Monday, June 25, 2012

Color Co-Ordinated Mistress

Mistress had another challenging schedule yesterday, balancing time with the two men in her life.

I was told to wake her at 8 am, which gave us two hours together, which, as you can see, were used constructively.

After some newspaper reading, Mistress found herself with those red cuffs affixed to her wrists, arms locked behind her, and available for whatever her slave had in his devious mind for Switch Day.

Don't you like the way her nail polish matches those cuffs?

There was some spanking, much caressing, and, of course, the application of her favorite power tool. The churning Hitachi soon had those well exercised ass muscles flexing with purpose, and Mistress begging for permission to cum. 

As you can imagine, I was indulgent.

She did make some lovely mewling sounds as my anxious to please her cock took her from behind, her hands now fixed together above her head.

All in all it was a lovely switch day, made all the more pleasant by the fact that our cute Co-Ed had fled the nest to visit a friend for the weekend.  It was nice to ahve that empty nest back again.

But by 10 am, Mistress was off, for a long bike ride with J over in his more pastoral neck of the woods.

I had some chores to do, and a grumpy mother to visit.  I heard from her at about 2 pm, via text.

'Went for a 25 mile ride, Slave ... see you soon."

And I did, at around 3 pm.

"I showered over there Slave.... and there wasn't really sex...."

I raised an eyebrow.

"Well, he did insist on licking me down there Slave... he's like you about that...."

"I can't say as I blame him...."

Well, I was going to go on a little longer this morning, about our early dinner together, but Mistress is paging me, and I hardly want to miss that window of opportunity, do I? .  I'll close, with a shot of Mistress's color co-ordinated ass after our morning switch!

Sunday, June 24, 2012

The Demanding Task Mistress

You probably have gotten the impression from these reports that Mistress is a devoted exercise fiend. And it's probably good for the well being of both of her men that she likes company when she exercises.

Left to my own aging body's proclivity for inertia (What's the rule we learned in Physics?  an object at rest tends to stay at rest, while one in motion tends to stay in motion), I would more likely than not find a place in the shade on a hot humid day with a newspaper or good book than try to increase my heart beat rate.

But Mistress likes to jump on her bike or go to the gym every day, and usually can persuade me to come along. Of course, when I do, I always appreciate the benefits, including watching Mistress's shapely ass and legs as I trail her up a steep grade.

Now Mistress has sucked her lover J into this routine. He's more of a golfer than someone into a hard core cardio fitness regime, but she's got him leading her (and sometimes us) on long rides through his hilly neighborhood, which is much more pastoral than our own.

Although it sounds like things got off to a slow start yesterday morning, which ties into something that may distinguish women from men.

She had spent the night, and I was leaving the UCTMW World HQ around 9: 30 am to pick up my cute grand kids for a swim, as my phone rang.

"Hi Slave.... just getting ready to go for a ride.... I'll see you around 1 pm back at home for sex... will you be ready for that?"

"Absolutely, Mistress!"

But then, at around 10:30 or so, I got another call as I was sitting at poolside, watching the two cuties paddle around in their water wings.

"Hi Slave.... still trying to get J moving.... should be biking soon....."

Hmmm. Wonder what had deterred their earlier departure, I'm thinking.

Back at home later, as we were shedding our clothes, Mistress filled in the blanks.

"Well we had some rather ... vigorous sex in the morning, Slave.... and he went back to sleep.... I had one hell of a time getting him up and out of bed."

As she was telling me her sad story, I followed her direction to insert "your device", the aneros, as a little extra stimulant.... not that my cock needed any more encouragement after nearly 30 or so hours of neglect.

"I can feel for him Mistress.... after we have sex, I'm usually the one to nod off, while you're invigorated and ready for the next activity...."

"I suppose that's true Slave...."

I handed her the laptop so she could read the blog, as I settled between her clean shaven folds to provide her with the stimulation she so clearly deserved.

Needless to say, Mistress ultimately got J moving, and they did another 15 miles before she headed home to see me.

And this morning, her plan is to head back over there for more "riding", time I will use to visit my grumpy mother.

But fortunately, we've built a little extra time into our morning for switch day.

Gee, I hope her bottom is not too sore for the saddle.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Mistress's Double Header Date Night

It has to be tough on Mistress in a way: juggling two men, particularly on the weekends.  Both of us enjoy spending time with her, and she enjoys both of our attentions. ANd there is exercise to fit in too.

So last night seemed a little conflicting for her.

