Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Mistress's Second Date Night

For those following the adventures of Molly and Mick, you may be waiting with baited breath to see how things turned out on Mistress's 2nd consecutive date night with her alternative AM suitor. 

But before we get there, I should note that the prospect from Sunday night had a gracious response to Mistress's "no chemistry" email:

Sigh ......   I am disappointed.  I was hoping for a more intimate adventure with you.  The dreaded lack of chemistry, so vague, yet I understand perfectly.   It is either there or not and one cant fabricate it if it is not.  I did sense we did not have extensive sexual chemistry, but I was hoping there was enough. 
Regardless, I enjoyed the night, I had no expectations, and wish you well.  
But let's move onto Monday evening. 
Mistress arranged to meet him at a trendy restaurant downtown, just a block away from my office and Nic's hotel, at around 6:30 pm. Slave had a meeting to go to, and also stopped off to say hi to my cute grand kids. Then I headed home to watch the last big debate of the season.
Mistress was unsure about what might happen after dinner. 
If no chemistry, well, she'd make her excuses and join me to watch Mitt and Barack bicker.
But what if there was chemistry?
"Would it be slutty to go to his hotel room on the first date, Slave?"
We discussed this here last week, but Mistress was still a little confused.
"My guess is the interactions you have with him will tell the story Mistress. Follow your cunt, so to speak...."
"Oh, Slave...."
But I think that's what happened.
Around 7:27 pm (barely an hour into dinner) I got a text from her: 
"Hi Slave.
Mistress may head to his room for a little bit. OK?"
I quickly concluded that her clean shaven folds were sending her a certain message. No doubt the "pump priming" that Nic had engaged in as he laid siege  to her baser impulses via email and text message over the last week  had their desired effect. 

At about 8:30 pm,  shortly before the debate started, I got a call from her.

"Heading over to his hotel, Slave..... is this bad?"

"Are you already wet, in anticipation?"

"Hmmm.... I guess I am...."

"Well then, go for it...."

She sent me this photo via text to let me know the hotel room where she could be found:

It was smart to do, and also a bit of a cock tease as well. Not that I could fully appreciate the gesture, since Slave was still locked away in my cage, where I stayed until around 11:15 pm or so when Mistress arrived home.

Mistress did have that well fucked glow to her when she strolled into our bedroom, and shared with me a little of the details of her evening out.

"He's got that Italian charm, Slave.... very attentive. And he clearly liked my body....
he said he's usually an ass and legs man, but went kind of nuts over my breasts.... in fact my nipples are pretty sore ....  lot's of squeezing and biting, Slave.

"Awww, poor Mistress....."

Sounds like  he felt comfortable taking charge of things.

"Once we were in the room, he pushed me against the wall, held my arms over my head and kissed me hard, Slave....."
So contrary to the WC's conjecture, sounds like Mistress does not have another Sub to manage.

Of course, there was some slow "make out" time before Mistress lost her undies.  

"Was he impressed by your clean shaven look?"

"He loved it Slave.... said he was embarrassed to ask in advance, but wanted to...."

As you can imagine, Mistress was a little tuckered out, and Slave had to wait for his sexual privileges until this morning. But I did get to savor her well utilized parts before we drifted off (making it a little harder for Slave to drift off, come to think of it.)

You can imagine how desperate I was by this morning. Fortunately, Mistress was indulgent when I begged for permission to come.

And I'm home again alone tonight, BTW.  Nic is in town for 3 nights this week.

"Slave, since he won't be back until next month, it would be a shame to waste that opportunity, wouldn't it?"

"Of course it would, Mistress."

She was indulgent though in letting me know where the key to my cage was. 

"But remember.... no touching Slave...."

At his suggestion, she brought an overnight bag with her, and may or may not spend the night.

"We'll see how it goes, Slave....but if I do spend the night, then remember to wear your cage again tomorrow."

"Yes, Mistress...."

I even walked her over to his hotel today at the end of the work day, parting with a kiss on the sidewalk.

"Is this weird, Slave? You walking me to the hotel before my tryst with a guy I just met yesterday?"

