Tuesday, August 23, 2011


One cheap and easy way to fill up a Tuesday morning blog is with some leftover switch day shots of my beloved Mistress. 

With our “overtime” activities here on Tuesday morning, “defiling” our far away teen’s room and bed, as Mistress put it, I had plenty of opportunity for photo-op breaks, and it seems unfair not to share them with you all, doesn’t it?

In the meantime, Slave is getting re-accustomed to the daily cage routine. Up in the am early for blogging, I’ve remembered to grab the steel ring that anchor the cage. While my coffee is brewing, I get to work smushing my balls and then my cock through the tight steel band.


At least it’s easier on a warm summer morning than in the cold of winter. (I think our male readers will understand why).

And then, when I go upstairs, Mistress gropes a bit, to make sure the ring is in place, and will help deliver a particularly hard cock for our morning wake-up sex.

Yesterday, after she closed the lock to secure her cock, I was off to work, and Mistress had some meetings of her own to attend.

But fortunately, she was downtown later in the afternoon and stopped by for a  little worship. Having the taste of those addictive juices on my mouth and cheeks for the rest of the afternoon certainly made me look forward to the end of the workday, when I might get sprung loose from that cage if Mistress was in an indulgent mood.

AS it turned out, she was, though there was another round of worship before the key came out.

We went for a bike ride. Mistress took 30 minutes of lap time at the neighborhood pool, and then it was home where Slave grilled some trout for our later than usual dinner together. (It’s so very nice not to have sullen teens nagging “what’s for dinner… and complaining when the answer is “fish”).

Over dinner we discussed the comments that Suffolk.sinner made questioning this whole cuckold thing. He seems focused on the old goosey / gander rule. If Mistress gets to “fool around”, shouldn’t her Slave?  Of course, this ignores the whole D/s power dynamic.

Mistress expresses a little disbelief from time to time, that there aren’t any other women who attract my eye. And of course, if I see an attractive woman on the street, or at a social event, even Slave can’t resist a visual appreciation.

But do I want to do anything about it?

Absolutely not.

Mistress brought this topic up with Francois, who discussed it with her yesterday.

“He says the cuckold mentality means that when I “stray” and tell you about it, you will be even more devoted to me, and even less inclined to cheat  … is that right?”

“He seems to  get it, Mistress….”

Of course, if Mistress required me to serve one of her friends, like Suzanne has arranged for Tammy from time to time, over at All Mine, well that would be a different story, wouldn’t it?

I live to serve.


  1. LOL - yep, living to serve is all good.

    GREAT picture today.


  2. M & M,
    Do you have plans for worship everywhere in the house now... I do hope so ;-)


  3. Bill-Dir. of Security UCTMWAugust 23, 2011 at 9:27 AM

    Lovely picture, not that I've seen a bad picture of Mistress! As to suffolk.sinner, their seems to be a large number of people who do not want to try and understand anything that does not fit into their world view, very sad

  4. Molly and Mick, I'm sure Big Bad wishes I could pick up a bit of the "cuckold mentality" where when he strays and tells me about it I would be even more devoted and less inclined to cheat. I'm sure that's his most fervent wish.

  5. Sin- we're all wired a little differently, I guess. Vive le difference.



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