Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Back to the Smut....

OK, I apologize for yesterday's pathetic dissent into introspection.... our readers voted with their feet, so to speak. Only two comments, probably generated out of pity more than anything else. And when I checked out the readership, well, it looked like the "eyes" on our blog went down my about 30% yesterday, no doubt repelled by the notion that the folks at UCTMW had turned to the maudlin side.

And I don't think J was particularly thrilled about our speculation concerning how he is reacting to this rather odd combo.

So, no mas..... back to alluring R rated photos of Mistress's luscious body, and my cheeky reporting on the goings on in our sex lives.

Yesterday was a nice one by the way.  After a night in another Man's arms on Sunday it was with a renewed sense of longing that I had the chance to sleep with Mistress these last two nights.  There was your typically needy wake up sex here on Tuesday morning.

Our plan for Tuesday afternoon was to leave work by 6 pm, go for a bike ride, then follow our hungers - whether for pleasure or sustenance. 

We got home, and rather quickly changed into our riding attire. As I was adding a little pressure to our tires in the garage, I did receive a brief reprimand.

"I note that you did not offer to worship in the bedroom, Slave...."


"Well, you seemed pretty anxious to get out on the bikes, Mistress...."

"Don't make presumptions, Slave.... you know the rules."

I had a feeling that there could be some consequences on the horizon.  But I dodged the bullet last night, making sure that  Mistress's well exercised folds were thoroughly bathed with my tongue and lips. And once she'd had a satisfactory starter cum, she allowed me to slide into bed next to her and demonstrate how desperate her work-a-day cock was for her.  I think Mistress was a little surprised with the explosive fury I experienced when she finally gave me permission to come.

"Wow, what was that about Slave...."

"Not sure, Mistress.... maybe anticipating a night without you tomorrow...."

As it turns out, her senior cock may not get any more action until tomorrow evening.  J has invited her over this evening, and Mistress has informed me that she will be sleeping over.

"I know you don't like me driving home late at night, and J seems very anxious to have me spend the night, Slave."

"Not a problem Mistress..... I'll miss you here, but I do worry about those late night drives.... and your absence will definitely make the cock grow harder, so to speak."

I do have a pass on the cage though today.  I have to pass through some metal detectors for work this afternoon. So Mistress is indulging me. 

"But I want you to be available for my call at any time, Slave....."

"Not a problem, Mistress."

Now, back upstairs for some worship to help get Mistress through the day before her rendezvous with J.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Navel Gazing

Here at the UCTMW World HQ we had one of those early mornings Monday that you could describe as "unusual".  Slave dutifully waking up Mistress at 7 am as requested..... Mistress saying "come in and give me a kiss", poor J, a tad uncomfortable with it all sort of hiding under the covers as I followed Mistress's directions, if gingerly.

I made coffee for the two of them (I had already been up and made my own), and when I came upstairs with it Mistress had already jumped in the shower as J got dressed for work.  So I joined Mistress in the shower, aching for her caress on her Slave's semi-alert cock, but mindful of the fact that we still had a guest and that Mistress would likely want to bid him adieu.

So as I finished up in the shower, Mistress stepped out, wrapped herself in a towel and (presumably) gave J a goodbye kiss.

While there was no time for conventional sex because of an early work appointment, I did get the chance to worship Mistress's freshly showered but well utilized folds as she read the blog I had written while they "slept in" (if that's what you call it when you wake up at 7 am on a Monday morning).

As we drove to work, and later on the drive home we tried to sort out all of the events of the night before.

Of course, we are not prone to navel gazing here at UCTMW. You know what I mean .... soul searching over life's ups and downs.  Not meaning to disrespect fellow bloggers who use their "ink" for introspection, but we prefer it light and saucy.  Our goal is to make you smile or tingle, not  empathize.

But every rule is meant to be broken, right? And we have broken some rules of conventionality here. So I suppose it doesn't hurt to share a little of our "temperature taking" yesterday.

Mistress, thankfully, is very aware that she could be crossing some boundaries here.  She's sensitive about how her Slave might react to her developing feelings and connection to J. And they are quite real.

Surprisingly, maybe, I'm cool with it. We are so connected after all these years that her pleasure is mine. I relish her stories about what she and J have been up to, and love the insouciant tone she uses when she talks to J on the phone, as she did before bedtime last night. Did I miss her in bed Sunday night? Of course.  Did it turn me on when she stopped by for a little drive by kiss before returning to her bed mate down the hall?  Hell, yes.

Was it worth the wait when we finally discharged all that sexual energy last night when we finally got home from work?  Absolutely.