"Weird, maybe. But not a bad weird."

We kissed again.

"So want to bet whether you end up having sex before dinner, Mistress.... then again after?"

She actually seemed flustered at the thought.

"I'm not betting on that one way or the other, Slave..."

"My sense is you're all ready turned on at the thought of it, aren't you Mistress."

"No comment, Slave...."

Monday, October 22, 2012

Tina Turner Skirt?

Mistress was out the door too early this am, and Slave was groggy from yet another lost night with the Pussycats, who apparently are still doing a victory lap from last year's once every decade play-off appearance. (Maybe they will show up next year?)  As a result, there was no timely blog this am. But since Mistress just stopped by here for some mid-day worship, and Slave still has the musky taste of her clean shaven folds on my lips, maybe now is a good time for a quick update.

First, there was some nice Switch day action at the UCTMW World HQ on Sunday morning. Photos to come later. But it involved Mistress restrained on her tummy, some reddening of her ass spanks, the deployment of the power tool, and some nice fucking by her Slave from behind. She seemed well satisfied by the time the wrist cuffs were unlocked.

The rest of the day involved a bike ride, and some resting up before our evening activities.

Naturally, at the game I was wondering how her break the ice dinner date with "Ed" was going. Sadly, I got a text from her around 8 pm that he was a "nerd".  The update I received this morning was that he was a bit too shy and academic, seemingly older than the 53 years he represented, with no "spark" of connection.

They parted with Mistress dropping him off at his hotel, and him getting a bit of a peck on the cheek.

Not surprisingly, last night after their dinner,  Ed emailed to Mistress his desire for a second date this week while he is in town, describing Mistress as "sexy" and far exceeding his expectations.

"How do I handle this, Slave...."

"The right thing to do is a quick email, explaining that the hoped for chemistry was not there, and that there  will be no second date, Mistress."

After she was suitably worshiped here in my office, she composed a quick email to that effect, read it to me for my input, and sent it off. 

The herd is culled yet again.  But isn't that firm but honest response better than letting things drag out in ambiguity, dear readers?

Moving on, tonight is Mistress's dinner date with "Nic". She's meeting him at 6:30 pm at a downtown hotel, then walking a block or so for dinner at a nice Italian restaurant.

But one issue for Mistress was her selection of a skirt today that I sometimes call her "Tina Turner" outfit.  It's black, composed of overlapping flaps, that can show quite a bit of leg as Mistress's strides the halls or sits demurely at a meeting.  It looks particularly hot with her black, heeled boots. Erupt and gyrate into "Proud Mary" and there is lots to see!

"I threw this on this morning when I was half asleep, Slave.... do I look too slutty?"

Well, what is a devoted Slave to say?

"In the future, for business meetings, you might want to consider tights with that ensemble, Mistress, but I have a feeling your new friend Nic will be jaw droppingly enthralled by this look."

Mistress is a little more optimistic about tonight's meet up. She traded lots of texts and talked to Nic. But of course, you never know how things will go without that personal contact.

Will keep you updated.

Oh, and in case you were curious, Slave is back in his steel cage today.

"I could be late Slave.... and I've hidden the key."

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Mistress's Busy Upcoming Week

We had a relatively lazy day here Saturday at the UCTMW World HQ. After two consecutive weekends on the road, it was nice not to be overly scheduled.

Some slow and sensuous wake-up sex.

A business breakfast for Mistress while Slave mowed the lawn and did some other "field slave" duties.

A bike ride in the chilly fall air, the local leaves bright with color.

Then as Slave watched his alma mater win a close game against the chaste and sober lads of Mitt Romney's alma mater, Mistress took a nap and visited her mother, just up the street.

When she came home she announced we would be blowing off the party of a work colleague for even more lazing about. That gave us time fort some late afternoon nookie, in which Slave surprised Mistress by deploying her favorite power tool to kick things off. 

"Oh.... we've not used that in a while, Slave...."

After the fireworks subsided, and Slave had his second helping of the day, I  fetched my sated Mistress some gluten free pizza and we watched an HBO movie about the strange relationship of Alfred Hitchcock and Tipi Hedron.

