Midwestern Professionals relocated the the High Desert SW add some cuckoldry and submission. But now there's a New BOSS in town
Wednesday, April 29, 2020
Cuckold Meme of the Day
Femdom couple interested in and expoloring the cuckold dynamic.
Monday, April 27, 2020
Self Isolating On the Road

We decided to take our time, turning a typically 2 day journey into 3, and staying at off the beaten boutique lodgings in small town Kansas and Missouri.
Since restaurants remain shuttered, but for take out, we had a cooler full of fixings and made a Walmart stop in Great Bend, KS for various provisions that may be in shorter supply back in the heartland. Lots of toilet paper was on hand, and now sits in the back of our mobile UCTMW HQ. And few of the customers wore masks, or seemed particularly paranoid about the dread disease.

"In the old days you would have tied me to the bed, slave."
"Damn. Should I text the owner and ask if he can bring over some rope? he said to let him know if we needed anything?"
We did slide in a sexual interlude early on Saturday evening, the completion of a double header for us, before Mistress composed a salad from goodies in our cooler. We had the whole place to ourselves.
Last night we also were the only guests at a charming B&B in a tiny railroad crossing town in central Missouri. The only one around was a cute brown cat that took a shine to Mistress.
Arriving in time for a walk around town and a late afternoon nap, we shared an old sleigh style bed, where Mistress got some post nap worship before we enjoyed a home made meal outside in the garden.
Sadly, our little road trip vacation will end this evening when we come to ground back on the River.
Hoping this will be a short visit before we head west again. Maybe the so called "invisible enemy" will not even notice we were there before we are gone again.
Femdom couple interested in and expoloring the cuckold dynamic.
Sunday, April 26, 2020
Cuckold Meme of the Day (Public Health Alert)
Femdom couple interested in and expoloring the cuckold dynamic.
Friday, April 24, 2020
Cuckold Meme of the Day
Femdom couple interested in and expoloring the cuckold dynamic.
Thursday, April 23, 2020
Cuckold Meme of the Day
Femdom couple interested in and expoloring the cuckold dynamic.
Tuesday, April 21, 2020
Nice Scenery

Femdom couple interested in and expoloring the cuckold dynamic.
Monday, April 20, 2020
Cuckold Meme of the Day
Femdom couple interested in and expoloring the cuckold dynamic.
Sunday, April 19, 2020
Kinky Image Swap

Yesterday, after some bracing wake up sex, we were out the door and back on the trail for another hike along the rim of the Rio Grande.
It was a blustery day, and when some rain begin to spill from high clouds, we headed back home, stopping briefly for some spicy regional take-out for lunch.
On out way back, Mistress checked her email and discovered a request from Drew, her recent correspondent from back in River City.
"He wants me share a kinky images. I have to go first. Something I find alluring, slave....So I may need your help."
Apparently one of my roles as the UCTMW Managing Editor and IT Director is to find kinky images to share with Mistress's potential suitors.
Back at home I asked her what she was thinking about.
"How about one with spanking, slave....". she said with a somewhat seductive tone.
Hmmm..... Interesting. Apparently that is an itch that has gone unscratched for too long. I called up google images and pursued the available selections. Given a few choices, she picked this one:

Image copied, it was sent off to Drew. Hopefully he got the message. I am sure Mistress is curious to know what he will send back in return.
Of course, Mistress seems to have the perfect bottom for spanking. After a post-hike nap, I couldn't help but notice how good it looked in some yellow undies I got her for some past occasion. She was happy to pose on our bed. Very spankable, don't you think?
Then again, she looks pretty hot when encouraged to flip over too:

