Wednesday, November 30, 2011


Let me get to the heart of the matter. And I realize that this may strike a terrible blow to the credibility of Molly and Mick as the couple with (allegedly) the most active sex life in the blog-o-sphere. (Not including masturbation .... that title clearly belongs to the WC).


You see, Mistress had a day trip to the Big Apple with some colleagues. It was a dreary cold and rainy day. Like a good Slave, I offered to drive her  to the airport and pick her up. We had to rise at 5 am, and well.... that's just too danged early for our typical wake up sex. And Mistress was so focused on putting on all the armour for an important new business pitch that she did not even have time to read the blog and enjoy the attention of Mick's well trained lips and tongue.

She did snap this photo of her "Day in the City" boots, as we drove in the rain and dark yesterday morning, leaving at around 5:30 am. She mentioned she had worn those special peek-a-boo tights, a little tantalizing hint of what might be in store when she returned. (Or for anyone happening to be in the right vantage point during the day should she uncross those very fit legs with her skirt hiked up just a bit).

Her plane returned to River City a little past schedule, at around 7:30 pm. Amazingly, it was still dark and the rain had gotten even worse. By the time we got home, Slave was hungry, and made a turkey sandwich from our TG Day leftovers. We relaxed, settled into the couch and caught up on our day, watched a bit of the Woody Allen documentary we had DVR'ed from last week. But not long after the part about the filming of Manhattan (Slave's favorite movie of all time!), I noticed that Mistress was drifting off.

My window of opportunity had shut. And though she was still in those peek-a-boo tights, by the time I got her up to bed, she was actually too exhausted for worship, let alone allowing me to fuck her.

The poor girl had a long and stressful day. And was certainly entitled to take a pass.

But I don't think the winter here will be quite as cold and lonely as the kind these poor suckers had:
Mistress was merciful enough that she slept in those special tights, and Slave will be heading upstairs soon to the Executive suite, to take full advantage. See, I am a pampered Slave after all.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Our Senior Correspondent Answers Some Fan Mail

 Mistress is off to the Big Apple at a very early hour in the morning, and her Slave will be taxiing her to the airport. I really don't like the thought of her driving in the dark and rain and finding her way to the local airport so early. Nor do I like the idea of ehr having to drive home after a very long day.  (The only thing lacking is appropriate livery garb). 

Luckily, Donna passed on the following post for me to share with you, passing on some advice garnered from her visit to La Domaine:

The La Domaine series I was writing for UCTMW came to a rather abrupt halt with the side trip of Mick and Molly into the Sex Blogger Protection Program, so it never really came to a logical conclusion. Today I received an email with a question from someone who had read the series, looked around at FetLife, looked at the website and is planning a visit to La Domaine. I think the answer I gave to Mr. Texas' question sums up my feelings about La Domaine quite well and brings the series full circle.

Re: Mistress Collette

From: Mr Texas
To: Donna
I love your writings of your visit to La Domaine. My wife and I are planning a trip there for a couples training long weekend. Any insight or thoughts you may have would be appreciated.

To: Mr Texas

I am so pleased for you both! If your experience is anything like mine, it will be an adventure that enriches the vanilla segments of your life as well as the BDSM segments.

From the outside, La Domaine is an attractive, medium sized home located off the beaten path in a beautiful wooded area of Upstate New York. It is the people, the experience and the dungeon facilities that are all far from ordinary and, to my mind, completely over the top.

The people, Master R, Mistress Collette, the Masters and Mistresses in Training, along with the slaves, are serious about BDSM. These are not Johnny Come Lately, game playing people. These are people who know the history of S&M and who have been part of the lifestyle for most of their lives. They easily recognize the psychological situations and inclinations of their guests, and will do everything they possibly can to meet the wants and needs of you and your wife, probably including a few you don't yet know that you have.

The food, the wine, the conversation are beyond compare. Do not be concerned about the large round table in the living area when you first enter La Domaine, you will find that some of the most interesting, open, intense, frank, and informative discussions you would ever hope to have will take place around that table. And when it comes time to dine, Master will prepare the most extraordinary food and serve amazing wines at that same table. Usually the slaves sit on the floor at their Masters' feet, but not having attended a  Couples Retreat, I cannot say with any certainty what the slaves' situation will be on your upcoming trip. If you are insanely fortunate, Master R may provide a bit of music as the evening progresses.

While you can see much of the dungeon on their website, nothing prepares you for the care and attention that has gone into the dungeon. I think that probably anything you might be able to dream up and fantasize about can be beautifully handled in the dungeon. I continue to dream, literally dream, about all the additional things I would like to do there. From roping and suspension, to different postures and equipment of flogging; from the massage area to the slave's cage, there are rooms and alcoves of scene after scene along with the tools and costumes necessary for those scenes or learning experiences. You will find every possible heft and weight of paddle, whip or flogger and then there are dildos, sounds, butt plugs, assorted nipple clamps, the electrical stimulators, and more. And the really cool thing is that there are experienced people right there ready, willing and anxious to help you with your experiences, ready to teach you how to handle any situation that might possibly arise in the most safe and effective manner, according to what you desire.

My advice is to be as honest, direct and open in your questionnaire and phone interviews as you possibly can, to keep an open mind, and then allow Mistress Collette and Master R to lead you to an experience you will cherish.

