Saturday, September 4, 2010

Game Day

Mistress indulged her Slave today…letting me drag her to a college football game at my alma mater.  

(Of course, we did get in a long bike ride before breakfast. Don't you admire Mistress's bottom in her padded riding shorts?) 

She’s not much of a football fan, which is fine by me. Mistress has more complex, and certainly more feminine tastes. And football is a bit of a snore for her. Crammed into the bench seating she was reading the new Jonathon Franzen book by the 3rd quarter. That’s a feet of concentration that marveled the rabid fans surrounding us.

But it’s her company that I find so enjoyable, even of she can’t appreciate the nuances of a quarterback sack.

And of course, she entertains me in  more intriguing and erotic ways than a bunch of pumped up jocks ever could.

As we drove the 40 minute  ride to the leafy campus, Mistress napped a bit, but woke when the chime to her I-phone went off.

It was M, two hours behind us, but curious about how his little Slave was doing.

It’s nice that he’s so attentive. I know Molly appreciates it.

“We talked about you at breakfast, M - Me and the Slave. We figure that while we may have sex more often than you do, you and B have those long marathons. You do all that exotic stuff that puts us to shame.”

The one thing that’s remarkable about their relationship is how much detail they share. They are one another’s sex counselors, as well as cyber lovers.

As we strolled around the crowded campus, Mistress took some photos of famous landmarks, and shared them with M.

“One of the fun things about this texting is having this ongoing dialog with someone in a completely different place, so far away”, she admitted to me.

Yes, it is cool. And Slave feels like he’s a welcome part of it.

And later, at the game, as the team took the field for the 2nd half, Mistress was looking at the screen of her I-phone.

“Slave, he’s sending me cock pictures….”

She giggled that little girlish laugh that comes when she is in M’s spell.

“Does that turn you on Mistress?”

“Uh….well …. I suppose  it does. Which is a little disturbing when you think about it.”

“I wouldn’t think too hard about it Mistress.”

But of course just as Mistress indulged me today, she is free to indulge her own pleasures.

And that’s what she’s up to now.

I am out on the porch of our little apartment here on the Lake Michigan shore, the sound of crashing waves, and the neighboring kids toasting marshmallows in the background.

(“Mommy, why is that man outside on his computer?”)

Mistress is inside, her Hitachi in hand, talking to M.

He’s free tonight, B off visiting her parents. And it only made sense for them to have one of their dates with such a good opportunity at hand.

Before their “chat”, Mistress and I had a little post game picnic – cheese, wine, bread, some fresh local peaches and tomatoes, sitting on the bed of our cozy room here.

But when her Master texted that he would soon be available,  her planning began.

“Slave, make sure you have my supplies available.”

So I pulled the Hitachi out of my bag, and plugged it in for her. I made sure it stretched to where she would be comfy.

“You deserve this you know.”

“Of course I do…. But you deserve it too, Mistress.”

She does. It makes her very happy. And I always seem to get a very nice reward.

“Tell me why you deserve it Slave.”

“Plenty of reasons, Mistress…. It would be too tiresome for me to recite the list. But today, I did drag you to a football game.”

She laughed.

“You are a good Slave….aren’t you?”

“I try my best.”

As we finished out picnic, sitting on the double bed, I couldn’t help slide my hand between Mistress’s legs. She  had on some tight, silky black undies, and a matching, lacy  black top. All very fetching.

She was dressed for a date, even if M couldn’t see her.

And I caressed her a moment  there, my fingers coming away with the musky scent of her arousal.

I pressed that damp finger to my nose, and then to hers.

“I think you  get turned on simply by his text messages, Mistress.”

“You may be onto something, Slave.”

Now keep in mind that Mistress offered to have sex with me when we got back from our day on campus. 

It was my idea to delay until after their session together.

“Actually why don’t we wait until afterwards, Mistress….I know you like my “everyday cock” after all that smutty talk with your “friend”, Mistress.”

Someone, explain to me why it seems hotter for me to take her when she is all wet and molten after an orgasm, or two or three with M.

The thought of her inside even now - writhing on the bed, listening to his dark fantasies of domination, begging for release – all of it has a certain effect on me as well.

I think I will close up the laptop for now. They should be done soon, and Mistress will be calling for her cock.

(BTW – the good guys won today. Otherwise I might not be in such a good mood).


  1. Youall do have an interesting dynamic - very hot sometimes even just reading about it... I can only imagine what it's like for real. Thanks for sharing, Mick!

  2. Well it is a curious but mucho fun dynamic. Why it works is probably worth a psychology disertation And the odd part is that the whole thing has it's roots in the blog.

    More little stories to tell in the fact as I am commenting, Mistress is on another one of her dates.....


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