As it turned out MM was funny, charming, and entertaining, showing off his slideshow of recent ventures to Everest, Denali and Kilimanjaro. Though Mistress was a little concerned when he kept mentioning some other woman, a doctor, who accompanied him to Africa this winter and was shown popping back a dislocated shoulder of some Tanzanian "bearer" along a rocky trail.
When the presentation ended, MM was surrounded with followers, and our "spring-breaker" who had been bored for most of the show, was demanding to be fed. So Mistress was unable to linger for a little face time.

s you might expect, Mistress was on slow simmer for the rest of the day after that. And she almost needed rescuing after she and our surly boarder girl decided to make the 1/5 hour trek to the "Peak" for the views and the long challenging ski down. (The pictures shows what that trek looks like... Slave's done it before and well... let's just say I'm not crazy).
Naturally, the boarder left her mother in the dust on the way up. But Slave waited dutifully for Mistress at the bottom of the run as she made the long ski down in deep, barely tracked snow. (yes, folks, that picture at the top shows the run they came down, from the very top).
At home, Mistress showed me her FB messages with MM.
"DO you think he's flirting with me, Slave?"
"I don't know what else to call it, Mistress".
Sadly, it may be a while before we find out. MM is heading to Nepal for the Everest climbing season on Friday! And the surly boarder is here until Sunday.
Bummer for Mistress. I'll just have to hep her forget him.
Why not just throw caution to the wind and once your surly traveling companion goes back to school, join MM for the Everest climbing season? So you miss some of March Madness?
Very cool sking and flirting Mick and Molly