If I have not answered your question completely, please let me know and I will try again.

Best wishes for an outstanding adventure,

Monday, November 28, 2011

Inside UCTMW... New Technology

There's something particularly dreary about waking up on a Monday after a four day weekend and having to put on the work uniform .... and Slave is a little bleary eyed to boot. So this is going to be an abbreviated post. If I want to provide proper service to Mistress, I'd better get off the laptop and up into our warm bed pronto this morning.

I did want to point out that we have now enabled the UCTMW format for those of you following us with a hand held device like an I-phone. Say you wake up, have to scramble off to work, and did not ahve time to get your morning fix of Molly's lush body or our adventures here. Now it's much easier to read us on the train to work, or sitting at your own desk. Maybe in class in college? (It really is hard to think we have students reading this, but one can always dream). Or, creepily enough, in the rest room....

Another feature we've added is to the column on the right of our post that ranks the most popular UCTMW posts, based on page views. Not surprisingly, the Contract entry remains #1. But showing up on the chart this this morning, is the post I did only Friday morning about one extended family's dysfunctional Thanksgiving. for some reason that struck a chord out there (either that or there is some strange search word in there that is  leading folks to it inadvertently).  Go figure.

Sadly, I have no hot switch day activities or photos for you today. The teen was here over the weekend, so yesterday morning, Mistress and Slave opted for some "comfort sex" when we woke up, followed by a quick trip to the gym. Mistress did a very macho 90 minute spinning class, while Slave did a more leisurely work-out.   Afterwords, I took the teen to watch the local pussycats play football, while Mistress stayed home, catching up on a variety of tasks before another challenging work week begins.

She really has been working hard. New job. Hard charging boss, Interesting work, but also a lot more consuming than her prior gig. Slave needs to focus on making her life easier on the home front in the next few weeks, as she gets her arms around the scope of her new duties.

I suspect she may yearn for the more laid back pace of our Western Correspondent. The other day, as we headed for home, she mentioned that the WC had mentioned that "He's going into the office to read some porn."

Nice gig if you can get it. But unfortunately for the WC, UCTMW has yet to launch a 401(k) Plan. And with that new hand held friendly blogger format, now WC doesn't even have to go to his office computer to catch up on life here at the World HQ in privacy.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Our Western Correspondent's Tutorial on Slave Positions

Earlier this week, when reviewing the UCTMW personnel, I mentioned that our Western Correspondent has been living off his past glory, a "Tutorial" on Ass fucking that he wrote more than a year ago for these pages, and which continues to be our second most read posting here. (Check it out to the right).

Apparently this shamed M a bit, and within a day, he put aside his special occasion  cock long enough to generate the following contribution. Donna and Bill pitched in to find a few suitable illustrations, though I considered waiting for switch day, and having Mistress take on some of these positions herself.  

Teaching your slave to assume certain positions on command is a very useful and hot way of training a slave.

To begin with, the slave should be completely naked and the master/mistress fully clothed.

Position number one:

Standing with hands behind the neck, shoulders pulled back, breast jutting out, legs spread about 18 inches, and eyes looking down.

This is a great position to inspect your slave. You can pull her by the hair and tilt her head back to kiss .

You can pull, twist or pinch her nipples, twist and squeeze her breasts, or kiss or bite her nipples easily, and comfortably …  for the Dominant.

You can easily reach down and rub, pinch, penetrate and just generally manipulate her genitals to you hearts content.

For a more complete inspection it is simple to proceed to,

Position Number 2:

From postiion number 1, simply have her lean forward, reach back and pull her bottom open as wide as she can.

As an added bonus, this is often very embarrassing for the slave.

The Dominant can then pull up a chair and sit behind the slave very comfortably.

From this vantage point the Dominant has a great view of both the vagina and anus.

I recommend having latex examination gloves and lube on hand to  examine your slave’s vagina, labia, clitoris and rectum fully and completely.

The Dominant can easily and without much effort deeply probe both her holes with one or more fingers.

A speculum is another nice tool to have at your disposal.

From this position it is a snap to have her move her hands to her  knees, and paddle, strap or cane her bare bottom.

It is one of my favorite positions...

Position number 3:

This is one position every slave needs to learn.

On knees and elbows, breasts pressed against the floor, knees spread wide.

In this position the slave is offering you full access to both her holes.

This is an  excellent position to have you slave in while she awaits you attention.

You can read or watch TV or make some phone calls while you enjoy the view.

I like to administer a good sound strapping before kneeling behind her and taking my pleasure in one or both of her holes.

Of course never go from he ass to her vagina, rather go from her cunt to her bottom.

And finally,

For Suzanne,

My favorite.... a variation of the diaper position,

Position number 4:

The slave on her back, knees pulled back over her head so they are resting beside he head and her bottom is pointing strait up in the air.

This position provides great viewing pleasure for the Dominant and is often very embarrassing for the slave.

A nice hard strapping can be administered including directly on the labia or anus.

I can assure you that this will get a wonderful reaction out of your slave.

Fingers and even a whole hand easily can be inserted into your slave from this position. And you can take either one of her holes from above,

Although this does involve the Dominant squatting down form above to fuck her and some Dominants may find this too taxing for their tastes,

I however find that I enjoy it a great deal.

So there is a short tutorial to earn my keep around here.

Hope some of you find it helpful or hot.

The earning his keep,