Saturday, April 11, 2020

High Desert Scenery.....

One thing that's nice about "sheltering in place" here at our SWH is we have plenty of elbow room.  There is a front porch with a view to the west -- big sky, blazing sunsets (and haunting moon sets), and sometimes the drama of distant thunder heads.

To the east there are snow capped mountains, visible from our back patio, where Mistress has been spending afternoons with her kindle, working on eliminating those tan lines. 

For her slave, the view can be distracting, as you can see in this photo.
I mean -- look at those peaks (with and without snow!)

If there is anything to be gained from this infernal time on world history, it may be that Mistress has her earliest tan ever!  That and the discovery of a previously unknown talent for baking cookies. As you can see from that strategically place violet container, she continuously moisturizes. 

Apparently my photos of her various curves and appendages these last few weeks have inspired at least one of our readers, who penned a private tribute to Mistress regarding a "leg shot" posted here earlier this week.  Hopefully he won't object to me posting it anonymously here:

There is a lot to like in that picture. Beyond the curve of your underthigh, grippable feet and ankles, and all the tanned skin that beckons to be licked, the turquoise accents pop as prominently as your nipple. You're sucking in the sun, warming your hot body against a high-desert backdrop. I'm imagining how easily, with just a flick of my index and middle fingers, ever so lightly pulling your knee toward the camera your leg would flop wide open, surrendering your inner thighs and crotch to my generous exploration. I'd pause, still at a distance, and continue to take-in more of this artfully lit composition, soaking it all in.

As Mistress responded, "I think Mick posts these sorts of pictures just to tease our readers.  Don't encourage him."

Well, consider me encouraged.

1 comment:

  1. indeed your beautiful body is a tease
    so may i please ask for more
    Thank You Happy Easter


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