Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Cuckold Sleep Over Advisory

Mistress and slave are back in River City, hunkered down for a little too much work these last few days. While spring time here is one of the better times of the year, it's sad not to enjoy this week's full moon over the high desert landscape of our SW hideaway. Instead of those dark skies, ours is more of an urban landscape here.

But there are some redeeming benefits, particularly for Mistress. Example:

"Slave, I've invited Jay over for dinner on Wednesday night...."

"It will be good to see him, Mistress..... will he be spending the night?"

"His son is out of town this week, so, yes, I think he probably will."

I guess I have some meal planning to do. A stop at the grocery store this afternoon. And making sure our daughter's bed is ready to accommodate this old slave while Mistress enjoys the attention of her lover.

They have some catching up to do.


  1. Ha ha,sounds like fun for Mistress. Back from the west and back in the saddle.

  2. There's no place like home is there?

    You really should pay more attention to the bed Mistress will be using with Jay than the one you'll be in. i'm changing the sheets in ours for Diane's date with Paul this afternoon. She may require a second change later. We'll see.

    sissy terri


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