Saturday, August 4, 2012

Friday Night at the Movies

Mistress and Slave were determined to have a relazing Friday night, on our own schedules last night, despite the fact that our sullen teen would be skulking about.  When we got home and she wanted to know "what's for dinner" we gently explained that her parents would be having a self-made "picnic" while watching a movie, and she might want to consider fending for herself.

There was the usual whining about there being nothing suitable to eat in our wretched home (she should have seen the yurt!) for her delicate vegetarian sensibilities, but we noted that we had just visited the local market and picked up some fresh fruit, veggies, cheeses and bread.

She seemed to survive this harrowing abandonment for the evening.

Meantime, Mistress and Slave went about their business, doing our best not to feel too guilty.

Slave fell to his knees for some pre-bike ride worship, salving Mistress's clean shaven folds with my devoted lips and tongue.

Then a pre-dusk ride in the sultry summer heat.

After the ride, a cooling shower together, which led to some earnest fucking once we were dry and back to our bed.

A short nap.

Then our picnic dinner together on the couch as we watched an Indie flick "Take this Waltz", which opened recently but is doing the simultaneous in Pay Per View route to distribution. Here's the Trailer.

It's a clever, funny, pretty film, set in Toronto, a place I've only been once. It made me want to visit again, to check out the funky neigborhoods and beach scene it portrays. (Though I also tend to think of Toronto as the place where James Earle Ray hing out after killing MLK.)

And it has a quirky plot about a 20 something wife who falls hard in lust for the hot guy across the street and struggles with the dueling compulsions of her "plight". You wanted to shake her and say, "honey, just ask your husband for permission.... he might actually like it!"

Speaking of which..... Mistress has an early morning "appointment" today, over at J's "love shack". A long bike ride followed by some time in the sack, no doubt.  Slave will be busy entertaining my grandsons and visiting my grumpy mother.

With this early curtain call, Slave may not get his usual Saturday AM "wake up" sex.... Maybe I'll have to settle for "sloppy seconds" this afternoon?

Finally, in the spirit of potential cuckolds gone awry, fellow blogger Harry Haversackers passed on the following cautionary tale from the Canadian Press. Here's the link . So one more thing to put on the DON'T list:

Don't send naked photos of your wife, who happens to be a Judge, to a former client in hopes he might want to have sex with her!  He just might report you to the Bar Association. Or try to blackmail you!

Thanks for the tip, Harry!

Friday, August 3, 2012

Biding Our Time

This sharing of the nest thing is getting a little old.

We've got two daughters at home with too much time on their hands. The projects and jobs that the cute Co-Ed started the summer with are spent and she does not go back for another two weeks.

The one who came back from Europe did not make plans herself, apparently on the theory that it was only a month before she left herself for College.

So here they are: loitering at the UCTMW World HQ, generating laundry and dirty dishes, and cramping their parents more exotic sexual stylings.

I'm sure it makes for a rather tedious "sex blog". Could UCTMW survive as a negligent parenting blog, or via low brow political commentary and movie critiques?

Moroni Forbid? (oops. see, now I'm lowering myself to Mormon jokes.)

Rest assured, Slave is still making sure I worship Mistress at the end of our work day. And there has been daily wake up sex here in the executive suite. But we haven't had a decent orgy, or a sleepover by Mistress's lover in weeks now.

She is going to drop by his house on Saturday morning.

"I figure a bike ride followed by sex Slave.... then home by around 2? Will that work for you?"

"No problem, Mistress."

She deserves a little "vacation" from her work and mommy roles, don't you think?

Speaking of work, Slave has handled some strange sex harassment cases over the years in my work role. Some have been very conventional: the dentist who can't take no for an answer from his hygenist. Others more exotic: the gay guy who's convinced that folks are discriminating against him, but then ends up with porn on his office computer.

But this week there was one I heard about that is sex blogable: the guy who gets fired for soliciting a co-worker to have sex with him AND his wife.  The husband and wife worked together. And there was a collection of other "young things" (female variety) around the office. Sounds as if the wife would let the husband know which of the young things she would find appealing, then it was his job to see if there was any interest in a threesome.

Apparently some women who received the query were offended and reported the solicitation. So the husband was fired, but the wife kept her job.

Now that's what I would call "taking it for the team."

