Thursday, December 8, 2011

HNT/ Kicking Off the Holiday Season

Last night began the  round of local holiday parties for Molly and Mick. This was an event on our scenic downtown - all lit up with holiday lights now, the giant tree very festive on the town square, with skaters cruising around the  temporary rink thrown up over the Thanksgiving weekend.

But first things first: Mistress planned a stop at my office for a little "pick-me-up" before we headed over together to the annual party thrown by a local business association. We knew there would be some downers to deal with over there, along with some old friends, so it made sense to have a short sensual diversion before putting on our chipper holiday faces.

One of my colleagues, who has a bit of a crush on Mistress, we'll call him Bob, wanted to know if we could all walk over to the Party together. But I had to inform him that Mistress was running a little late and we had "something to talk about" before heading over. He seemed a little crestfallen, but then imagine what he would think if he knew that within moments, Mistress's clean shaven folds would be on full display in my office. No doubt he would have been happy to add his own devotion to the worship that was to come.... err... cum....

Within moments of her arrival, her "throne" was pushed up against the door, Mistress had pushed to one ankle the festive black velvet pants she had worn for the occasion, and  Slave was on his knees, savoring Molly's sweet nectar. It wasn't long before her legs were wrapped around my neck and those folds were rising up to meet my mouth as she stifled moans of ecstasy.

I did take a break to shoot this photo, which I hope satisfies those of you who just come here for the "good parts". Don't you like that festive scarf?

At the party we ran into the usual suspects. And its always a great joy for me to go to one of these events with Mistress, basking in her reflected glow.

There was one guy - the manager of a local retailer - who was talking to Mistress as I stepped over to the bar to refresh our drinks. In my absence he had launched into a tale about leaving his wife after 20 years. Mistress and I commiserated for a bit, sharing some of our own war stories. Until he said "Now it's time to re-launch my sex life." 

Gulp.... TMI, as our sullen teens would say. Quite frankly, I couldn't tell if he was coming onto Mistress or me. But it seemed a good time to look for someone else for  superficial cocktail conversation.

It was about that time that Mistress and I both spotted the person we would prefer to avoid: the lady with whom I had a brief encounter a few years back that led to the Contract that is at the root of this blog.


While the wounds have healed nicely, it's still unpleasant for us to run into her. But I must say Mistress handled it well. She made sure her Slave was close at hand, and glided through the room seemingly oblivious to this hostile presence for the rest of the evening.

I'd call that progress.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Trust But Verify

Molly has been required to focus on her work lately, and Slave's been relatively busy too. Yesterday was one of those days where we both were planning to be out the door sooner than we would like, so I abandoned the blogging early to make sure we could fit in some "help us get through the day without getting too horny" sex before putting on our games faces.

Since we would be driving separately, because of a political meeting I planned to attend at the end of the day, Mistress had strict orders before we went to sleep:

"Make sure you remember the cage tomorrow, Slave.... "

The other day, Sin had a post, no doubt inspired by the whole Herman Cain meltdown, on the subject of politicians and their proclivity to get wrapped up in sexual scandal. Well, the propensity for the straying spouse, boyfriend or girlfriend in a political campaign is not just limited to the candidates. There is something about the late hours, high stakes, spartan offices and intense deadlines that gets the hormones flowing in odd and potentially dangerous ways for  staffers and volunteers too.

The recent Clooney movie "Ides of March" (which was filmed in these parts) picks up the scent well, capturing the flavor of the spontaneous but Oh so Hot sexual couplings that can spin off when you throw together attractive and ambitious men and women far from home in  a Presidential primary campaign.

And of course Mistress knows this potential from first hand experience: she and her Slave first got involved through their interactions during the primaries of 1988.... a story I've told here before.

So, while Mistress has nothing to fear, she certainly can't be blamed for making sure her Slave is suitably "contained" before he heads to any political event as we head into the 2012 election cycle, can she?

Of course there is also a cage dividend for her: once the steel ring is properly seated, holding my cock and balls tight, it can provide her with the extra thrill of a particularly hard and persistent "work-a-day" cock.

And that's exactly what she got yesterday morning, after I warmed up those clean shaven folds with suitable worship as she read the blog.

After we came down from those morning  festivities, it was up and into the shower for us. Once dried off, I slid the cover onto the cage, and handed Mistress the lock to make sure I was all secured away for the day.

She gave me that little smile, and closed the hasp nice and tight.

"Feel better, Mistress?"

"Absolutely, Slave...."

One thing she called to my attention as i was suiting up was that she was wearing those special "peek-a-boo tights", a new pair she had picked up over the weekend at Nordstrom's. (I had my camera handy, so had to take the picture above to share, just as Mistress finished up her morning blow dry.)

"Hmmmm.... but you aren't coming over for worship, Mistress..... have other plans?"

"You never can tell what opportunities will arise, Slave."

Unfortunately, they didn't have peek-a-boo tights when I first met Mistress, back during the Dukakis campaign.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

The Western Correspondent Collects His Debt

We've been having rain here in River City of biblical proportions. Poor Mistress had to drive back and forth to our oh so flat state capitol yesterday, and I was burned out just driving to meet her at our gym late in the day, through bumper to bumper traffic that turned a 2o minute drive into nearly an hour. 

