Monday, April 12, 2010

Dinner Party?

Mistress’s Domme-ish behavior on Saturday afternoon, when she utilized her strap-on to good and potent effect, must have messed with my mind a bit.

I completely forgot to exercise my switch privileges yesterday, despite several choice opportunities. I suppose I was entranced in Sub-space longer than normal.

So when I finished my morning homework, I came upstairs and fell into bed with her, a tad horny from the fresh recollection of our activities the day before. Her warm body and the tight grip of her fingers on my cock erased any thoughts of tying her to the bed, or spanking her until her bottom glowed, that might otherwise have popped up. She even demurred on the “Power Tool” which I offered to deploy. So soon I was simply showing my devotion with head buried between her legs.

Afterwards, we took a long bike ride in the sunshine, the air still cool here in the morning. And then I was off to do some family visitations.

When I returned in early afternoon, Mistress was on our deck, working on her tan and reading the Times. But soon she was suggesting that we go upstairs for some indoor recreation.

As we undressed, Mistress said she was still working on scheduling her next meeting with Sir M. She was hoping to arrange a meet one evening this week when I am off on some work related travel. Something that would likely drive me to distraction while away from River City.

“You know, he asked whether he could visit me at my house sometime.”


“Well, I guess it would have to be sometime when the girls are gone, or out of town.”

(Yes, that does happen sometime.)

“Of course, I told him that.”

But it also had me wondering where Slave fits in. Do I go bowling? To the movies?

“But where would I go, Mistress?”

“Wouldn’t it be interesting to have him over for dinner sometime?”

She clearly had contemplating my being close at hand. I was imagining myself cooking risotto, while Sir M chatted us up, a hand on Mistress’s ass. Exercising his rights to her. Argh.

This talk was having the exact effect Mistress no doubt desired. My cock was beginning to twitch. Verbal foreplay.

We climbed into bed, clutching one another, my fingers between her legs, fondling those smooth, squishy, cleanly shaven parts he liked her to display for him. My cock hardening against her silky thigh, so recently warming in the spring sunshine.

“So how would that work, Mistress?”

“Not sure, Slave….How do you think you would react?”

Good question.

How would Mistress want her Slave to react? All manly bristling. Defending her honor? Or passively and slavishly allowing events to unfold as her Dom and she desired. Is there some protocol or Miss Manners’ canned response for this type of delicate social situation?

“Well …. Mistress. You would have to give me pretty clear directions on how to behave. It would be an interesting dynamic …. he’s your Dom. He would expect you to follow his directions. Submit to his desires. And I would be your Slave, doing what you told me to do….I think.”

“Of course you would….you would do exactly what I said.”

“Yes, Mistress. Would I wear my cage?”

“Hmmmm …. We would have to think about that.”

“I think you want me to see him fuck you, Mistress.

“Yes, Slave. Wouldn’t that be interesting?

“But Why?”

“It would be so humiliating, wouldn’t it, Slave.”

“Oh, yes.”

It was around about this time that Mistress succumbed to my pumping fingers, gasping in a nicely explosive orgasm. Then she directed me to fuck her. That was an order I had no problem following.


  1. Sounds like something my Mistress and I talk about doing. I would react the way my Mistress would want me to react and would get off doing it.

  2. Great blog, I read it daily, and I think you guys have a wonderful releationship.....I just want to comment on the last post. I think having your new "Dom" over to your home would be a mistake, this is where your family live's and your "private" life should not involve having "him" in your home. Meeting at his place is fine, a motel, whatever, you just met this guy and I would be very careful of having him in your home.If there were no kids involved I'd say go for it at your house, you can not be to careful these days.
    Just my .2 cents.
    Have a great day!

  3. thanks. Good to hear from you. we enjoy the comments. I agree that this should be handled gingerly. I will defer to Molly's judgment as to whether Sir M is trustable enough to have in our home. Certainly it would be at a time when kids were far away.

    Feel free to email us sometime of you want at

  4. Wow...whether reality or mindfuck...still, mick, your Mistress is certainly turning the screws, isn't she?

    and aren't you just lovin it all up?!

    what a predicament!


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