Sunday, July 22, 2012

Mistress Encounters Blog Fan

Despite a 7:45 am "do you miss me" call from Mistress's boss yesterday morning, We had what passes for a normal Saturday here at the UCTMW World HQ.

Some cozy wake up sex (after that call), a nice bike ride in weather that was more pleasant than it's been in weeks, and a chance for a nap and some pre-dinner sex in the Executive suite too.

Now that's more like the Mick and Molly our readers have come to know, isn't it?

Speaking of readers, Mistress did have a chance to face her public yesterday afternoon on the walk home from her hair salon. Fortunately, they were no paparazzi involved, just a long time reader, R, who lives down the street.

(You may recall our mention of him last Fall or so, when via comments and emails we came to the mutual realization that he lives just a few blocks away and that we have several mutual acquaintances).

Mistress and R trade the occasional text and email. Their worlds still overlap a bit, but these coincidental face to face encounters remain rare. And it turns out he is still a regular reader of UCTMW and also follows our buddies at team All Mine.

"He had a few questions about what's been going on, Slave....."

"Really? So he's still following you Mistress....."

"Yeah.... he says it sounds like J and I haven't had much time together lately...."

"Good to know he's keeping score...."

"And he wanted to know how Francois is doing.... he noticed we were at his restaurant on Friday night."

"Is it a little strange to run onto someone who knows all the intimate details of your ex life mistress, as well as the nice red glow of your bum when it gets a spanking?"

"Hmmmm..... I guess it is a little weird, now that you put it that way."

"But you have to admit, it's nice to see the face of your 'public' every now and then...."

"We had a nice talk...."

It's sort of like Annette Funicello, every 12 year old boy's fantasy date when she was  wearing those tight sweaters as a Mouseketeer, running into a fan at the mall. But a tad more 'intimate'.

As for J, our fans will be happy to know that Mistress has scheduled a date with him today, so we're on a somewhat tight schedule here this morning.

"Wake me at 7:30 Slave,  if you want to have sex and go for a bike ride too..... I told him I'd be over at around 10:30 ...."

"No problem Mistress....."

"Does that make me a slut, Slave.... having sex with you, and then going over to have sex with him....?"

Well, I suppose that depends on one's definition of slut, doesn't it?

Who am I to Judge.... I just need to make sure I don't squander my window of opportunity.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Pre- Dinner Hors D'oeuvre

Mistress was on the run again yesterday.

She's been involved in way too many "pitches" of late.  Clearly exceeding any rational "pitch count" to resort to yet another baseball analogy.

Our plan was to have our daughters meet us downtown at my office before dinner at Francois's restaurant, only recently re-opened after a bit of an hiatus.

She made it to my place just shy of 7 pm, but just as I was closing the door, and sliding the chair against it to ward off the cleaning staff, her I-phone buzzed.

"Can you believe it, the girls are already here."

"They can wait in the lobby for just a few minutes, don't you think?"

Instructions were sent, and then Slave got down to business. From my knees it was easy to dig in for a little tasty snack that soon had Mistress squirming and stifling some moans as I provided a bit of end of the day stress relief before we headed to dinner with our nicely dressed young ladies.

At dinner we did get to see Francois, who was on good behavior in front of our girls. He did get to exchange some comments in French with our recently returned not quite as sullen one, who seemed impressed with our Chef.

Maybe we can arrange dinner with him here sometime soon?

By the time dinner was over, Mistress and Slave were ready to crash. The week had been stressful, and the news yesterday from the Denver area rattling for those of us with kids our in the world.

We were happy to hear yesterday morning from our Western Correspondent that all members of his family were safe and accounted for.  And by last night our daughter was already lobbying me to go see the new Batman movie, despite the mayhem.

Of course, we will go, though not this weekend. This brand of crazy makes you want to hunker down,  pull your loved ones close and tune the world out for at least a few days.

That's our plan here in River City.  Have a safe and pleasurable weekend, friends.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Birthday Celebration for Mistress

It's nice that a long and challenging week - particularly for Mistress - is coming to an end.

