Thursday, October 18, 2012

Priming the Pump

Over the last few days, Mistress has been trading some emails with one of the gentlemen she'll be meeting this coming week. Indeed, I've already made them a dinner reservation for Monday evening.
He clearly has in mind doing something other than watching the 3rd and final debate, and he's getting some brownie points with Molly through his purple prose.

Some folks respond more to the written word than others, I suppose.  And Mistress is one of them. I suppose I am too. Of course, she likes to tease her Slave with the patter going back and forth among them, both by email and text. And she's authorized me to share some of them here with you.  

This one was in her mailbox Wednesday morning, when we woke in San Francisco:
"Good morning, I hope you had a good dinner.  Drink a bit too much or simply crash from a long day?  I wanted to share a few more thoughts from our chat about erotica and things I find very erotic and stimulating....
...flirting in public and seductive glances
...a bare shoulder
...kissing along the back of your neck
...listening to your reaction and deep breathing
...heels and stockings...attractive legs can be breathtaking       
...the curve of a hip
...slowing exploring with my lips and tongue...arousing....while holding your hands

Just a few thoughts for now...good morning!"

And here's another one that arrived today, that she decided  was worth sharing:

Now in regards to your other thoughts below, let me share a bit more on my perspective, interests and desires...I like to think I know how to please as well and really do a pretty good job, if I do say so!  Obviously everyone is different so part of the allure of this is learning more about what you like....some by you telling me and some by me finding out myself as we go.  As much as I have the desire and nature to be in control, I am very much a pleaser.  Seeing, feeling and hearing you satisfied is very much a huge turn on for me....part of the control I guess but very fulfilling knowing what I do brings pleasure to you.  In the same light, the more I know about what you like the more I'm able to prolong and control is not only pleasing you, but doing what I enjoy also, even at the expense of denying or delaying what you ultimately want.  If I do it right, it's all about prolonging the excitement and arousal to the point that when you are pleased, you don't just cum, you explode for me.  And it involves heightening multiple senses.  Obviously this is an ongoing process and not something to achieve immediately, but with the right connection and chemistry, it's incredible.

This is also part of the interest in building excitement or the squirm factor.  I said I relish the opportunity to make you squirm which is very much learning to push the right buttons to set you off.  I think I may have found a few already!  I love the play and excitement involved with that.....whispers, touches, glances, breathing, kissing......long, passionate, warm, intense kissing.  Again, heightening the anticipation.  I know I'm doing a good job of it when I get to the point of reaching down and feeling your panties soaked.....and that sets me off.

As part of that control I do enjoy standing behind holding, exploring, caressing.  Part of it is your vulnerability to deal with whatever I do, part of it is my love for holding from behind.  I shared earlier I'm very much a leg/butt man and at some point I guarantee you will be bent over a chair or on your knees on the bed, head down and ass up, as I caress, kiss and nibble my way up the back of your legs and over your ass.  By the way, I do enjoy giving a good spanking, sometimes light and playful, sometimes very firmly, as part of arousing your senses and leading to other fun and naughty things. have a very long peek at some of me.  Can't wait to hear your response!

I think we can give this guy some credit for his literary foreplay, that seems to have left Mistress squirming a bit in anticipation of their dinner.

Which leaves us with the question she asked me last night on the trip home:

"So what happens after dinner Slave....I shouldn't have sex with him on the first date should I? He'd think I was a slut or something?

" Well that assumes he passes that personal chemistry test, and if he does, Can't you say .... no sex on the first night but do some "other things".... (I guess that sounds a little Clintonesque doesn't it?)

"Yeah, but once you're in that hotel room....."

"The flesh is weak, Mistress?"

"Could be.... maybe we should ask our readers what they think."

So let's hear from you, dear readers, should she or shouldn't she?  Let us know your strategic and tactical advice for Mistress's potential Monday night plight. 

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Bears in Bondage?

Mistress and Slave spent another day in this beautiful city Tuesday, but we are heading back to River City later this morning.  She had some work to do yesterday, giving Slave sometime to gamble about the town, wandering through North Beach and lolling at a coffee shop over a latte and my email.

Obviously, it's an edgier city than where we live, and I had to shoot a few of the kinkier window displays, like this one -- but what's with the bears in bondage imagery?  I know 'Nilla loves bears, so maybe this can inspire something:

I did see some lovely lingerie windows, that might set Tammy and Suzanne all a flutter:

Or these outfits, which I texted to Mistress at her conference:

Last night, after some pre-dinner worship, Mistress directed me to run through her AM correspondence one more time before locking it down for the time being. What amazes is the persistence of some guys to spend their AM credits with repeated entreaties, often culminating in "so just send me a message back explaining why you aren't interested in me!"

