Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Catching Up....

It was an eventful weekend here in River City, and I know I have been a little lazy in my reporting, so let’s try to catch all of you up on the ups and downs of the past few days. I don’t want to earn the WC’s reputation for sloth. At least not until I qualify for Medicare.

Sadly, that seems just around the corner now.

Friday did not bring an auspicious start to our weekend festivities.

Mistress and my family had gone out of their way to plan my “Mick’s Over the Hill” celebration. But our Friday date night turned into an unexpected trip for her in the dreaded MRI tube.

Molly had been having some strange (for her) headaches the last few days. When they became debilitating Friday morning, I prevailed on her to stay home, then got her to her doctor. He checked her out, wrote some script, but prescribed the whole MRI experience to rule out some potentially ugly things.

So there she was on our normal “picnic and a movie” night, in that dark tube, hearing all those bangs, thumps, and rings for the next 30 minutes or so. Believe me, if you don’t have a headache when they slide you into that contraption, you are sure to emerge with a doozy.

So we headed home, Mistress in pain, both of us worried about what the word would be from her Doc after some Radiologist, probably sipping thick tea in some squalid apartment in Mumbai, read the results over the internet and gave her brain the thumbs-up or down.

What was comforting through this process was that our Western Correspondent was on the edge of his seat too – or at least appeared to be through the anxious texts he was sending us from some Tex-Mex joint in the Mountain Time Zone.

Mistress was bleary eyed and in no shape to respond to them, so she had me type reassuring reply messages to M as we waited at home for the Doctor’s call.

And he seemed almost as relieved as we were when we got the call that Mistress’s brain scan was “normal”. At least as far as the trained eye could detect.

The Doc, of course, was not including Mistress’s pervy wiring in that clean bill of health. But at least we knew that these headaches could be medicated away and did not portend anything scary.

Little emergencies like this do make you consider your priorities in life though. It reminded me how lost I would be without my Molly. How much I treasure her and rely on her to get me through the day.

And what was charming about M’s text messages that evening was the sense of their deepening attachment too.

Very nice.

By Saturday morning, Mistress seemed to be on the mend, and was in the mood to allow me to take her with my hungry cock – gingerly of course – before our morning bike ride.

Later that afternoon, while watching my alma mater put some whoop ass on an overhyped opponent on the gridiron, I got an unexpected surprise: my daughter from our nation’s capitol had sprung herself loose to visit her aging father for his birthday.


But because she was spending the night at our house – just down the hall – her presence put the Kabosh on too exuberant a “Switch Day” on Sunday morning.

I did take the occasion to “force” an orgasm or two from Mistress with her favorite power tool. I made sure she got a good taste of my firm and needy cock with those skilled, full lips.

Then I gave Mistress an order that took her by surprise.

“Ride my cock, Slave”.

She seemed a little stunned. These apparently were words she did not expect to hear. At least not from me.

“You just called me Slave!”

“Well it is Switch day….”

“I suppose you are right, Slave…..OK.”

She slid over me, slowly impaling her self on my firm, work-a-day appendage.


And I love it when she picks up the speed, slowly working herself into a frenzy.

My hands were free to roam: pinching at nipples, pulling at her hips to deepen my thrusts into her.

And soon Mistress was moaning as she tipped over the edge, shuddering her release, as her fingers reached back to tickle my balls so cunningly.

I could tell she was tiring now, so pulled her down on top of me, letting her after shocks play out then building her up to another powerful cum.

“Why don’t you role over now Slave and let me finish the job on top.”

She did not protest.

The rest of the day was a bit of a blur. We had a long bike ride, which, fortunately did not re-trigger Mistress’s headaches.

When we got back I offered to worship. Mistress seemed inclined to accept my offer, sliding down those foxy black riding tights to give me access. I took the shot above before diving in to do my “job”.

Funny how switch day ends so quickly around the Collins household, isn’t it?

Later I collected my nearly 4 year old grandson for some hanging out time. He played with our toy collection as his mouldering grampy watched our local NFL pussycats blow another game.

Mistress snoozed on the couch.

At some point she woke and rolled onto the floor with us.

“My Slave’s not giving me enough attention this afternoon”, she whispered into my ear.

We kissed as the cute grandson focused on arranging stuffed animals and tiny furniture, while grazing on a bowl of fruit loops.

It was then that I realized that multitasking on my part was quite doable.

Mistress and I were lying there on the floor. I could shield her body with mine. Cute Grandson was oblivious as I slid my fingers into Mistress jeans, and proceeded to fondle and probe her as I have been trained to do.

Mistress’s eyes were scrunched closed. Her MRI certifiably “normal” brain was focused on something other than the large guys banging into one another on the TC screen.

Soon she was shuddering, gasping quietly.

“Ummmm…. That’s much better Slave.”

Words that are music to a devoted Slave’s ears.

Monday, November 15, 2010

On the 366th Day...

The blogger drove his 2o something daughter to the airport at 4 am. It was amazing that she surprised me with her visit for the big birthday....

But by the time I got home, around 6:15 am, I was more inclined to crawl back into bed with my warm, sleeping Mistress than devote my self to my "craft"... will catch up with you tomorrow, dear readers.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

One Year of Molly and Mick.... Want More?

River City, U.S.A.


 To: Our Readers on the Occasion of Our First Anniversary
From: Mick Collins, Executive Editor

Yeah. It is old Mick’s Birthday today. One that may require a re-write of our little intro at the top of the page. Gulp.

But more importantly, it’s the anniversary of our first posting here at UCTMW. Here is a link to that first posting. Election Day 2009

A full year of our adventures, reported for those of you who take a few moments of your day to catch up with us, or ogle the luscious bod of my beloved Mistress.