While she was balancing too many meetings yesterday, Slave was sloughing off a bit, taking our not quite as sullen teen to the local team's "business person's special" with an old friend. We were giving up on the home team after 6 innings when they had fallen behind 6-0. But then - miracle of miracles - the local lads rallied for 3 and then 4 more runs in consecutive innings, for a dramatic 7-6 victory.

Of course, my daughter, who is not much of a baseball fan - and now disdains most things American after a year abroad - could not appreciate the rarity of such an extraordinary come from behind triumph.

Ironically, over at ALL Mine last night, Suzanne described attending a Red Sox game where her locals won on a 9th inning walk off home run. She claims the excitement was so profound it even got her "wet", promising a swift boat attack on her Jay's trophy cock as soon as she got home, with maybe a fantasy about the home run hitter to fuel her lust. Nothing like a little transferance!

Now I thought our game was exciting too, but rest assured I was not thinking of Brandon Phillips when I worshiped Mistress's clean shaven folds when she finally made it home from the office.

We actually had a relaxed evening after that. I whipped up some pasta, then we settled down to watch the latest episode of Newsroom, which we have been enjoying despite some lame reviews.

Tonight, we'll be having dinner with our two daughters to belatedly celebrate Mistress's birthday. And here's a little more irony: we'll be going to dinner at the restaurant where our long lost chef and IT consultant Francois is in charge.  The same place where we had a rather exotic pre-orgy dinner with him and Didi back in the fall.

We've been in touch with him some over the last few months, and Mistress was texting with him to make the reservations.

"I reminded him that the girls don't know about our so called 'lifestyle', Slave...."

"Oh, I'm sure he'll know not to cross that line, while walking right up to it."

The only sad part is that we won't be including Mistress's J in the celebration tonight. We thought about it, but the consensus was it would just be a little too strange. The girls have met him, but having him for the family birthday dinner. It might raise more questions that can be easily answered.

But hopefully the two lovebirds will have some time to get together over the weekend.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

HNT/ Move Along. Nothing to See Here

 Mistress has been stressed and overworked this last week.

A long day for her at work on Tuesday that left her pretty burned out last night. And today... even worse. A long road trip upstate that will get her home here after midnight.

It's giving us second thoughts on her job and its crazy schedule.

Slave has tried to be supportive, but there's not much I can do to relieve the stress for her. other than worshiping those clean shaven folds when the opportunity presents, and trying to pick up the slack here at home and with our daughters.

Fortunately, she was able to go to work a little later this am. We had some restorative wake up sex here .... some tongue induced cums, followed by an opportunity for Slave to deploy his work-a-day cock to our mutual satisfaction. After that, we both took an early morning bike ride before the thunderstorms struck here in the river valley.

Then it was back into her work uniform for yet another hellacious day.

I'm sure she'll be even more exhausted once she gets home tonight.

And of course Slave is missing her here in the Executive Suite. I wish she was next to me watching Rachel Maddow rant about Mitt's MIA tax returns, rather than on the highway on a stormy night in the heartland.

This also leaves Slave with little to write about, so I will leave you with this from today's Washington Post. An interview with Nationals' player Michael Morse, about - you guessed it - Fifty Shades of Grey: 

Michael Morse agreed to a round of Last Thing yesterday, and we only got two questions in before I had to stop and ask for more details.
The Nats slugger told me the last book he read was “Fifty Shades of Grey.”
After mentioning the book — “this book that all the girls are reading” — he clarified that it was read to him by his fiancée, Jessica. Morse admitted that some of racier language shocked him.
“I don’t know. It’s crazy. It’s nuts,” he told me. ““She was like ‘Listen to this.’”
After some R-rated story time, Morse said that his sensitive ears couldn’t take any more.
“I was like, ‘Put that away,’” he laughed. “‘You can’t be reading that.’ I felt like she was cheating on me.”
Sadly, Morse said that the racy book didn’t do it for him. However, he was willing to admit that his fiancée might have felt a little differently.
“It’s a girl thing. It’s gotta be a girl thing,” he said. “I just couldn’t believe she kept reading it.”

"I felt like she was cheating on me"?

Please Dude. Take a hint. Break out the rope and flogger.