Femdom couple interested in and expoloring the cuckold dynamic.
Saturday, April 18, 2020
Femdom couple interested in and expoloring the cuckold dynamic.
Friday, April 17, 2020
Cuckolding In the Age of COVID-19
Out here at our SW hideaway we remain on lockdown. Socially distancing in the great outdoors, and hunkering down at night, with lots of viewing options on our TV. We miss friends and music venues that we enjoy, but who can complain - we are in a county where there are very few cases, grocery shelves are well stocked, and we enjoy each other's company - a lot.
But it certainly makes it hard for Mistress to scratch that cuckolding itch.
I saw an article in The NY Times on line the other day suggesting some Quarantine Dating Ideas. All were pretty lame: pick two pizzas, and eat them in adjoining cars while making small talk? "Visit" a museum on line together from separate homes or apartments? Not exactly high octane stuff.
A google search came up with some related headlines:
1) From Cosmo Hook Ups During Coronavirus describing 6 women who "chose dick over social distancing" - clearly violating the rules while hoping their partners of convenience are as cautious and pristine as they claim.
2) "How Dating Apps are Changing Dating and Relationships", from PC Magazine, quotes Tindr as telling it's users that "Social distancing does not mean disconnecting" but "keep it here for now...."
3) From the NY Post "How to Find a Quarantine Cutie During COVID-19", which recommends cooling up digitally with folks from out of town.
And so on..... But no advice from the MSM on how to pursue your cuckolding fantasies while on lock down. So maybe we owe it to our readers to come up with some ideas here?
1) There is always the "old school" phone sex option. That's how Mistress originally hooked up with our Western Correspondent (aka, Mike or the WC) back in the early days of this blog. That was pretty hot for us cuckolding newbies. They would sometimes make a phone sex "date" for a particular time. Slave would be required to kneel nearby, orally serve Mistress, while the two of them talked. Sometimes Mike would impose an orgasm "embargo" on Mistress 24-48 hours in advance of such a date to make sure she was nice and horny. But Mike was always pretty generous to slave..... I never had to deal with an orgasm embargo when Mike was calling the shots.
2) Nowadays, the availability of Zoom or FaceTime could allow the phone sex option to expand into video conferencing. You could even have three way calls with the cuck elsewhere in the house, forced to watch as the "Bull" teases, taunts and "forces" cums from his wife, then the cuck cleans up afterwards. Add some mandated cage time, or Bull imposed abstinence could be a pretty hot cuckolding fantasy (or reality).
3) Use the time off from personal interaction to prospect for future cuckolding companions. Mistress has been emailing with Drew back in River City, who could be a prospect down the road. And there is that guy from Salt Lake City who has been sending the occasional email about his "plans" for Mistress. While that seems more in the realm of fantasy that reality, it can certainly fuel some hot and speculative sex here at the SW hideaway.
Let us know if you have any ideas in the realm of COVID Cuckolding. Who knows, maybe we can get a guest column in Cosmo!
But it certainly makes it hard for Mistress to scratch that cuckolding itch.
I saw an article in The NY Times on line the other day suggesting some Quarantine Dating Ideas. All were pretty lame: pick two pizzas, and eat them in adjoining cars while making small talk? "Visit" a museum on line together from separate homes or apartments? Not exactly high octane stuff.
A google search came up with some related headlines:
1) From Cosmo Hook Ups During Coronavirus describing 6 women who "chose dick over social distancing" - clearly violating the rules while hoping their partners of convenience are as cautious and pristine as they claim.
2) "How Dating Apps are Changing Dating and Relationships", from PC Magazine, quotes Tindr as telling it's users that "Social distancing does not mean disconnecting" but "keep it here for now...."
3) From the NY Post "How to Find a Quarantine Cutie During COVID-19", which recommends cooling up digitally with folks from out of town.
And so on..... But no advice from the MSM on how to pursue your cuckolding fantasies while on lock down. So maybe we owe it to our readers to come up with some ideas here?

2) Nowadays, the availability of Zoom or FaceTime could allow the phone sex option to expand into video conferencing. You could even have three way calls with the cuck elsewhere in the house, forced to watch as the "Bull" teases, taunts and "forces" cums from his wife, then the cuck cleans up afterwards. Add some mandated cage time, or Bull imposed abstinence could be a pretty hot cuckolding fantasy (or reality).
3) Use the time off from personal interaction to prospect for future cuckolding companions. Mistress has been emailing with Drew back in River City, who could be a prospect down the road. And there is that guy from Salt Lake City who has been sending the occasional email about his "plans" for Mistress. While that seems more in the realm of fantasy that reality, it can certainly fuel some hot and speculative sex here at the SW hideaway.
Let us know if you have any ideas in the realm of COVID Cuckolding. Who knows, maybe we can get a guest column in Cosmo!
COVID cuckolding
Femdom couple interested in and expoloring the cuckold dynamic.
Thursday, April 16, 2020
Cuckold Meme of the Day
Femdom couple interested in and expoloring the cuckold dynamic.
Wednesday, April 15, 2020
Cuckold Meme of the Day
Femdom couple interested in and expoloring the cuckold dynamic.
Tuesday, April 14, 2020
Cuckold Meme of the Day
Femdom couple interested in and expoloring the cuckold dynamic.
Monday, April 13, 2020
Cuckold Meme of the Day
Femdom couple interested in and expoloring the cuckold dynamic.
Sunday, April 12, 2020
Clean Up Duty

