Thursday, September 27, 2012


No, not the movie with the catchy banjo tune. Or the squealing pig.

I was finally delivered from my two days of denial and atonement here in Wednesday morning. Mistress had come home from her evening at Temple in a holy (and burnt out) state of mind. After some raucous wake-up sex on Tuesday over at J's love shack, she apparently did not have the same desperate for sexual release state of mind as her (used to be) pampered Slave.

"Slave.... I think you're going to have to wait until morning.... but I will be nice and let you out of the cage for the night."

Well, half a loaf was certainly better than none. Though I think the semi-rigid cock that greeted her firm ass as we cuddled in bed and drifted off may have been a little distracting to her.

Nonetheless, we had a good night's sleep, and my apparatus was relieved to be loose and free for the night. And we more than made up for my sad 48 hours of denial in the morning. You may have even heard my thunderous moans of release at around 7:17 am, eastern time.

After I had delivered her a few morning cums, Mistress was even in an indulgent mood.

'We're driving together today, Slave. so I'll give you a day off from the cage.  But you'd better behave. Don't abuse your good fortune."

"You can count on me.... and thanks for the day off.... it's a little tender down there."

"Awww.... poor slave....."

Can you hear a little sarcasm there?

She did let me know that as the "solo" hot chick at Temple on Tuesday evening she got a lot of attention from several of the men who seemed anxious to do something they could atone for next year.

"That could be an interesting alternative to Ashley Madison, Slave. "

"True. But it might cut into your Friday nights or Saturday mornings."

Now, in the midst of writing this morning's blog, I was interrupted.

I heard Mistress's footsteps up stairs and then her page....

"Slave.... you'd better get up here if you want some action...."

You can bet I did, even if I ended up missing my normal publication deadline this morning.

Sorry, readers... but there are certain priorities here at the UCTMW World HQ that are not deferred, even at the expense of readership.

And Suzanne will be pleased to hear that Mistress checked to make sure that my hard steel ring was back in place before I was allowed to fuck her this morning.

"One day off was all you deserved, Slave."

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Atonement Tuesday

Slave is home alone this evening, waiting for Mistress to return from her evening of atonement with some friends with which she shares a tribal religious heritage.

Old Mick is more of the "Tuesday night Bingo" school of religious training, and so was able to beg out on the trip to Temple.

But in my own way I am atoning tonight.

We left off this morning with Slave still on abstinence duty, because Mistress had a sleepover with her lover J. She cut me some slack and released me from my cage once I got home Monday evening, allowing me a vigorous bike ride and a good night's sleep without one of those "wake up in the middle of the night with an ambient hard-on straining against my steel confines" incidents.

Believe me, friends. You don't want to go there.

And despite what you skeptics out there think, particularly Suzanne and the WC, I was well behaved on the "no touch" honor system.

This afternoon, I was fantasizing that when we got home this evening there might be time for a "quickie" before Mistress headed off to her rendezvous with her God.

But some work calls and the quick turnaround required meant there was no time for more than some well deserved worship for Mistress as she laid back on our bed, her lovely, athletic legs spread, and read this morning's blog entry here in our executive suite.

"You're just going to have to wait until services are over Slave..... I'm sure you can handle a few more hours of cage time. A little more atonement on your behalf won't hurt, will it?"

"I suppose not, Mistress....."

I was not going to press my luck... After all, these is still hope for some action for my locked down cock later this evening. It's not like asking Sandy Koufax to pitch in the World Series.

Is there any religious prohibition  against operating a key on a little lock on the night of Yom Kippur?

Let's hope not.

Abstinence Monday

It's been a while since we've had a formal "abstinence day" for Slave here at the UCTMW World HQ. Yes, some of you would say that Mistress is a little too indulgent of her Slave. But the screws have been tightened a bit of late.

Sunday evening Mistress announced that she would be spending her Monday evening with her lover J.

"I suppose I'm just going to have to trust you with the cage Slave.... can I count on  you not to get in trouble?"

"Of course, Mistress."

And because she had a very early meeting Monday morning, there would be no "wake-up" sex.

"Sorry, Slave.... you're just going to have to suck it up for a day."

I was off to work, safely locked away in my cock cage. Mistress off to her own meetings. She even had a lunch meeting with a guy who has been doing the "linked in flirt" with her for a few months.

Of course, we talked several times during the day. She described details of her lunch meeting, with a guy who clearly would like to make more than a "business connection".

Did you tell him you had your husband's permission for such things, Mistress? (I suppose "permission" is a little presumptive.... "contractual right" might be better).

"No Slave..... though if I had, I'd never be able to get rid of him.... and he's an interesting guy, but a little too short for me."

At around 5:30 pm I headed off to a service shop to drop off my dead laptop to see if it can be revived (apparently the genius was not all that he was cracked up to be). And Mistress was heading up the highway for her dinner date and sleepover with J.

Whether I was sentenced to sleep in the cage was still in the up in the air.  I told Mistress I was hoping to take a bike ride.... something that might put her cock and balls in some jeopardy if I did it in the steel cage.

"Call me when you get home, Slave, and I will give you my sentence.... and you'd better ask politely."

You can bet I was very polite when I got home and called her. It took her a little while to get back to me. Who knows what I might have been interrupting over at the "Love Shack".  But when she did call back, and after I politely begged for my parole from the cage, she indulged me, though only on the condition that I follow the "no touch" rule and resecure the cage, with a photo to her this morning.

You can bet that all of her requirements were met. And I know that by the end of the work day, I will be anxious to get home to her for a little personal celebration of the end of what by then will be two days of abstinence.

Can I hear a "poor Mick"?

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Mad (Wo)Man Across the Water

Mistress delivered as promised yesterday afternoon.  Once we both were home from various Saturday morning errands, the cage was unlocked and her cock was freed for the balance of the weekend. After a bike ride and a nap, though, there was an additional "penalty" to pay.

"If you can't find the riding crop, Slave, I will just have to use the shoe horn again."

But try as I might, the riding crop that used to be in our closet seems to have disappeared.  How does that even happen?  Did our cleaning staff make off with it? Or maybe one of the cute co-eds? Hopefully its not been put to use at some sorority party.

So there I was again, at the mercy of Mistress's long nasty shoe horn, absorbing a few more stinging smacks to my bony old white guy ass as a reminder of my indiscretion.  And afterwords, Mistress slid into her harness and directed me back into position for a nice Saturday afternoon ass fucking, as further reminder of my status.

It always amazes me how swiftly and intensely Mistress comes when taking me from behind. (Slave's not flexibly enough for the diaper position favored by Suzanne over at All Mine). Once she was satisfied, Slave was instructed to insert my Aneros, which assured Mistress of a particularly hard cock once she gave me permission to be the fucker as opposed to the fuckee.

The rest of the evening was spent with Slave enjoying the exploits of his alma mater logging another unexpected win.

But this morning there was a very early wake-up call. Mistress was determined to do the Big River swim downtown, about 1/2 mile over and back. The swim was cancelled in August do to unpleasant conditions (you don't even want to know!), and rescheduled for today.

But had the planners anticipated it would be 42 degrees at 7 am on the last Sunday in September?

No worries. The river temperature was a balmy 77 degrees we were told.

But as you can see, Mistress's nipples were feeling the chill as the sun rose on the banks of our big river this morning.

Fortunately, she and about 80 other hearty souls made it over and back through the fog slowly burning off under a bright sun. And the barge traffic was halted long enough to make their passage safe. Amazingly, no limbs were lost to the jaws of mutant cat fish.

Yes, she is still crazy after all these years.