Saturday, November 13, 2010

Cheap Trick

So this is what a blogger who procrastinates ends up doing as a substitute for pith, humour and insight:

Posts an alluring photo of his Mistress, in repose, after a recent switch day enterprise.

I know some of you out there will have no complaints.

For the rest of our fans, I can only offer this excuse. I slept in a little later than normal. Mistress woke up a little earlier than normal. So just as I was opening a blank word document to begin my a.m. musings, after perusing a variety of my colleagues' postings .... duty called....

"Slave... get up here!"

"Yes, Mistress."

Tomorrow is a big day here in Molly and Mick land, and I promise to do much better.

Have a great Saturday.


  1. and tomorrow is also mick's birthday. yes, we are having a party.

  2. A party - how cool! Will there be dungeons and such?? LOL


  3. See, we should have rented the dungeon and a bus!


  4. Sounds fun... we could all write fantasies about the bus.


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