Saturday, July 28, 2012

Dinner With J

I walked our girls to the "Bus Stop" here in River City yesterday afternoon. Fortunately, they did not need me to wait until they boarded for the Windy City.

"It's not rocket science, Dad", said the daughter who had spent a good part of last year traveling via train, bus and subway around Europe.

No, it isn't. And hopefully they didn't see me click my heals in delight as I slunk back to my office. Almost 3 whole days without the little darlings messing up the kitchen and lurking about!

Last night, Mistress and I headed over to J's love shack, where we chatted a bit, sipped beers, and then headed out for a Sushi in a nearby neighborhood.

It's always funny to watch Mistress bask in the public attention of her two men. She likes to flirt with us both in public, and tease us both about her carnal plans for us. 

"I do like the attention, Slave...."

Yes, she does.  And poor J has not quite gotten to the point where her frankly sexual comments aren't a tad embarassing.

Like last night, when she commented on the two day beard growth he was sporting. Maybe J was going for that hipster look, but Mistress was a little concerned about the potential for abrasion.

"Slave, look at that beard he's got..... it could irritate my tender skin...."

"Which skin are you worried about.....your face.... or the clean shaven folds?"

J's looking at us like we're crazy.  But the restaurant is packed and loud. No one is listening in.

"J what if that beard is rough on my little sex parts?"

He's just shaking his head.

After dinner, I dropped the two of them off at J's place. They were both a little tired, so my guess is they needed a little R & R before the festivities began. So I announced I'd be heading home.

Mistress gave her Slave a hug and tender kiss.

"Be good Slave.... and no touching...."

"Of course not..."

I suppose I should be grateful that Mistress did not take all that helpful "coaching" yesterday about cage time for her Slave.

So today I'll be taking my grandsons for a little outing this morning. Mistress and J have their own plans, including a long bike ride.

We'll meet up here again this afternoon.

Somehow I suspect Mistress will be in the mood for a late afternoon nap.  But hopefully Slave will be able to do some worship, if only to soothe her beard burned flesh.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Forced Evacuation of the Nest

Mistress and Slave have had a hectic few days, but there is light at the end of our manic tunnel: we are putting our two darling daughters on the Bus to the Windy City this afternoon, for a four day visit their Auntie. Finally, a little solo time here at the UCTMW World HQ to allow their aging sexual deviant parents a little naughty elbow room. We are trying not to start celebrating before they are actually out the door!

Tonight we'll be having a Sushi dinner with Mistress's lover J.  There haven't been many opportunities in recent weeks to catch up with him.  After dinner, I will leave the two love birds to their own devices at his "love shack" for the night, and hold down the fort solo here at corporate HQ.

In the morning, he and Mistress will be going for a long bike ride, and I will be taking my two cute grandsons swimming, all the while looking forward to a little "reunion" sex with Mistress on Saturday afternoon.

And tomorrow we've scheduled a romantic dinner for the two of us to celebrate our Anniversary.

Once again, I'm up a little later than normal here. Sleep is nice, but it's cutting into blog time for your Executive Editor. 

So excuse me if I sign off quickly, and return to the Executive Suite.... I better get my wake-up sex in this AM, because my window of opportunity will close until Saturday afternoon. And you wouldn't want that to happen to "poor Slave".

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Sleeping Beauty

No, I'm not referring to Mistress who is up in her Executive Suite, still snoozing. She has an early wake-up call, and Slave better get up there soon to make sure I can cash in on the promise of some warly morning wake-up sex.

But I wanted to share the attached link to a radio interview with Ann Rice that I heard promoted on the radio yesterday. The pitch was "hear Ann Rice talk about her "Sleeping Beauty" series, which has been re-released in light of the surprising success of the "50 Shades of Grey" series".

Our Western Correspondent has spoken about these books here before. It was released in 1983, and in her interview she speaks about the books as "a theme park of S and M". The interview is fun for those of us who bought these books in the sly all those years ago.

Makes me wonder where my volumes went to....

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Corporate Junkets

Suzanne's description over at All Mine of the "corporate retreat" where she convened with her entire "staff" left Mistress and Slave a little envious.  Over the years, we've talked about getting our staff together out in our mountain hideaway in the Southwest  for some "team building" exercises. But no matter how hard Mistress tried to make it worth our Western Correspondent's while to take the drive down from our Western field office, it just was not to be.

Of course, we have been able to meet up with Donna and Bill, our Senior Correspondent and Director of Security once here at the UCTMW World HQ. Hopefully someday we will be able to stop by to see them down in the Smokies.

As for the All Mine staff's little corporate junket, the descriptions and accounts reminded Slave of a place he went in New England as a child, when the family tagged along for my father's own corporate junkets back in the Mad Men era of the late 1950's and very early 60's. (I just know it was before the first Kennedy Assassination, a historical marker in my life, like so many other peoples' lives who were around in that decade).

It was a grand old hotel, only open in the summer in those days, with cavernous public rooms, a huge (but cold) swimming pool, and "activities" for the kids while the parents were otherwise engaged drinking Manhattans and smoking large quantities of cigarettes. I can recall roaming the halls with my brother, seeing if there was trouble we could get into and avoiding taking care of our whiny little sisters.

It would be nice to go back there again sometime if the All Mine staff ever wanted to do a little mutual team building.... after all why shut the door on a potential leveraged corporate consolidation at some point down the road.

Our "cultures" seem compatible. Certainly there would be the potential for synergy. Suzanne could teach Mistress a thing or two about how to get the most out of her Slaves, and Mistress could coach Suzanne on the art of "pampering".

And since Mistress has a bit of a submissive streak that too frequently goes untended (other than on Switch Day), I suspect that there could be some opportunity for her to do a little "fluffing" if she plays her cards right.  Who knows, maybe Suzanne might find another use for her mighty strap-on.

At worst, Slave could be a useful Sherpa in the event there is another mountain to climb. And Mistress could deploy her "facilitation" skills.

Who knows, maybe there is some Venture Capitalist willing to fund this potential merger, take us public, and create Cayman based IRA's for all of us to retire in style someday.