But it also turns out that other women in the office were offended because HE NEVER INVITED THEM TO PLAY.

What, are we chopped liver?

You just can't win.

The lesson here is that when you are looking for a third or fourth, don't do it at the office.

Now that I'm thinking about it, maybe my office needs to watch out.

Yesterday as I wandered through the lobby, where a big screen TV mounted on the wall is usually turned to CNN, there were images of women in bikinis frolicking in some sand, swatting a ball back and forth, and frequently embracing one another. As the Mayor of London described the scene, they were like "glistening seals", but with nice curves and tans.

Presumably one of our female employees could accuse us of creating a hostile work environment with these images of cavorting semi-naked women on full display in the work place.

Drat. It was just the endless Olympics. 

Why don't table tennis players wear bikinis?

Thursday, August 2, 2012

HNT / Evening Out for Mistress

I was moving some photos from one computer to another earlier this week and came across this stirring shot of Mistress, taken, as I recall, in our Florida home before we all moved back to Rover City and this blog began. You can tell by Mistress's darker tan.

It was before our Contract was drafted and executed, but while we were beginning to dabble in Mistress's dominant side. If I recall this evening correctly, Mistress deployed her riding crop before I was allowed to partake of the delights hidden beneath those fetching stockings.

Mistress doesn't wear hose or stockings this time of year, but her legs look every bit as good in her slightly short dresses this summer.

Yesterday we drove together, but on the way home it was my job to drop her off at her Lover J's house before I met the sullen teen and cute co-ed at the movies. It was my way to entertain them, while Mistress got in a little mid-week entertainment.  I stepped into the house for a little chat before heading out. It's certainly cute to watch the two of them flirt and tease one another even while I'm standing there as the devoted Slave / Cuckold. But after a few minutes I figured that I should move on and let them have a little more privacy for their fun.

The movie the teens picked  was "The Watch", the gross-out comedy with Vince Vaughn and Ben Stiller about a goof ball neighborhood watch committee taking on the spawn from the Alien movies. If you've seen the trailer you've seen all the funny parts, so don't bother. It's a lamer version of Wedding Crashers with more gore, fewer laughs and no kinky bondage scene. And there is something excruciating about watching a movie obsessed with various ways to describe a penis and the product of ejaculation when your two daughters are sitting next to you.


Mistress got dropped off by J not long after I got home with the girls. Her "cover story" for the girls was dinner with some clients. She seemed a little tired when she slid into bed next to me, but allowed me to sample her clean shaven folds before we drifted off.

It was good to have her back, her soft skin there to fold against into the night after a busy day for both of us.

Now it's time for Slave to creep upstairs for a little wake-up sex with my Mistress.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Kiss My Ass?

I will digress from our usual home grown smut for some probably unwelcome commentary ripped from yesterday's headlines.

Those of you not laser like focused on sex blogs and the potential for self-abuse they present may have noticed a kerfuffle yesterday in the media about a press secretary named Gorka who told representatives of the press that they could "kiss his ass" when they complained about their inability to pose questions to a certain Presidential candidate who has been on a European Holiday over this last week, attempting to impress the world with his diplomatic skills. If you missed the story there is a video link to it here.

Now some of the media coverage went full bore apoplectic. In fact it was the first time I'd ever heard the stuffy reporters at NPR actually use the phrase "kiss my ass." The television networks tended to bleep out the actual words, while showing them in writing in a crawl at the base of the screen.

Apparently the conventional view of this "incident" was that this Gorka guy (doesn't he sound like a scary monster in an old Japanese horror flick?) was trying to taunt or insult the uppity reporters from the New York Times and the like who presumed they had some role on this adventure other than taking snap shots of the heroic candidate laying wreathes and engaging in small talk with dignitaries.

But I insist on another take. Followers of our pals over at All Mine know that some tale great pleasure in having their asses licked, kissed, fondled and even invaded by slender foreign objects.

And it seems that Tammy enjoys doing the licking, kissing and fondling, for what sounds like hours on end. If Suzanne has just come back from a workout at the gym, all the better.

So maybe Mr. Gorka was simply talking up some potential recreational activity to engage in with the press -- sort of a team building exercise - on that long flight home from Warsaw to Boston.

Just trying to think positive here, my friends.