Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Kiss My Ass?

I will digress from our usual home grown smut for some probably unwelcome commentary ripped from yesterday's headlines.

Those of you not laser like focused on sex blogs and the potential for self-abuse they present may have noticed a kerfuffle yesterday in the media about a press secretary named Gorka who told representatives of the press that they could "kiss his ass" when they complained about their inability to pose questions to a certain Presidential candidate who has been on a European Holiday over this last week, attempting to impress the world with his diplomatic skills. If you missed the story there is a video link to it here.

Now some of the media coverage went full bore apoplectic. In fact it was the first time I'd ever heard the stuffy reporters at NPR actually use the phrase "kiss my ass." The television networks tended to bleep out the actual words, while showing them in writing in a crawl at the base of the screen.

Apparently the conventional view of this "incident" was that this Gorka guy (doesn't he sound like a scary monster in an old Japanese horror flick?) was trying to taunt or insult the uppity reporters from the New York Times and the like who presumed they had some role on this adventure other than taking snap shots of the heroic candidate laying wreathes and engaging in small talk with dignitaries.

But I insist on another take. Followers of our pals over at All Mine know that some tale great pleasure in having their asses licked, kissed, fondled and even invaded by slender foreign objects.

And it seems that Tammy enjoys doing the licking, kissing and fondling, for what sounds like hours on end. If Suzanne has just come back from a workout at the gym, all the better.

So maybe Mr. Gorka was simply talking up some potential recreational activity to engage in with the press -- sort of a team building exercise - on that long flight home from Warsaw to Boston.

Just trying to think positive here, my friends.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Foamed Up and Ready to GO

Mistress made it back from her one day foray to the Big Apple at the appointed hour. She was greeted at the gate by her Slave and two daughters, who had just returned from the Windy City.  (Slave was happy to be tethered to sleepy old River City for the day, and provide livery service to all).

It sounded like Mistress had an entertaining day. She even had a sidewalk run in with  a refugee from the Grateful Dead, one of our favorite dinosaur bands!

We stopped for dinner at an old haunt. The girls rolled their eyes of our tales of being at this particular restaurant in the sleepy old airport terminal in our youth: me with high school girl friends, and Mistress with her first husband. Teens just love to hear stories from their parents' ancient past!

At home, after Mistress took care of a few latent business emails it was finally time for Slave to "pick up where he left off".

But after some satisfying worship that got Mistress a little starter cum, I got a little of the cold water that is a Mistress's prerogative.

"Slave.... your Mistress is very tired.... I think you're just going to have to wait until the morning."

Of course, Slave's cock took the news with a little trepidation. 

But at least there was no cage to arrest my excitation.

So some of you out there will get a little thrill in knowing that this pampered Slave got an abstinence Monday.

But hope springs eternal, and so does a Slave's work-a-day cock. It being the appointed time to wake Mistress, I am going to leave you to this excellent update from our Western Correspondent on his friendly neighborhood sex club:

Well B and I went to the Ranch Saturday night

They had another foam party
We didn't get there till about 10

Late for us old folks

There was a long line to get in

But it was a beautiful Colorado night 

Cool and breezy 

We got in and had the bartenderess pour  us a drink and went out to the back yard

Sure enough the foam was on the outdoor dance floor and DJ somebody was spinning a dance beat

We got a table on the veranda and settled in to check out the situation

There were naked and semi naked people walking in and out of the foam and dancing

We were pretty melo after a couple of drinks and just kind of kicked back and watched

None of the friends we had made were there that night

B didn't see anybody she was particularly hot for

So we wandered downstairs

It was crazy..............

There were more people fucking and sucking than ever before

Many ladies were on their backs holding guys heads tight to their pussy's

Moaning and groaning

Many ladies up on all fours getting jammed from behind

Some of them sucking cock or eating pussy while getting fucked

Ladies riding cock (Molly:))

One lady riding a HUGE black cock

Several ladies doing 69 with other ladies

And a bunch of people just masturbating each other

And a couple of hundred of other people just standing around watching

Including us

Live porn is pretty cool BTW...........

We were approached by several couples to "play"

B politely declined

She didn't find them hot enough

She said you are the hottest guy here

I seriously doubt that but it was nice to hear from my bride

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder I guess:)

B wore her one of her hot new "slutty" skirts and tops

She did look hot as shit!!!!!!!

Well over all we had a great time and had great sex Sunday morning

Spinning hot fantasies about what could have happened

That place is such a fucking scene


Be well my friends


Monday, July 30, 2012

Early Flight for Mistress

Our Sunday at the temporarily empty nest was just what Mistress and Slave needed: no sulking daughter (at least not on the premises) and no schedule to speak of.  That left time for some leisurely morning sex in our Executive Suite, reading the papers, a nice bike ride to the local swim club, and some time for both of us to recharge our batteries.  We did get a nice Anniversary note from our Western Correspondent, which he authorized us to share:


Let me tell you about my friends Mick and Molly

First of all Molly is hopelessly in love with Mick

Has been for twenty years

Lest any of you think this cuckolding thing is anything but a turn on to those two nuts then you are mistaken

And lest you think Mick is really a submissive

You are wrong

It turns him on 


Not really.............

