Friday, September 2, 2011

Report From the Road

Mistress and Slave are in no hurry on this journey to the UCTMW Mountain Zone Branch Office.

Wednesday evening found us getting off the highway early, and strolling through the quiet streets of Independence. Apparently it may be the last refuge of fans of Nancy Sinatra, based on the outfit we saw in a shop window, after closing time. Otherwise I'm sure Mistress would have been tempted to get her spangles on.

Yesterday, one of you suggested that we make sure to engage in a sex act in each state we passed through on our journey. Well unfortunately, we rushed too quickly through Indiana and Illinois, but made up for time and opportunities lost in Missouri. If anyone had been watching we "showed 'em".

We toured the Harry Truman Library and Museum before hitting the highway for that long drive through Kansas.

It was 108 degrees, the wind was blowing straight from Hades. The gas stations had "storm shelters" and sold Wizard of Oz T-shirts.  Around 4 pm, I pulled into an historic sight - an old Cavalry Fort that stood watch over the Santa Fe Trail. The car told me it was down to 106 degrees.

"Mistress, what if we find some shade, and I give you a quick cum, just to knock Kansas off our punch list."

She gave me that withering look.

"It's so damn hot slave, I can't even think about having an orgasm...."

When Mistress says that, well .... you can tell it's hot.

Mistress cranked up the laptop as we headed into Holcomb, Kansas.  She has a strange fascination with "In Cold Blood". Soon we were at the foot of the drive of the Clutter Family Home. Visitors were clearly told they were not welcome.  The hot wind was still blowing. Very creepy. (Bit not so creepy that Mistress did not record a little video for her facebook page).

So we went from Harry Truman to Truman Capote in one day.

As the sun began to set, and we crossed into Colorado, we started making plans for the night.  The town of Las Animas had an "attraction" I wanted to see in the am.  Again, the laptop led us to a little charmingly named spot, across from the Dairy Queen. Mistress reserved over the phone, as Slave dodged tumbleweed.

 The price was right.

But then as we approached town, I noted this sign:

"Do not pick up hithchikers. Penitentiary Nearby."


"Oh... I forgot to mention, Slave. When they quoted a rate, they asked if we had a AAA, AARP or "prison" discount."

As we pulled into town, there was the "charming" Inn, across from the DQ. Low slung, shabby. If "skanky" applies to inanimate objects, it would work here.

We both had images of night visitors from the local prison, not unlike the Clutters.

The vote was unanimous. After a dinner at a Mexican Cantina, with fellow diners that Mistress described as the cast of a David Lynch movie, we moved on....

Fortunately, the next town yielded a more serviceable lodging, even with a Jacuzzi. The hot bubbly bath led us to some Colorado action to please our readers.

Donna, Mistress did not have time to pick up a saddle yesterday. So she had to ride this cowboy bareback.


  1. Molly would look spectacular in that silver spangled outfit, and the boots! Ummm, not the purse.

    And I want a Wizard of Oz t-shirt. LOL - think I am channelling one of your sullen teens?

    Prison discount? Seriously??

  2. You guys are having to much fun... having been there i can imagine that hotel and restaurant.

    You guys are starting to sound like Butch Cassedy and the sun dance kid.

    Welcome to the 179 my friends

    The glad he wasn't in Kansas-as yesterday,


  3. Hi,

    Glad to hear Molly is keeping you in top rodeo form! Now that you are deep into Western lands, if you keep your eyes peeled for a saddle store you should be able to pick up everything you need: saddle, bridle, chaps, spurs, etc.

    I have to agree with sin about the purse, While our beloved CEO would look fetching in the mini dress and boots that are so clearly not "made for walking", the bag looks a bit tacky- I think it may be the rose that puts it over the top.

    Don't feel too bad about the states you missed, I'll make a spread-sheet and you can check off those states on your return trip. Spread-sheet...ha,ha,ha.

    Your badly in need of more coffee
    Southern Correspondent,

  4. I suppose you should try to get the "most" out of your trip. I suppose trying to have sex in every state you pass through is an interesting goal to set and in your case, certainly attainable. I have to admit though, that there are some I like to get through as fast as possible!

    Enjoy the vacation :)


  5. Just nice to hear you two relaxed and having fun.


  6. Loving the idea of the "spread sheet" from Donna. HA.


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