Monday, November 15, 2010

On the 366th Day...

The blogger drove his 2o something daughter to the airport at 4 am. It was amazing that she surprised me with her visit for the big birthday....

But by the time I got home, around 6:15 am, I was more inclined to crawl back into bed with my warm, sleeping Mistress than devote my self to my "craft"... will catch up with you tomorrow, dear readers.


  1. I'm feeling kinda deprived - not even a picture to tide us over... but I know you're enjoying your "back in bed time!"


  2. Thanks for your comment on my blog. I have actually been thinking about you two. I love that Molly liked my arms, but sad she pleaded the 5th on my cock :(

    I will post another shot for her to consider, if my 8 inches,is not enough for her, I understand, then maybe we could fuck her at the same time, surely my 8 inches plus your X" would satisfy her.

    If not, I would be more than happy to use my arm. PS your Sept 30 posting of Molly is very hot.

  3. oh dear!

    are you taking on the traits of the WC?? lazing about instead of productivity!?!


    glad your dau could be with you on your "big" day...



  4. Well, 'Nilla, I don't know if it was lazing. It was hard to get up at 3:30 am after my Bday party... then do the two hours of driving. So it made more sense to crawl back in that warm bed for a power nap... and a reward when Mistress woke up.... or I guess it was me waking her up.

    Aisha, sorry to deprive you. I know what that does to your wanton self. I have a good picture ready for tomorrow.

    and H, well, all I can say is that Mistress seems pretty focused on M's special ocassion cock, at least on an aspirational basis. But she will keep a look out for your next posting.

  5. Ask Molly to critique the second photo on my recent post...


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