He is a powerhouse professional

And so is Molly

They have been my good friends for three years or so

And Mick's blog has been such good entertainment every morning

And I have gotten to know my dear friends Donna, Bill, and Sue through Mick's blog

So Mick and Molly 

Happy Anniversary ,

Your friend


Thanks, WC. We are looking forward to the next installment of your investigative report on the goins on at "Scarlett Ranch".

Unfortunately, Mistress had a very early flight to the big apple for some business meetings today. She had set her alarm clock for 4:45 am. But both of us slept a little restlessly. The old "You know you have to wake up early, so its hard to sleep" phenomenon.

AS it turned out we were both awake about 15 minutes before the alarm was set to go off.... It was hard for me to resist the temptation of Mistress's lush and naked body next to me... some suckling on a taut nipple led me a little lower, and soon I was engaged in earnest pre-dawn worship. Mistress seemed to respond with a robust enthusiasm, even though she knew it would soon be time to arise.  And Slave was rising to the ocassion too...

But it was not to be. The alarm went off just as Slave was taking advantage of the situation, and my window of opportunity shut.

"Sorry Slave..... I'm going to have to give you a rain check for this evening."

Ah well.... so much for "pampering" today.

But it was my fault for kicking off the proceedings just a little too late.  So much for "early birds" and their "worms".

I did drive Mistress to the airport: a small airport that has a daily "shuttle" to the Big City. More Casablanca than O'Hare (or even Midway). At least I could walk Mistress to the "gate" (in this case a door to the runway) and give her a kiss good bye.

I'm looking forward to collecting on that "rain check" later this evening, once I collect her at the airport.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Mistress: Sexual Superstar

When Mistress got home at around 3 pm or so Saturday afternoon she was ready for a nap....

"I'm tired Slave.... lots of sex, then that 20 mile bike ride...."

Clearly J had put Mistress to the test.

But I was happy to join her for a nap in the Executive Suite. She even let me suckle her clean shaven folds for a bit before we drifted off, so I could savor the combined flavors of the various forms of "exercise" she had enjoyed over the last 16 or so hours.


And when the napping was done, she was merciful and ended Slave's "drought".... though I had had to go gently...

"My parts are a little sore Slave.... that was a whole lot of sex.... more than usual...."

Over dinner at a trendy restaurant in an historic  part of River City we discussed her evening.

Now this is a "sex" blog, but it's told from Slave's perspective for the most part. And when Mistress is off having sex with someone else, the details of the coverage are always a little spotty.

Slave does not feel its his place to cross-examine Mistress on the details. And from what I can tell, J is a little sheepish about the notion that Mistress shares much with me at all, let alone that it shows up on the internet.

I suspect from her perspective she is sensitive to J's concerns, but she also knows that my "twisted" psyche enjoys when she elects to open the curtain a tad.

So at dinner she was a little more detailed than normal.

"Yes, Slave..... there was a whole lot of sex.... Friday night and this morning...."

"Hmmm.... when you called to say good night, you said you were just going to sleep....."

"I thought that was the plan, Slave..... but then as he cuddled up next to me after I said 'good night'... well there was a 'response'."

"Ahh the old 'hard cock' poking at you, Mistress...."

"And once we got started.... well .... I don't think things calmed down until around 1 am...."

"You called me around 8 or so this morning.... I figured there would be more sex after that...."

"You figured right Slave.... and once J gets into action.... well it gets pretty athletic with him...."

"Poor Mistress.... all those cums...."

"Yes.... lots of cock riding.... and him going at me with my legs up on his shoulders...."

"No wonder your parts were tender Mistress.... you probably should have told me to cool my jets this afternoon."

"I wouldn't do that to my Slave.... you'd waited so long already...."

See fans, Slave is pampered. Somehow I don't think Tammy would be hearing that from Suzanne under similar circumstances.

As we walked off dinner through a gritty neighborhood in the throes of gentrification, Mistress shared a little more.

"J seems very impressed with my sexual prowess Slave.... he says I'm a sexual super-star.... that I have all the right moves for every situation...."

"Well I've known that for a while, Mistress.....but it doesn't hurt for you to hear it from an admirer, does it?"

"Of course not.....maybe its why I do my real job as well as I do.... I can adjust to the needs and desires of the 'customer'...."

 "You are flexible, Mistress.... and certainly know how to please...."

"Maybe I've made the wrong career choice.... I've been trying to find the right showcase for my 'talents', when all along I could have been a high end courtesan...."

" It would probably pay better...."

In fact, just the other day our (going back to sullen teen) was berating her 'parental units' in her typical dismissive style, saying that we were both too old to change careers.... but in this case, I'm not so sure.