Of course, we've got some role models out there in the blog-o-sphere we've learned from.  Suzanne, Jay and Tammy are at the top of the list. Their example and stories show us that .... yes..... you can do this.... we are not crazy. At least, not off your rocker crazy.

As for Mistress.... well she seems happy with it all.

"What woman would not want two men mooning over her, Slave?"

But I do worry a little that if this all becomes a little too much for J, he may back off, leaving Mistress feeling a bit abandoned and heart broken. She's laying it out there for him, taking some emotional risks.

Of course, the hardest role here is for J.  (no pun intended). He's not had the indoctrination that Mistress and Slave have had through our time with the blog-o-sphere, which has opened usup to the notion that  this sort of three way arrangement can be comfortable and rewarding , if not quite yet the "new normal."

Suzanne's comment yesterday that her own Jay took some time to "get with the program" gave us a laugh. Let's hope J can find that the potential dividends, in the form of the compelling woman of my dreams, outweigh the cringe factor when you wake up in the same house as the woman you are "dating", and his husband.

In the meantime, let's cut him some slack.  Their next sleepover can be at J's "love shack". This Slave will stay home and tend to the cats.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Our Mad Men Viewing Party

Mistress got back from her booty call yesterday morning by 10:30 am. It was a surprisingly  efficient session by their standards - J had a round of golf, and Mistress was looking forward to our bike ride and some sun.

But we were able to squeeze in some vanilla, but most gratifying, sex between our ride and her prime destination of a lounge chair  on our sun splashed deck.

Sadly, there was no time for a full on switch day to share with you. Believe me, you do not want to get between Mistress and a some spring sunshine, no matter what the contract may say! (Plus I had some concern about putting a little too much stress on Mistress's lovely body, after that morning session with J.)

Sadly, after about an hour, the sun was obscured by clouds, giving us a good excuse to adjourn to our Executive Suite with the New York Times. Mistress was tired, understandably, and there was a full evening in our plans.  Although she generously made that lush body available to me before we nodded off, I took a pass.

"You should probably pace yourself, Mistress.  It isn't even three, and you've already done it twice, with more to come this evening, i suspect."

But after our nap..... well, J called Mistress on his way back from golf. She placed her order for the flavor of ice cream she wanted him to pick up, and then the conversation went to the evening's sleeping arrangements.

"Mick and I have discussed this, J. I'll be sleeping with you this evening..... in (our teens's) bed...."

J clearly was a little concerned about how this would play out, but Mistress did her best to reassure.

"I know you think this is a little strange..... the downstairs would be OK if you really want that.... but I think you'll find her bed much more comfortable for us....."

Now as mentioned above, I was planning on letting Mistress rest her body a bit before the evening, but all this talk about who would be sleeping where, and the thought about what might go on behind those closed doors down the hall,  had Slave getting .... shall we say..... aroused.

Soon my lips and tongue were planted between Mistress's lush thighs, plying her clean shaven folds even before  she finished  her conversation.  Her moan of pleasure was a signal for me to suspend my oral attention and beg for permission to impose my engorged work-a-day cock upon her one more time that afternoon.

Fortunately, she was in a generous mood.

But soon it was time for me to get working on dinner prep, as Mistress "dressed" for the evening. When she came down to the kitchen where I was slicing mushrooms for the risotto, she gave me a preview of her outfit: a skimpy black nightie, that barely covered her undieless tush, with a short black robe clinging to her curves. Oh..... and her breasts were rather conspicuous too.

"Hmmmmm.....nice, Mistress. I have a feeling J will be impressed."

"I figure it's a Sunday evening at home.... isn't this the way I would normally dress, Slave?"

"You've got a point, Mistress."

I won't go into all of the details of the evening, which was relaxed and enjoyable.

Soon J joined us, bearing a bottle of red and Mistress's favorite brand of ice cream. 

As I prepared our meal, that included some grilled ruby trout with a wasabi glaze, Mistress gave J a little tour of our upstairs, presumably to show him where he'd be sleeping.  I could hear the sound of their voices, for a while..... but things got silent for about 15 minutes or so, making my sordid imagination wander a bit down smutty roads. When I announced that dinner was just about ready, a little curious about what was actually going on up there, they joined me in the kitchen, as Mistress  conspicuously rearranged her lovely breasts inside her nightie.

"I was showing him some family photos up in the Blue room Slave, and well ... we were making out a little too."

Poor J had a sheepish look on his face with this gratuitous announcement. That's the sort of thing that seems to get a  little embarrassing for him.

After an enjoyable dinner, we adjourned to the TV room to watch Mad Men.... an episode from the end of last season, and the premier of the new season.  No review from me, though here is a cute clip of Mad Men "seduction" lines that some of you might enjoy.

