Friday, April 30, 2010

When Blog Worlds and Real Worlds Collide

Yesterday Mistress had a work related road trip, to the north land of our flat, boring state. The upside for me was that she did not have to hit the road quite as early as is her norm these days. Which means we had time for some morning “action”.

With Mistress away, she was naturally concerned that her Slave not stray, so I had been ordered to wear my cage. I made sure to grab the hard steel ring it mounts on when I got up to make my latte and do my morning essay (including posting that hideous picture). I smushed my parts through and snugged it tight before the package had the opportunity to contract in our cool morning air here in the heartland.

By the time I was done writing, I was already rather horny for Mistress. I mean, it had been almost 10 hours!  As Mistress read my opus and laughed at the picture of my reddened butt, I slid my head under the covers and massaged her naked cunt with my tongue. That seemed to make her purr even more than the whiney cats who seemed determined to break our mood.

Once Mistress put down the laptop I completed the job, and was rewarded with the opportunity to fuck her.

It had been a while since I had been required to do it with the hard steel cock gripping my cock and balls. The larger I get, the tighter the grip, of course. So pleasure mixes with a bit of discomfort, though Mistress says that my cock gets particularly firm for her when I am equipped that way. So who can complain.

As I took her that way, holding her arms above her head, we ruminated a bit on her experiences with her Dom, who she hopes to meet up with again net week.

“I can’t help but think of how he took you from behind, bent over that picnic table, Mistress.”

“Why ….does that bother you Slave?”

“No …I guess I get turned on thinking of that…was it …hot, Mistress?”

“Oh yes Slave. Very Hot. “

“Are you wondering what he has in store for you next, Mistress?”

“I am, Slave.”

The steel ring not only makes me harder. It also makes it a bit more of a challenge to come. But when I did, with Mistress’s permission, of course, the results were … thunderous.

Soon I was off to work, and Mistress took a bike ride before she hit the road for her meeting up north. When I got to work, I noticed an email from one of our favorite correspondents, M from out west, who likes to stoke the fires for us a bit with his imaginings of adventures for Molly and Mick.

Here is a portion of what he wrote us:

“Here is how Molly’s new job could get more interesting.  Her new boss would be a very strict and firm man.   The new rule would be Molly would have to report to his office each day at 11:00 AM.  She would be required to strip naked and get up on his desk, spread her legs and masturbate while he watched.  

When she was ready to cum she would have to ask if she could cum.  He would say no, get down on your knees and suck my cock and make it hard.  He would grab her hair and pinch her nipples as she sucked.  Then he would order her around in front of his desk and have her bend over and grab the far side of the desk.  He would take off his belt and give her a good hard strapping on her bare bottom.  Then he would roughly pull her cheeks apart and thrust his big cock in her pussy, taking his pleasure while warning her not to cum.  Then he would have her pull her bottom wide open while he pushed a small butt plug deep in her bottom.  ‘We will train you over time to take bigger and bigger plugs until finally you can take my cock and I can use you that way.  Now  get dressed and go have lunch with your husband’, he said with a big smile on his face. ‘I know what you two do in his office every day, and come back at 4:00 so I can remove the plug and use you again.’”

Provocative, to say the least.

Molly seemed amused when I gave her a synopsis of the story on the phone, and I suggested that she read it on her I-phone (though only after she had parked her car).  I also had another suggestion:

“Why don’t you give M a call, it will help pass the time, keep you awake on the long drive back this evening.”

“Hmmm….would he mind?”

“I think he’d enjoy hearing from the famous Molly.”


WE had M’s real name and it was not hard to find his number. I sent it via text to Mistress.

Later that afternoon, Molly called me back on her drive home. 

“Well, I talked to M.”

“How was that, Mistress.”

“Fun. We talked about our mutual ‘challenges’, the blog, skiing. Maybe all of us getting together sometime this summer. (M has a wife who takes charge too.) I think he was surprised to hear from me.”

No doubt.

“How was his voice, Mistress?”

Voices are important to Molly.

“Nice, Slave.”

When Molly got home she was bone tired from that long drive. She got a long massage from her Slave, with particular attention to back, neck and feet.

But by now she is well rested, and I am hoping that more than a massage is in order before we head to work.


  1. sorry.... a little too bleary eyed until the morning coffee kicks in...


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