Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Drilling Down Into the Data on Whether More "Manly" Hubbies get more action.

How do I get my partner to dominate me?: Housework, Sex, Middle Aged Marriage and what the study actually says

Niles English who writes the blog "How Do I Get My Partner to Dominate Me" did a great job of drilling into the data of the study blown out of proportions in the New York Times article discussed here yesterday. It looks like it was based on some rather stale and imperfect data, from which the author may have jumped to some unjustified conclusions. The link is above.

In any event, those of us who have changed the traditional sex role "scripts" in our marriage sure do better than either the typical "traditional" marriage, or the "modern" marriage with its housework sharing!

Thanks Niles for looking deeper into this.

1 comment:

  1. I would hope we do better! That's the ultimate goal isn't it?



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