She and her Slave went to a social dinner for a Board she is on -- I tagged along as the dutiful spouse. It was fine dining and fine wine to go along with it. As well as charming, if a little stuffy, company at our table.

So we had to suppress a giggle when the salads were served.  What is the first thought that coes to your mind when you see this artful display of greens and beets:

When I whipped out my I-phone to snap a picture, one  of the guests asked if we have a food blog.  Mistress demurred.... "well there is a blog, but not about food....."  Through the dinner, an older gentlemen with a beard and a knowing way about him seemed to be flirting with Mistress. definitely hanging on her every word, and deploying his worldly charm. She noticed it too.

"He's probably as old as my Mother, Slave...."

"But not too old not to know a hot woman when he sees one, Mistress."

As dinner developed slowly, I noticed Mistress checking her watch.

"Anxious for your second date of the evening, Mistress?",  I whispered into her lovely ear.

"No, Slave .... we have plenty of time."

The plan was for me to drop her off at J's house.... she had left her car and bicycle there the night before. And as we drove there just as the sun was setting, Mistress seemed a little conflicted.

"It feels kind of strange... it's a Friday night and I should probably be going home with my Slave..."

I tried to reassure. 

"It's not that I wouldn't like you home tonight, Mistress.  But I have no complaints. You should do what you want to do.... do you want to spend the night at J's or not?"

"Well.... Sure I do.... I've got the best of both worlds.... happily married and dating... sort of...."

"Then enjoy...."

I dropped her off, after a lingering kiss goodbye in J's driveway.... I wasn't going to invite myself in.  I figure three's a crowd on a Friday night.  And I had already had my date.

Mistress was going to enjoy a "double header", sort of like Suzanne did last night over at All Mine .  But without Big Blackie.

She did call me later to say good night. This morning she and J are going for one of those long bike rides. Slave may do one too - but definitely shorter. And after I take my cute grandsons swimming, we will be back together her for an early afternoon "matinee", before heading out to the baseball game and a concert.

Hope our readers have every bit as much fun the first official weekend of summer.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Who's Abstaining Now?

Mistress and Slave recently met for lunch down by our River - she likes this designer frozen yogurt place with all the toppings and a scale to calculate your outrageous tab- and we sat by a new fountain that got Mistress's mind going in a smutty direction.

"Hmmmm....very phallic,  Slave.... I like the image of all those spurting cocks."

"Spurting on your command, Mistress?"


And while she sometimes claims she's not much of a Domme, I think she does get off on exercising her "powers" over her two men.

It seems she still gets off on the thought of her Slave in his cage, particularly on those days when she is stepping out with J.  It's not just a security thing, is it? It may have something to do with knowing that I will do that for her, and she can tease me about it through the day with her phone calls or text messages.  I hope that every now and then she has an image of me in that cage as she's playing with her other cock du jour.

And I am beginning to think she's enjoying tormenting J just a little too.

Keep in mind that J did not find Mistress through any kinkster route. Although he's read the blog from time to time, he seems to avoid it. I suspect he thinks we are a little crazy, expressing to Mistress that he can't figure why "her Slave" would ever share her with anyone else. Of course, we all have different wiring, don't we?

But he reportedly got off on the idea of Mistress riding his cock while he was tied to his bed that time.

Somehow I doubt that either he or Mistress would want to go for the cock cage routine in their relationship, that Suzanne suggested in her comments yesterday.  But it does seem that Mistress enjoys imposing a little denial on him, just because she can.

The other night she refused to take off her dress, or give him access to the nipples he so admires.

"I think he was a little frustrated by that, Slave."

Yesterday, both of us had pretty nasty work days. The type that  had us thinking "why the fuck do we keep doing this...."  Mistress had planned to come home after a meeting, but then let me know that she needed some serious exercise to exorcise those work demons. She was heading to J's house, where her bike was,  for a long ride.

"Go for it, Mistress...."

Ultimately she got home at around 10:30 pm. No problem from my point of view. I used the evening to do some exorcising of my own: reading the paper, watching the news and drinking some wine.

But I was curious about how things had gone.

"No sex Slave..... I think he wanted to make time for some, but I made it clear I was there to ride bikes .... otherwise I was heading home."

"And how did he take that, Mistress?"

"He accepted my verdict, Slave...."

She said that with a cruel little Dommish smile.

As far as I can tell, Mistress has yet to regulate J's extra-curricular cums, but maybe that's where we are heading.  I have a feeling he will be particularly anxious to see her when I drop her off there tonight for a sleep over, after a civic dinner we will be attending.

Guess I had better get my "action" in this morning, while I have the chance.