"I think doing that would only encourage them to keep whining, Slave."

Suffice it to say that Mistress makes the call based on an algorhytmn that is highly complex, but involves factors such as height, relative weight, face (after they send a key to their "private showcase"), whether the "showcase" contains unrequested body parts. whether they start out complaining about their wives or lovers ( a no no), and obvious grammatical or spelling errors (i.e., claiming you are "colleged educated"). The bottom line: she knows one when she sees one.

She has set up two "dates" this coming week, with two out of towners who will be in River City for a few days. One is set for Sunday evening (Slave will be at the Pussycats game); another is Monday evening, and Slave has been directed to make a dinner arrangement at a local Italian restaurant.

The tricky part will be scheduling a second encounter if it seems appropriate for later in the week. the two are already bidding for her Tuesday and Wednesday evenings.

"This could be tricky, Slave.... and they're staying at hotels only a few blocks from one another."

Of course, isn't it more likely that one or the another, and maybe both, will not "click" when the test for personal chemistry is applied?

"I'm sure you have the skills to figure this out Mistress. You are a highly accomplished multi-tasker."

Of course, there are a few "back-ups" on the list. Locals who want to set up time to meet for a coffee

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Shelter From the Storm

Well it really wasn't a storm.

On our last morning at the beach that misty coastal fog had dropped down over the coastline, as it is wont to do through the year. But we wanted to get one last walk along the beach in before Heading into the City for a presentation Mistress will make later today at a trade association conference.

So after some invigorating wake-up sex in our little B & B room, we headed north along the beach, which ends in a warren of boulders and cliffs.

It had been several years  since we had been to this particular beach, but Mistress has an amazing memory, and recalled a summer visit years ago when the wind was blowing and we found a sheltered space between rocks to "hang out".

Maybe it was that re-awoken memory, or the talk about how one of her suitors is touting his oral sex talents, but it seemed that this deserted beach and the private spaces it made available should not be put to waste.

"Would you like a little surf-side worship, Mistress?"

She didn't put up much of an argument.

Soon her athletic shorts were dipping to her ankles.

And Slave was on his knees, pressing my lips to those delightful clean shaven folds. It was not long before Mistress was thrusting her hips at me, her fingers twisting into my fading gray locks, moaning with a little early morning delight to the background sounds of surf and a distant fog horn.

It was a good way for us to wind up that phase of our little holiday.

We spent the rest of the day back in the City, under a wonderful blue sky and warm temperatures. 

Oddly, along the beach and in the City yesterday we did see some things that reminded me of 'Nilla and her penchant for tentacle sex tales.

I mean look at this beach detritus, 'Nilla?

 But even more shocking is that the notion of questing tentacles with an oddly sexual twist has clearly gone mainstream, as this window off Union Square shows:

Mistress was a little surprised when I took this photo, so I explained the 'Nilla tentacle sex genre to her.

"You know, probing phallii filling every potential orifice at once, while binding your legs and arms at the same time as the "victim" of this cruel assault writhes in ecstasy?"

She looked at the window display again.

"Yeah... I could see the appeal of that."

Monday, October 15, 2012

Just Another Day at the Beach

Mistress and Slave got a full day of surf and sun on our Sunday. Preceded, of course, by some pre-dawn wake up sex. It seems our body clocks know when it's time to fuck, no matter the time zone. 

In lieu of switch day, Slave requested some cock riding from my beloved, and Mistress rode herself to a few groaning with ecstasy cums before, tired, she rolled over and let Slave have his way with her. But after a brief recuperative snooze, we slid into some hiking clothes, enjoyed breakfast at a locals' haunt, and then headed for the Point Reyes National Seashore, just up the coast.

The fog was clinging to the coast through the morning, and we got a good workout walking two miles or so along the wild coast line,  huge breakes crashing just a few feet off shore.

After our walk, we stopped by a little town we'd been to years ago, then headed back to the beach at Bolinas, where the sun was bright, the skies were blue and the surfers were in their wet suits.

We spread out a picnic lunch, and read a bit, with Mistress intermittently responding to text messages from one of her AM "prospects".

"he's asking about what I like Slave....."

"Oh really, and what does he like?"

"Sounds like he's into worship too.... "

Of course, Slave enjoys the competition. It will only make me raise my game.

By now, Mistress has culled the potential suitors down to two interesting fellows, both out of towners with frequent travels to River City. She has back to back dinner "dates" set up with them for early next week.

"What if you like both of them, Mistress?"

"Hmmmm..... I guess we'll have to sort that out later, Slave.

After the sun got low and the wind picked up, we abandoned the beach, and headed back to our funky B & B. 

It made sense to have a little more sex before dinner, didn't it? All that text message flirtation seemed to make both of us horny.