Wednesday, June 1, 2011

An Unexpected Solicitation

Cage week started with some nice early morning sex here at the World HQ, and after Mistress was suitably worshiped as she read one of my lamer blogs, she seemed pleased with the girth of my cock in it’s hard steel ring.

She even stopped by for a little afternoon diversion after a lunch date she had with an old friend. Though it was a bit too “lick and run” for both of our tastes, beacause a client turned up to see me only seconds after Mistress spread her thighs on the chair pressed up against my office door. Fortunately, our receptionist was able to keep the client waiting for a few more minutes as I completed my task. Hopefully Mistress did not feel short changed.

Mistress had a meeting that lasted into the evening, so I got a special dispensation. I was allowed to unlock my cage when I got home to facilitate a post-work bike ride.

I explained to Mistress that the hill climb portion of our regular circuit could be more than a little painful with that cage grinding against the saddle.

“It is important that you get your exercise slave….just take a photo of you at home with the cage still on and send it to me…. Then you can unlock it.”

With that she gave me a little kiss, and was on her way. Of course, I complied. I hope it did not disrupt her focus at that meeting when a photo of my caged cock popped up on her screen at around 6:15 pm.

Once I had finished riding, and fed the teens some pasta, I opened my lap top. In my email I found the following solicitation which I thought I would share with our readers.

Committee to Re-Elect Judge Miguel

Dear Mr. Collins,

I understand that you recently had the opportunity to appear before Judge Miguel, in a case that involved some complicated legal issues of first impression involving contractual remedies.

From what I hear from Judge Miguel, it seems that you should be pleased with how the Court handled these issues with fairness, creativity and expedition. He even showed me some of the pictures taken as the remedy was imposed! Very impressive indeed.

As an experienced advocate, you know that quality Judges who take the time to carefully weigh the evidence and apply the law to the facts at hand do not grow on trees. Instead, too many of our jurists simply spend their days trolling the internet, taking long lunch breaks with their bailiffs, then shutting the court room down by 3 pm to adjourn to a local casino, golf course or watering hole where they can disparage the litigants and criminal defendants who have the sad plight of appearing in their court room.

Now you know from the outcome of your recent case that Judge Miguel stands apart from that sordid lot of his “peers” on the bench.

But as you may have read, Judge Miguel now finds himself in a tightly contested re-election campaign. His opponent is a crafty fellow who will stop at nothing to claim the seat that Judge Miguel has worked so hard to keep, even to the extent of photo shopping two bare breasted women onto a picture of the Judge during his youthful days as an entrepreneur.

That’s why we need your help in this campaign. I would be happy to stop by for a check at your earliest convenience. We also accept Visa, Mastercard, and American Express. And an envelope filled with unmarked bills always is appreciated to cover some of the expenses that look a little “fishy” on our financial reports.

Another way to help is by providing supplies for the campaign headquarters we will be opening soon. The Judge will need a convenient getaway where he can make calls to supporters, sign thank you notes to contributors like you, or just “unwind” after a hard day delivering his unique form of justice. As a result we have created a registry of useful items that he would certainly appreciate to accessorize his new headquarters.

Here are some examples:

Unique Hitachi Attachment

The Judge’s wife has recently replaced her aging Hitachi with a new one, and the Judge has moved the old model to his HQ. But this attachment would sure be nice for a certain “special occasion”.
Here is an illustration of this dandy product in use:
Don't you think a young campaign volunteer would like to get in on this action, maybe for extra credit at school?

Here’s another item that caught Judge Miguel's eye:

"Fleshlight Girls Male Masturbator
The Jenna Haze Swallow Fleshlight is the most realistic Jenna Haze oral sex experience in existence. Let your Jenna Haze oral fantasy to come to life with her soft Superskin mouth molded directly from her perfect pouty lips. The Swallow texture is one of our most intensely satisfying textures we've ever produced. It starts with a moderately tight opening, then drives your cock wild with the intense stimulation of our Super Ribbed texture."

Here’s something that the Judge might even be able to use while on the bench, or during those long chicken dinners on the campaign trail this fall:

The black thong would go great with the Judge's robes, don't you think?

"Finally a remote control thong for men! It is very stretchy, comfortable and washable. It also has
a 2 way positioning pocket to allow for anal or testicular stimulation with its removable, wireless power pack. Made of black lycra.
Manufacturer gives the product a range of 12 feet but we were able to reach up to 20 feet with fresh batteries."

Finally, here's another item you might consider donating to the campaign:

This one not only has nubs and ridges, but an air valve that creates “sexy sucking sounds”, too.

"The "deep throat" cup of the tenga masturbation cup series lets you experience a deep sucking sensation… special valves create a virtual vacuum inside the cup; to deliver an amazing sucking sensation. the top air vent can be left open or closed; with fingertip; depending on your suction preferences. the unique pinched-in shape of the cup helps to achieve an unparalleled tightness. these advanced features combine with an arousing "slurping" sound and vibration give you the feeling that you're enjoying a real deep throat experience.

• Pre-lubricated inner jelly liner with textured nubs and ridges
• Pinched shape and air valve creates sexy sucking sounds that simulate oral sex
• Discreet and disposable

All of these items can be found on the "Judge Miguel" website, with suitable links to arrange for purchase and prompt delivery.

Thanks for your consideration of our request, Mr. Collins. We know we can count on you to help us make sure that Judge Miguel is re-elected in 2011 so he can continue to serve our community with wisdom and justice for all (who pay).

Mose Wilson

Campaign Treasurer


  1. Omigoodnessgracious!

    That certainly was unexpected!

    I'm practically speechless...


  2. Well um, that's persuasive isn't it? Did you send him a check? And if so for how much?

  3. I think you should send him both the Hitachi attachment for men and the remote controlled vibrating thong.

    He could use the Hitachi on his special occasion cock in the privacy of his office, and the thong he could use as daily wear at the courthouse, allowing him to feel good all under while still keeping his hands on top of the bench during proceedings. I suppose if the vibration in his thong became really exciting he could always jump up, bang his gavel and yell out some obscure Latin phrases that would confuse the attorneys until "things" below settle down.

    Don't go cheap here, Mick, The WC did make a great decision on the case of Molly and the Clothespins that seemed to work out well for everyone.

    I think I just might order that Hitachi attachment for Bill!


  4. OMG Mick,

    Too, too, too funny.

    I've got to ride to work now will comment later.

    The wants it all,


  5. Mick sends special thanks to Donna, our Senior Correspondent, who helped stock the shelves for today's list of goodies on Judge Miguel's registry.

  6. Isn't it fun, looking at new toys!!!

  7. You will be happy to learn that HIS HONOR just ordered the Hitachi attachment from extreme restraints, and will providing a product review as soon as it arives.

    And Yes Molly I will of course send you a picture as I know how curious you are about such matters.

    The can't wait to try my new toy,


  8. WC- Molly and I are a little concerned it might not be big enough for the special ocassion cock. But give it a shot. Mick

  9. after careful inspection I think the following:
    1) there is no way that this hard plastic will fit the SOC
    2) that hard plastic will not offer the same stimulation as human touch
    3) I need to see this deal in's almost too much


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