Speaking of "horns", Mistress got an interesting questions from a correspondent back in River City.
He seems intrigued by this whole cuckold thing, and asked "What is the shortest approximate elapsed time between a lover finishing and Mick cleaning you up?"
We conferred and concluded that we've never done that in the presence of the sloppy lover who left behind his liquid calling card.

With some other lovers I can think of, I would do my job in the morning, after Mistress returned from a sleep over, or from a late evening of extra-marital frolic.
Or maybe I would get a taste of her lover at the end of the work day, when Mistress had an afternoon matinee in our marital bed. So the answer is probably 45 minutes to an hour would have been the shortest interval.
Clearly, there is room for setting a "personal best" in the future.
Femdom couple interested in and expoloring the cuckold dynamic.
Saturday, April 11, 2020
High Desert Scenery.....
One thing that's nice about "sheltering in place" here at our SWH is we have plenty of elbow room. There is a front porch with a view to the west -- big sky, blazing sunsets (and haunting moon sets), and sometimes the drama of distant thunder heads.
To the east there are snow capped mountains, visible from our back patio, where Mistress has been spending afternoons with her kindle, working on eliminating those tan lines.
For her slave, the view can be distracting, as you can see in this photo.
I mean -- look at those peaks (with and without snow!)
If there is anything to be gained from this infernal time on world history, it may be that Mistress has her earliest tan ever! That and the discovery of a previously unknown talent for baking cookies. As you can see from that strategically place violet container, she continuously moisturizes.
Apparently my photos of her various curves and appendages these last few weeks have inspired at least one of our readers, who penned a private tribute to Mistress regarding a "leg shot" posted here earlier this week. Hopefully he won't object to me posting it anonymously here:
There is a lot to like in that picture. Beyond the curve of your underthigh, grippable feet and ankles, and all the tanned skin that beckons to be licked, the turquoise accents pop as prominently as your nipple. You're sucking in the sun, warming your hot body against a high-desert backdrop. I'm imagining how easily, with just a flick of my index and middle fingers, ever so lightly pulling your knee toward the camera your leg would flop wide open, surrendering your inner thighs and crotch to my generous exploration. I'd pause, still at a distance, and continue to take-in more of this artfully lit composition, soaking it all in.
As Mistress responded, "I think Mick posts these sorts of pictures just to tease our readers. Don't encourage him."
Well, consider me encouraged.
Femdom couple interested in and expoloring the cuckold dynamic.
Friday, April 10, 2020
Cuckold Meme of the Day
Femdom couple interested in and expoloring the cuckold dynamic.
Thursday, April 9, 2020
How Far Does Our Lockdown Go?

We were initially invited to attend a Passover Seder with a local couple. But on further reflection, we decided that even if we had kept our distance during dinner, or even limited our visit to BYO cocktails on the veranda, it would be poor form in these times.

Yesterday, one of our readers asked how far this whole lockdown thing goes for this pampered house slave? "Mick, did you pack a cage for this trip", he asked.
Well my Moto since Scouring days has always been "Be Prepared". So, Yes, there is a cage in my backpack. Just in case. But Mistress has been pretty indulgent lately. So caging has not been required other than we she has some cuckolding going on, or she goes out of town for some reason. And neither eventuality has come up in recent months.
But I am fully equipped, just in case!
cock cage
Femdom couple interested in and expoloring the cuckold dynamic.
Wednesday, April 8, 2020
Another Day on Lock Down....
Mistress and slave have it pretty nice out here at our SWH. Our problems are definitely of the "first world" variety.
And yesterday, Mistress broke down to take off her old nail polish and give her self a new glittery shade.... now that's resourceful. Normally that's done at a salon. Her new polish caught the glow of another vivid sunset during what has become a daily "COVID cocktail hour", also new for us.... we really aren't (or have not been until now) the "cocktail hour" types.
There used to be an occasional "abstinence day" for her slave. In other words, she came and slave was required to hold my passion for another day. That's a sort of disciplinary right which Mistress retains. But she's pretty indulgent, and it's been a long time since we've had an "abstinence day" here at the UCTMW mobile HQ. Lucky slave!
(Shameful, I know! Fortunately, when the Amazon driver arrived, Alexa gave a little chime of warning. now that's something new!)
- Paying a little more for groceries because we can patronize a well stocked but tiny little organic market just a short bike ride away. they even have a little hand wash station and free disposable gloves available for those who enter!
- When we both have Zoom calls at the same time, our internet will slow down and images get herky-jerky.
- I could use a haircut, but, alas, the barbers have all been shut down.
- And we can sometimes get annoyed with clients back home make "demands" for our remote attention. Why does it seem we should simply be treated like we are on vacation when we are still getting paid?
But then, as someone once said, "necessity is the mother of invention". Mistress has taken to baking very yummy sugar free cookies. Who would have thought of Mistress as a baker?