This venture started out modestly …. I had been writing little daily  lurid love letters to Mistress as a way to show my devotion and squelch her insecurities.  We had signed our contract about a month earlier.  The Contract gave her license to explore interests she might have in other men.  At the time she was kindling her first little flirtation: with E, an old college fuck buddy who had popped up all horny and assertive in her inbox one day.

But as the words piled up we realized that my little love letters might find an audience. 

Of course why we would want an audience for the most intimate aspects of our lives is another question, isn’t it?

I’ve posted below one of those early emails… from the week before the blog started. As you can tell, the style has changed a bit. To broaden things a bit to the notion of having an “audience” of more than one, my entries are longer addressed to Mistress. Though maybe that’s a style I need to revisit from time to time.

Of course, we had no idea whether we would find an audience. But now, reviewing our “stats”, it seems  we are building a pervy corps of followers:

About 620 average page views per day, and growing month to month.

About 370 unique visitors every day.

About 80 or so repeat followers.

The U.S. remains our biggest audience. But (in descending order of frequency) there are those of you checking in with us from the U.K, Germany, Canada, Sweden, Italy, Brazil, Denmark, Turkey, Australia. And little dots on the map show visits from even more exotic locales.

It’s hard to imagine that there are folks so far afield checking on in us – or checking out Molly .  But welcome!  We love hearing from you.

And of course, the best and least anticipated part is the community we have built among some of you along the way.

E turned out to be a pretender, and did not stay with us long. He was replaced by some potential suitors for Mistress, her “starter Dom”, Sir M, then, the other M who evolved from blog reader, to email pal,  to our Western Correspondent, a man of few written words but a voice that turns Molly all squirmy. And the special occasion cock she yearns for still.

And  we have also collected a lovely bunch of comment makers along the way – particularly the “sub sisters” – ‘Nilla, Aisha, Sin, SFP. It’s been great fun to connect with all of you.  And to meet Aisha and her D just last weekend. Let’s hope there will be more meetings with several of you in the future.

But the corp purpose of the blog is focused on my lovely Mistress Molly: It’s my way of showing my devotion to her… it’s my little gift every morning …. A window into my normally opaque Irish guy brain.

As long as she continues to find it amusing I plan to keep it up.

So, here is a little piece from our vault, written to Molly on November, 9, 2009, shortly before UCTMW was born:

Coming home to you after a day on the road, all caged up and wondering what you were up to...it was particularly nice to sink down to my knees, pull down those riding tights and bury my face in your cunt. Your juices and scent are more addicting than ever. And the grip of your thighs around my head as you moan is the best end of the work day hug I can imagine. I must have done an adequate job, because you unlocked and fondled me a bit before we went for our ride under the full moon.

After our ride, when we were cooking, I came at you from behind, griping you tightly with a hand across your chest, then sliding my other hand into your pants making you squirm while whispering in your ear to consider what it would be like on your first meeting with E to have his hand buried there. That got me wondering to myself how quickly you would come for him just like that - my guess is very quickly, after all that pent up expectation. But I didn't let you come there on the kitchen floor, tho I know you were seconds away.

After dinner with our surly teens,  it seemed we raced through the clean up to get upstairs. You had asked for a spanking, no doubt because E had kindled that desire in your talk with him in the am.

Just could not wait until Sunday, could you? I know you want to feel his hand on your oh so firm, yet velvety soft bottom. But for the time being, at least, its still  all mine. Its my duty to you to fulfill your desires, even if they are for him to spank you.

Not very slave like for me to tie your hands together, then pull out the chair and drape you over my knee. Those sexy violet undies you had on barely covered your cheeks. You settled there so compliantly, head hanging down, barely moving. I could tell you were fantasizing about E and the feeling you will have someday when he lays you across his lap. You were in the zone I get in sometimes when you restrain me, mistress.

I had turned on music so the girls could not hear the crisp sound of my hand slapping your butt. You took your medicine well, tho I suspect I did not apply the same force that E is likely to apply, as he tries to break you into complete, total moaning submission to him.

What I did notice is how nicely you squirmed and how wet you were after just a few spanks. So I had to take some time to work my fingers into you and bring you to the brink before the spanking resumed.

After about 15 minutes of that I pulled you to the bed. You had promised to reward me, but you demanded that I make you come with my fingers first. So I laid you on the bed, hands still tied and we talked and kissed as I slowly brought you off, making you ask permission as if I was your new master and not your slave.

When you had your fill, I untied you and it was time for what I had requested to help me deal with my feelings about your infatuation with E.. What I needed was your reminder of how wonderful complete and total submission to your desires and control is. And you do that best with your strap on mistress. You took me firmly and hard from behind. I almost came against the bed, which would have been a first, as you drove into me. And your own climax as you thrust behind me was loud and frantic. I like that your doing me that way has such a wonderful impact on you, mistress.

When I finally had permission to fuck you, I asked you to imagine what it would be like to have E inside you then and there, and to do again what he surely will ask - beg for the privilege to come for him. And you did. And I agreed (on his behalf).

Kind of amazing where this is heading. off the tracks crazy, but oh so memorable.”

Thanks to those of you in the Blog-O-sphere for following our adventures! More to come….

Mick Collins, Executive Editor.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Cheap Trick

So this is what a blogger who procrastinates ends up doing as a substitute for pith, humour and insight:

Posts an alluring photo of his Mistress, in repose, after a recent switch day enterprise.

I know some of you out there will have no complaints.

For the rest of our fans, I can only offer this excuse. I slept in a little later than normal. Mistress woke up a little earlier than normal. So just as I was opening a blank word document to begin my a.m. musings, after perusing a variety of my colleagues' postings .... duty called....

"Slave... get up here!"

"Yes, Mistress."

Tomorrow is a big day here in Molly and Mick land, and I promise to do much better.

Have a great Saturday.