Friday, September 30, 2011

Upcoming Attractions

There will be lots of action in the coming week here at the UCTMW World HQ. 

I wasn’t just blowing satire in yesterday’s meeting announcement: Our Senior Correspondent and Director of Security, International  (aka, Donna and Bill) are visiting us next Wednesday, and we plan on having a nice meal at home to get to chat with folks who came into our life via the sex-blog-o-sphere.

“Should I invite Francois, Slave?”

“Of course, Mistress, I’m sure Donna and Bill would be entertained by his presence.”

When Francois heard the news about Wednesday evening, he gave Mistress a gracious RSVP, and offered to whip up some sort of chocolate concoction for dessert. (I’m not exactly sure how one applies or consumes this confection, or whether I should get ice cream to go with it, but surely Francois will fill in the blanks beforehand.)

This weekend, the empty nest will also be disrupted a bit. Our daughter is escaping her campus for the weekend (or at least Friday night). She misses her kitties, and I will be taking her and two friends to watch the local NFL team, who are already hot on the trail of next year’s #1 draft choice.  So I guess Slave will have to plan a more sedate switch day. (or keep my powder dry until after she is safely back in her dorm room).

And after Bill and Donna head down to river to make their cameo appearance in another sex blog, we have what has been characterized as “Home Cumming Weekend” here in River City with Francois, Babette, and a variety of venues, implements, and plenty of wine.

I promise to keep the glasses full.

All of this will make for plenty of blog fodder.

Last night we did take advantage of our new found freedom, but not in a sexual way. 

We met for dinner at a hip hang out serving gourmet thin crusted pizza and other charming rustic Italian fare, then met a friend of Molly’s for drinks at a bar in a funky  old neighborhood, where the heavily tattooed bar tendress turns heads by her athletic two fisted cocktail shaking.  (That was a nice alternative to rushing home to make sure the teens were well fed and doing their homework).

But by the time we got home last night, Mistress and Slave were a little tuckered out.

Of course, that means there is some pent up demand for a little wake-up sex this morning. I hope you will excuse me if I shut down the laptop without any more filler,  and take care of business!


  1. Mick, bonjour.

    Yes Mistress and I discussed, me providing some elegant chocolate dessert.
    I was thinking of a chocolate size 6 high heels, but then you would have to finish the composition with fruits and fresh whipped cream ( 1,846 strokes with a 42 cm riding crop, NEVER any of that canned horror). Since you are already preparing the meal for the wedenesday meeting, I will just make some Kama Sutra based chocolates.
    The high heel I will probably reserve for the Home Cumming Weekend, when my chef will prepare the meal and you can save your energy for dessert and preparing the ladies for me to enjoy.
    Or perhaps I should bring a dessert we serve in the restaurant called "Euro Cum" .......A spoon full of a European Liquor topped with whipped cream.......

    EuroTrash aka François

  2. Mick, I'm very eager to hear what happens when all the blog figures meet. It sounds like it will be a bit like when sitcom characters from different sitcoms meet doesn't it? Can't wait.

  3. Hey Francois,

    I can tell I was wrong about you,

    my apologies ,

    Molly informs me that you, I and Mick all have similar personalties and that we would all probably like each other.

    I think that is true,

    As I am sure we will meet some day and Ii look forward to it,

    I also want to meet Donna and Bill Tammy jay and Suzanne someday,

    I look forward to hearing about your adventures with my dear friends,

    The likes Francois,

    But thinks he should loose the Euro Trash handle,


  4. Phew, i think i'm finally caught up on all the goings on at M & M's place this week!

    Life here has been hectic, strangely so, and my reading (as well as writing) time has been severely seems i'm reading almost everyones blogs in weekly chunks.

    So happy for Mistress that things with F are going well, and that you two are happy, snuggly, and of course, continually oversexed.

    Okay, so i'm a bit jealous.


    Day two of ZNN is always worse, added to the fact that the Man decided to torment me verbally last night. I'm oozing jealous vibes here...

    and i'm wondering if there is not an award somewhere in the world for "Couple who have the most Sex"...

    i'm guessing even the Heff can't compete with you both!!!



  5. Bill and I are so looking forward to the staff meeting along with whatever else may unfold at the UCTMW World Headquarters next week.

    Regardless of what he says, I still wonder whether WC might decide to surprise us all by walking through the door at the last minute.

    You never know for sure about the WC.


  6. I really should do that Donna,

    The would love to meet the whole crew,

    I definatly will at the next staff meeting

    The wants to meet the crew,


  7. All
    we are well at UC world HQ. I am currently in bed ( a bit under the weather) and will ensure that this passes in time for our historic upcoming week. Mick is out with some clients and hopefully will dote on me when he returns home. He is in his cage so cannot get into too much trouble. Francois did pick up his goat cheese this morning and went easy on me in this semi-fragile state. Cannot promise a weekend of epic sex..but, next weekend -- that is a horse of a different color.

  8. Oh
    and next staff meeting will be held at our Western HQ excuses for lack of attendance big guy!

  9. O, of course Donna and Bill will really be there Wednesday! Cool!!!

    I hope you're feeling better soon, Molly, and that your Mick and Francois are taking good care of you!


  10. WC

    NO need to apologize for being wrong about me.
    BUT I still have not heard back from your offer to be friends....Like I said a real friend would loan me $500 without any questions, yet I have not heard anything.
    So instead of that why don't you do as you offered in your comment on yesterday's posting.. and "fly out three or four of the potential masseuses to Headquarters so the whole staff could try them out"
    I will rate them and send them back to you .

    Now on a different note, Molly and I did reach stage 2 this morning. Soon we will reach stage 3, and yes Molly is starting to realize that stage is IS attainable. When we met she did hear me speak about stage 3, and even though she hopes, stayed a but sceptic, but she is a 'convert' now

    EuroTrash aka François


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