And while we've had plenty of time to explore new TV series on NETFLIX, HULU, PBS, etc. we have not forgotten what got us this flashy sex blog all those years ago--- sex.
Mistress has been corresponding with "Drew", a potential partner back in River City these last couple of weeks, and he asked about what we mean by "Wake Up Sex". Well it's a sort of shorthand for a morning ritual that we have enjoyed for many years: it's very rare that we don't have sex of some variety when we wake up. Exceptions have arisen only when Mistress or her slave have an unusually early morning business engagement, or we are apart for some reason.
We typically begin with some oral worship, bringing Mistress to her first cum of the day (unless she's been secretly playing with herself before I come back to bed). If I've written a blog entry, she typically reads the blog as a little extra stimulant as I use by lips and tongue to bring her to that initial climax.
Presuming I have done my job well, I am then given permission to move onto stage two. I might be on top, or maybe she might be on top. Or we switch about before things come to their natural conclusion. Sometimes I deploy Mistress' s favorite power tool (an Hitachi Magic Wand0 to spice things ip. You get the picture.

Of course, we are not done with sex after "wake up" sex is over. Mistress typically requires some form of worship during the course of the day. Example: yesterday she was out sunning herself. It may have been only in the 50's here, but the high altitude sun is warm. Working on those lingering tan lines required the removal of ALL clothing, as you can see.

Once Mistress rolled over, I offered to worship. After all there were no annoying layers of clothes to get in the way. Nothing like easy access! I went to work, but Mistress had an idea. She reached for her phone. Maybe we should document this for our readers, slave.....
Here's the result. As you can see, my need for a haircut is not on top. For this version of worship, it was allowed to leave my sunglasses on.
outdoor worship
Femdom couple interested in and expoloring the cuckold dynamic.
Tuesday, April 7, 2020
Cuckold Meme of the Day
Femdom couple interested in and expoloring the cuckold dynamic.
Monday, April 6, 2020
Erasing Those Tan Lines.

Yesterday, there was a relatively early rise for our daily "wake up sex". Some local handy men had warned us they would be over at 9:00 am to finish work on replacing some rusty gutters, and their work would be done just beyond our bedroom windows and door.
After emerging from our bed, Mistress joined me in our living room wearing tight shorts and a fetching sports bra, and plenty of skin showing in between, and below.
"Do you think it's OK if I'm dressed like this on the patio after the handymen arrive, slave?"
"If your goal is distracting them, Mistress....."
"I'm not going to pass up some great sunshine just because some guys are working out back...."
she protested.
Of course, she wouldn't. Mistress is a sunshine addict, and there's no getting between her and some quality rays. And I suspect she secretly relished the idea of taunting these two younger and very buff guys with her flat tummy and lucious curves. She can be quite a tease! If the guys were commenting on her as she lay seductively on her chaise, just 15 ft away from their project, I couldn't tell. They were speaking a very rapid variety of Spanish to one another.

nude sun bathing,
tan lines
Femdom couple interested in and expoloring the cuckold dynamic.
Sunday, April 5, 2020
Cuckold Meme of the Day
Femdom couple interested in and expoloring the cuckold dynamic.
Saturday, April 4, 2020
A Day In the (Self-Quarantine) Life
Out here at our SWH life has taken on a familiar and contented routine these last few weeks. Slave wakes up earlier than Mistress, brews some coffee, settles down with his laptop, maybe to do a little work, communicate with family, and update the blog.

