Good thing too, since sitting in a boring meeting contemplating my wife in bed with her new lover might have been especially painful.

She did call me on her way home, around 12:15 pm.  "Is it bad that I'm doing this with the 2nd guy this week, Slave?"

"Three if you count me, Mistress.... and its in within four days come to think of it."

"It's good you're keeping track."

Well I've killed enough time at the office. It's almost 5:30. I warned her I'd be home around 6 pm.  What I don't know is whether K will be there when I get home.

Could be interesting.