Thursday, July 13, 2017

Reunion Countdown.

Mistress is now waiting in some 3rd world airport. Her slave is getting ready to leave from a slightly more civilized airport in the SW. Our reunion is planned for tomorrow evening when I will collect her and the Dowager Domme at the River City airport.

The time away seemed to go faster than I feared.  Both of us were busy - she with a variety of exotic adventures. Me with some work around the house and evenings spent with friends. And lots of hiking and biking too.

Since it's not clear when JJ will be back in town, it looks like slave will get "first dibs" on relieving Mistress's pent up demand for a male induced orgasm.

As for me, all that daily self abuse has grown tiresome.  I'm ready to please as well as please myself.

Hopefully our updates in the coming weeks will be more regular and more entertaining in the weeks to come!

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