It is worth reporting that Mistress seemed to be in hog heaven throughout: her head resting against J's shoulder, her legs extended over my lap. He held her hands. I rubbed her lovely feet.  As wild and crazy as those 60's era advertising sexists got, I somehow doubt they imagined this sort of scenario.

And Mistress was eating it up. At some point, as we were both softly stroking her, she announced to no one in particular that "I'm almost embarrassed to say it, but I'm kind of horny again."

I hope I did not let her down when I answered,  "J it's up to you..... I think I've hit my limit today....."

As it turned out, three  hours of pastel interiors, over-bleached hair, three martini lunches, cigarettes and skinny ties was even too much for these Mad Men afficiandos.  About 90 minutes into the 2 hour premier of season 5, J was nodding off, and Mistress announced it was bed time.

I headed off to the executive suite after finishing up the dishes.  Mistress was in our bathroom, brushing her teeth, and ready to "tuck me in". 

She was very sensitive to her Slave's demeanor about this latest twist.

"Are you sure you're OK with this, Slave...."

I gave her assurances, and a loving kiss before she headed off to her little in home assignation.

But she did have some instructions for me.

"Remember Slave.... no touching...."

I suppose I should be grateful that I was spared the cage.

And Slave was pretty sleepy, nodding off soon after lights were out here at the UCTMW World HQ, so following her instructions was not a problem... at least as first.

But Mistress did check on her Slave a couple of times during the night, presumably during trips to the bathroom. She leaned over, kissed me passionately.... then returned to her lover's bed.  That's when the "no touching rule" got a little harder to follow.  Because each little visit made my work-a-day cock twitch into life.

But I played by the rules and made it through the night solo, my seed intact.

I've got instructions to wake her at 7 am.... she's got an early work meeting. And I know J has to leave for work early too.....

It could be a long day for a horny Slave....

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Sunday Morning Booty Call

Yesterday Mistress and Slave were off in different directions after our morning "wake-up" sex in the Executive Suite. (And yes, it was worth the wait after a whole day denied the silky embrace of those clean shaven folds.)

Mistress was driving to be with our cute Co-Ed for some sorority events.  Slave had some work to do on our rental property in the City, and then dinner with my cute grandsons and a play with my oldest daughter.

It wasn't until around 10:30 pm that we were both back together at home. It was then that Mistress broke the news that there would be a slight change  in our plans for Sunday.

"So Slave, I was talking to J on the drive home, and he's really desperate for me."

"Well I can feel his pain Mistress....I can't believe you have him on a strict "no touching" policy already. And it's been since Wednesday night for you two lovebirds."

"Yeah.... and he actually seems to be following the protocol, Slave...."

"Poor man."

"Anyway, he's golfing in the afternoon and he seemed really desperate...."


"He wants me to come over at 8 in the morning....."

"No problem, Mistress..... and while I appreciate you're asking for my permission, you really don't have to...."

(In fact, truth be told, it's probably even hotter for Mistress to simply inform her Slave what her sexual plans are, isn't it, rather than worry about making sure her Husband/ Slave is "cool" with it?)

But let's face it.... it's only been about 2 weeks or so into this new frontier of working the J / Mistress relationship into our lives. No doubt we are all treading a little gingerly.

I suspect that J feels a whole lot more comfortable having hot, raucous sex with Mistress in the friendly confines of his own "love shack", rather than in our house, with the rather strange guy who is willing to  share is gorgeous wife at her whim lurking around.

So even though he will be over this evening.... it's understandable how he might want to have some private time with Mistress before seeing her hear, isn't it? Plus.... it's been since Wednesday?  I can't think how long it's been since your humble Editor went 4 days without a lttile sexual discharge. Is that even healthy?

Maybe we need a consult with Suzanne, her Jay and Tammy over at All Mine, about how to get into the proper comfortable groove as things develop here at UCTMW.

In any event, I tried to reassure Mistress that I would not have trouble entertaining myself here at the corporate HQ on a Sunday morning as she spends a little time further entrancing her new subject and addicting him to the taste, touch and feel of her charms.

And while I had initially thought not to bother Mistress with my own baser needs after her long day on campus and the road, I figured that early morning Booty Call to J's house would likely intefere with our own "wake-up" sex.

"Ummmm.... Mistress..... how would you feel about letting me fuck you now.... I mean, you wouldn't want me to discharge all that pent up sexual frission in the morning before J gets his paws on you?"

"I was wondering if you would ask, Slave....."

It's always nice to know that the "lead Slave" has his privileges.

Now if only I had thought to brief J on Switch Day.