All very indulgent.

But it's clear Mistress needed to rest up this weekend because her dance card has the potential for being very full in the upcoming week.

The two AM prospects at the top of her list - both out-of-towners - are both in town through Wednesday. She has dinner set up with "Ed" tonight, while Slave is at the Pussycats game with a nephew. And she has another dinner with "Nic" tomorrow evening.

Of course, it's hard to tell whether or not there will be personal chemistry with either. But what if there is? With both? That's when the scheduling could get a little dicey for the rest of the week.

Ed is the artist / scientist who seemed particularly intriguing at first. A world traveler. Accomplished painter.  Seemingly up Mistress's alley from an intellect POV. But he also seems a little shy and taciturn. Other than a few emails to set up their meet, there has been little contact over the last week. No "pump priming" from this guy, and Mistress does like communication to build anticipation.

Nic is a corporate type, who comes here a lot for business. He's Italian, with a bit of a Nicholas Cage look based on the photos he's shared. He's the guy with the prose that the WC deems a little squishy, but which Mistress admits has gotten her a little squirmy. (Plus he uses punctuation!)

And Nic has already wanted to confirm that Mistress can also be available later in the week. On the other hand, Ed seems the more prudent "take it slow" kind of guy.  Both of them will be staying in our rather compact downtown this week, adding a little cloak and dagger to the plot.

You can bet Slave will  be anxiously waiting to see how both of her dates go.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Mistress's "Business" Lunch

In addition to several AM suitors, Mistress got an interesting proposition at lunch the other day that she described to me on her drive home.

There's a gentlemen who's been eager to lunch with her. He's the "think tank" type who has a long resume of publications. Indeed, it seems odd that he's here in River City at all. Somehow he ended up here following a wife who is now no longer his wife. Mistress lunched with him several weeks ago, and he was nagging her for another one. Thursday was the day.

The other odd thing: two Sundays ago, when we were driving back from visiting our daughter in Maryland, and Mistress was relaunching her AM screening process, the two of them got into an email exchange. He was asking if she had any female friends he might get involved with. She was playing along, asking about his "specifications".  It became clear as she read me their back and forth that what he was looking for was someone like Mistress, but "available".

Sadly, this is not a town where lots of sexy, smart, professional and "available" women are falling off trees. Mistress did not have any come to mind for this poor guy. But she had no reluctance to flirt back in their exchange.

"This guy could be a prospect, Mistress. He clearly wants you. He's single. Local."

"He probably does, Slave. He's smart, interesting. Very opinionated. But he's too..... short, and nebbishy...."

I wasn't so sure. But of course, Mistress is always right on such things, isn't she?

But somehow, the door was not quite shut all the way,   leading to Thursday's lunch date.

She called me on the drive home, after their lunch of about 90 minutes or so.

"I can't believe it, Slave.... he tried to kiss me in the parking lot.....in public".

I urged her to back up and tell me the whole story.

"Well, at some point he asked if I was sending him 'signals' Slave...."

"And you said....."

"Well, I explained a little bit about our 'arrangement', not the Slave part, but that I had 'permission' if I wanted to have alternative relationships, and maybe that's what he was picking up...."

"And he said....."

"That we should have some type of an affair.... that he found me very attractive."

"Where did you leave it Mistress?"

"I left it unresolved, Slave. I'm not sure I really like him .... he's short....and kind of Woody Allenish.  He said he'd have to talk about this with his analyst...."

"Yeah, very Woody Allen...."

"He said let's have drinks some night and see where it goes."

I got the impression that Mistress was mulling it over, not sure that she wanted to be Diane Keaton to this guy's Woody.

But waht about that kiss?

"He walked me to my car, and when I was opening the door, he sort of put his arm around my waist and tried to move in...."

"And you said...."

"Whoa.... not here, in public.... someone might see who knows me."

I guess if I were him I'd interpret that to mean.... "but in private, that's a different story."

We'll have to see where this subplot takes our heroine.