Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Where's the Pattern?

Mistress was in  SW nirvana here yesterday morning before we headed up the mountain for skiing: it's so warm that for breakfast she was sitting out on our patio, sunning herself in her undies, while eating re-warmed  spelt pizza with goat cheese and mushrooms left over from the night before.

"This is heaven, Slave...."

"But remember pizza isn't just for breakfast anymore, Mistress."

But the real subject of today's blog is not the expanding boundaries of breakfast food, but something that Donna our Senior Correspondent has been prodding me about. Can any of you find a pattern in these recent rankings of the states?

First, there is the "duration of sex" survey posted here last week, which says that in New Mexico the average duration of each act of intercourse exceeds 7 minutes, the longest interval in the nation. On the other hand, Alaska comes in last, at less than 2 minutes:

Here's the link showing the time for each state.

Then there is this "Gallup Well Being"  survey of all 50 states, measuring various factors such as healthy habits, financial security, workplace contentment, etc. In this one, North Dakota ranks the highest,  and the bottom 5 are Ohio,  Alabama, Mississippi, Kentucky and West Virginia come in last.

New Mexico, a poor state, exceeds expectations on this survey, coming in not far from the middle. Maybe that's because while folks are poor they spend more time in the sack, which has to generate good vibes, right? But then what explains why West Virginia is near the bottom on "well being" but ranks second when it comes to taking time to fuck (even if it might be a kissin' cousin)? And our home state of Ohio - well it's lagging behind on both fronts.

Finally, there is this survey of states based on the location of various "hate groups":

Hate Map 2013

I can't get the map take on this page, but if you click on it you see that the the number of documented hate groups, as cataloged by the Southern Poverty Law Center varies from state to state. There are surprisingly few in New Mexico though: maybe all that time engaged in the act of love leaves little time left over for hate? But again, the 2nd place state of West Virginia on the sex duration index also has a large contingent of haters.  Go figure?

If you can find any correlations here, please let us know dear readers. Now I'm going back to bed with Mistress to see if we can once again hit above our state wide average.


  1. Mick,

    Glad to see that at the end of today's blog post, you decided to do something worthwhile. and where the hell did you come across a "hate map?"


  2. Hey Suzanne,

    I found it at the Southern Poverty Law Center Site. Amazing group of people there! I was hoping the overlay of the maps might show that those who have sex more frequently are happier and less likely to belong to hate groups. But really, who ever knows whether data like this are correct. I had an elderly relative who once said that figures don't lie, but liars figure.

    I would like to see the honest stats on those of us who might be considered kinky. What's the average number of times per week, or day, for us? Do we tend to be happier than the general population? I know we're gorgeous, sexy, and intelligent, I was just wondering about the rest.



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