Mistress typically wakes after the sun rises and calls on her slave for his service-- first with coffee, then, after some lolling in bed, our daily "wake-up sex. You can see her here in post-coital mode, in one of those skimpy outfits acquired over the years. (There are quite a few by now).
Once we are out of bed, there are some domestic chores to attend consider. We have been on a rather effective low-carb diet of late. But Mistress still has a sweet tooth. So she's taken to baking some very tasty but non-sugar cookies. Here she is whipping up a new batch. No need for a bath robe here. I must say that I've never seen someone wield an electric mixer with such allure!
Once the sun is high enough in the sky, it's time for our daily exercise. Our Governor's order says we should stay at home, but allows for socially distant exercise in the great outdoors. For us, sometimes it's hiking or snow shoeing. But more typically a long bike ride along some familiar routes with lots of hill climbs to get the blood pumping. Here she is at the top of one of those long hills, with an impressive vista in the background. She definitely has a thing for tie-dye.
Exercise behind us -- and after some annoying work related calls - it's time for a little lunch and relaxation out on our patio. Even if temperatures are barely breaking 50, the sun is warm at this altitude (about 7300 ft.) and Mistress has nothing to hide, since our neighbors are off in the distance. So she strips down to black undies, with a Mexican blanket handy to wrap herself in if the sun hides behind an occasional cloud, or the FedEx Man drops by to ask for a signature.
If Mistress had to choose between me and her Kindle during a "stay at home" order I am not confident what the choice would be.......

Once we are out of bed, there are some domestic chores to attend consider. We have been on a rather effective low-carb diet of late. But Mistress still has a sweet tooth. So she's taken to baking some very tasty but non-sugar cookies. Here she is whipping up a new batch. No need for a bath robe here. I must say that I've never seen someone wield an electric mixer with such allure!

Exercise behind us -- and after some annoying work related calls - it's time for a little lunch and relaxation out on our patio. Even if temperatures are barely breaking 50, the sun is warm at this altitude (about 7300 ft.) and Mistress has nothing to hide, since our neighbors are off in the distance. So she strips down to black undies, with a Mexican blanket handy to wrap herself in if the sun hides behind an occasional cloud, or the FedEx Man drops by to ask for a signature.
If Mistress had to choose between me and her Kindle during a "stay at home" order I am not confident what the choice would be.......
nude sun bathing,
Femdom couple interested in and expoloring the cuckold dynamic.
Friday, April 3, 2020
Cuckold Meme of the Day
Femdom couple interested in and expoloring the cuckold dynamic.
Thursday, April 2, 2020
Distancing in the Wild

The stroll was over pristine snow, with the occasional ski, dog or boot track that helped us follow the trail. And we were barely winded when we reached our objective after about 2 hours of smushing, seeing not a soul on the way up to about 11,250 ft of altitude. Now that was distancing.
Back at the SWH, Mistress made us a light lunch (tuna salad) and we then found ourselves back in bed for a refreshing nap. By then, Mistress had changed into her sexy lounge ware, which made it easy for me to indulge in some post-nap worship before we arose.
By dinner time we were back outside on our front porch, enjoying the sunset. Mistress did not bother to dress in anything other than a serape and wooly shirt to brace herself against the evening breeze. That left her showing a lot of leg! So the "scenery" wasn't just another colorful sunset.
As I said, while there may be no cuckolding going on in this age of keeping our distance, we have it pretty easy.
Femdom couple interested in and expoloring the cuckold dynamic.
Wednesday, April 1, 2020
(Un)Sheltered in Place

Here Mistress can peel off some layers and lounge on our patio when the sun is out, even though temperatures are only in the upper 40's and 50's. That high altitude sunshine warms her silky skin nicely.
Just have to be careful in case the Fed Ex man makes an unexpected foray beyond our front door!

Not too tough a quarantine regimen for these apocalyptic times.
But we know that some of you out there are not so lucky. Maybe you have an "essential" job and don't have the luxury of sheltering in place. Maybe you've lost your job and are worried about paying your rent or mortgage. Maybe you are at home with small kids, trying to be their substitute teacher while doing your job from home too, like two of our daughters.
So if we can entertain and amuse in some small way --- we will try to do our part here at the UCTMW World HQ!
Femdom couple interested in and expoloring the cuckold dynamic.
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