That may explain why Slave slept so hard last night, and woke a little later than planned. And I had to fiddle a little longer to make sure my cage ring is in place. I have a political meeting to attend after work, and Mistress is particularly wary about letting me mix and mingle at a political gathering without suitable "protection" for her interests. Plus, in  just a few moments, she will get the dividend of Slave's work-a-day cock with the extra heft and staying power that comes with that hard metal ring wrapped tightly around its base and my balls.

So fortunately we have WC's account of how he collected the "obligation" his wife B incurred when he nobly volunteered to fill her gas tank during last week's snowstorm. Here it is, though Slave could not help but add a few comas:

After I went back upstairs, I woke B up and told her it was time to pay up!

I had her strip naked and assume position number 3  [See The WC’s tutorial on Slave positions, to your right]


I proceeded to insert a butt plug up her bottom

Very hot

I then gave her a hard swat, laid on my back and told her to get to work

Her eyes kind of glazed over in subspace

BTW, she is a powerhouse professional in "real" life

She began kissing and sucking my cock and balls and got me rock hard

I grabbed her hair with both hands and basically fucked her face

Then my plans changed

I decided that I wanted to fuck her


I put two pillows under her ass and mounted her, warning her not to cum or I would take a strap to her bare bottom


I knew she wouldn't be able not to cum

Bad me:)

When I sensed she was nearing orgasm I began to talk to her, which I knew would put her over the edge

I said "this is what wives should do ... have both their  holes stuffed while their husband uses her...

She came hard

I continued to fuck her, and tell her things I knew would make her cum

So from a planned no orgasms 

There were many many orgasms

Very hot!

So Suzanne

Guess I'm just a soft touch like Molly

Everybody but Tammy seems to be an over pampered house slave

Poor Tammy

The rest of the story,

Thanks WC. We enjoy you're prose, clearly influenced by James Joyce.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Seasons Greeting Switch Day

Our switch day routine has changed a bit now that the seasons have changed here  in River City. With it colder and rainy yesterday, Mistress opted for an early morning trip for a spinning class at our gym, which called for an alteration of our schedule: There was still time for some conventional wake up sex, but the switch day activities would be deferred until later.

We both went to the gym. As Mistress did her spinning, Slave did his own workout, while surfing the cable news channels available there -- really a perfect exercise routine for a political junkie like me. I mean if the goal is to raise your heart beat for a sustained period, why not have to listen to a Fox News segment on the War Against Christmas? (It made me feel like a citizen soldier in the war because I had the nerve to post a photo of some latkas on my face book page!)

When we got home, it seemed a proper time for a little mini-nap, before Slave headed over to a compadre's man cave to watch our local pussycats go through their own ritual humiliation at the hands of the evil team from up river.

It was the sort of game where the mercy rule should have been invoked, so I left for home a little early. Mistress seemed glad to see her Slave, and described her afternoon activities -- some work for the office, skyping with our overseas daughter, and that she spoke briefly to the WC.


I suggested another brief rest before we got to our Switch activities, and as we settled into bed, I asked the obvious question:

"So Mistress, did you and the WC have a little phone sex?"

She had that oh so innocent look on her face.

"Uhhh.... yes, we did, Slave...."

"I'm a little surprised you didn't mention this earlier.... or even text me to let me know what you were up to over here...."

"Well.... you seemed busy with your game, Slave...."

I think she was a little embarrassed,,,, of course there was no need to be.... but it did give me a little extra switch day leverage . didn't it?

After a little rest, I rose and stepped into the closet to retrieve some of my "supplies". She actually seemed a little surprised.

"I thought you'd be too tired after the game for Switch Day, Slave...."

"Not at all.... and I did make a promise to our readers earlier this week."

"Oh..... I don't remember that."

I fastened the red "holiday" cuffs to her slim wrists, locking them tight, then connecting them in front.

"Time to get up, Mistress....."

"But it's so warm in bed, Slave......"

I love it when she whines on switch day.

Because it just makes her "punishment" worse, doesn't it?

Soon she was up and going down the stairs, with my prompts courtey of the riding crop in my hand.

"This is like a perp walk, Slave", she said in that sulky voice of hers.

"Awww... poor mistress...."

I had already plugged in our Chirstmas tree, and even had some holiday music playing to set the tone.

She posed a bit, rearranging some decorations in those lovely wrist cuffs, wearing that soft black nightie with nothing underneath.

Don't you think that photo would make a lovely Christmas card?

Then I hustled Mistress over to a waiting solid wooden chair. Her hands were tied to the front with a bright holiday ribbon. Her ankles weer affixed to the legs, so she was bent over, just a bit.

Hiking up that nigtie , I had a great view and wonderful access to that firm and sensuous bottom.

I warmed it with a few firm spanks with my palm.

"So how many cums did you have with the WC today, Mistress?"

"Only two slave...."

"With your power tool?"

"Yes... Slave....."

Soon I switched to the riding crop. and each slap made Mistress start and squirm, pulling her wrists bound so tightly to the chair.  I do love to see her squirm.

"And what did he tell you about, as you played with yourself, Mistress?"

"Oh... it was about him and B and their weekend activity...."

I did not belabor the point with the riding crop. After all I had retrieved the power tool from the  hiding place where my greedy little slut had returned it after her afternoon hi jinks. It was sitting next to the chair, ready fro me to put to good use.

I thumbed it on, sliding it between her legs as she remained tied in place, unable to resist its churning business end.

Now she was squirming in a different way.....

But I hear her awake upstairs now.  And I have a little additional "business" ta take care of with her. So I will resume where we left off here tomorrow..... and also share with you the WC's account of how he acted on the plans described in yesterday's post.