Friday, July 29, 2011

Things You Learn While Golfing

After seeing all your comments here yesterday in response to my “HNT Bonanza”, I can see what the story is dear readers. You don’t turn to this page for my pithy prose, but for the glimpses of Mistress’s delectable body.

And who can blame you.

So I will endeavor to make sure I give you what you are looking for as we move forward.

Plus the more pics, the fewer words I need to conjure up for you here. A Win Win for all of us.

Today’s photo comes from a drop by at my office for a little worship. Mistress has been doing lots of “networking” of late, so we’ve not had a much time for workday lunches. But she did drop by around 2:30 yesterday for a little devotion. This shows her before the panties came off and I devoted my lips and tongue to her pleasure.

After work, we did not have the time for much sexual recreation though. Mistress had planned an evening with teen #1 to acquire all those items a cute girl needs for her dorm room. Only three weeks away before she heads to college….

I used my evening to take teen #2 out for pizza and to see the Captain America money.  Actually it was lots of fun… it’s a shame he’s not around to go kick the ass of some folks in Washington and make them do their jobs.

When I got home around 10 pm, I found Mistress in our bed, sans bottoms, chatting on the phone.

“Just talking to the WC, Slave….”

I raised and eyebrow, and looked for signs of the Hitachi sitting next to her on the bed.

After she bid her personal trainer goodnight, I asked Mistress if she’d had a little impromptu date with the WC.

“Actually, no Slave….”

‘So what were you talking about?”

“Uncircumcised cocks…..”


When she saw my curiosity she explained that se had mentioned to him that she had never seen an uncircumcised cock up close and personal.

Of course, she knew that “Judge Miguel” comes “cut”.

“Did the WC have any advice for you?”

“He said his brother in law, who’s from Australia, has one and described it a little…”

“And so he’ s checked out his brother in law’s cock? “

“He says he’s seen it when they’ve gone golfing…. Guys sometimes have to take a leak out on the course….”

“Funny, when I’ve gone golfing and needed to do that, I’ve usually walked into the weeds or woods by myself, not with my fellow golfers….”

Mistress gave me that funny look.

“You’re not going to put that in the blog, are you Slave?”

Sometimes you gotta go with what you have, dear readers.


  1. Dear Mick,

    If I have given you the impression that I don't treasure the words in your blog, then I've certainly given you the wrong impression! You crack me up. So don't use that as an excuse for shorter posts!

    And I love the golfers peeing image. Yes, I would think one would typically wander off in the woods to do that kind of business. Things that make ya go hmmmmm.


  2. OMG


    Very funny blog today!

    I for one thinks your posts are way 2 funny.


    Do you know what is even better?

    Females taking a pee on the golf course.

    Oh and I have a couple of great stories about female ski teachers out door adventures along the sam line if anyone is interested,

    The greatly amused by Mick,


  3. That's so funny! My fwb sometimes say the same thing to me. I tell them that if it happened, it might end up in my blog! lol

  4. Bill, Dir. of Security UCTMWJuly 29, 2011 at 9:43 AM

    Mick, Having done all my golfing in Florida, where going into the ruff can be a wild life event I agree with the peeing position. Now, as to the words on the blog, short posts might have to be brought up at the staff meeting. Using Mistress as an excuse is not to be allowed.

  5. I have an infamous photo form my 20's of me and 3 female friends huddled around a piece of paper on which one of us sketched an uncircumcised cock. She was the only one to have had intimate knowledge of the creature.

    Me, I still haven't confronted one. Maybe eventually the sadist will bring one over to use me, but no luck so far.

  6. Well Mick, I have no experience with golf, but have played with a few sets (pairs?) of balls attached to both cut and uncut shafts.

    Like the WC, I pay close attention and notice every fold of skin and gorgeous slit. To be quite honest, I really didn't know the WC and I had that in common.

    If you would like, I could put together a Power Point presentation for the staff meeting next month. Just let me know.

    In the meantime, I may have to compare some notes with the WC.


  7. WC, where are you? I thought after that little goad I gave you, you would be sending me notes threatening to revoke my Union Card.

    Go ahead, spoil my fun, see if I care.

    *grumbling under my breath*


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