Monday, February 8, 2010

Mick and Molly Fan Fiction?

Our friend M from out west recently composed this little story. He gave us permission to share it with our vast array of disciples. (Other comments and contributions are always encouraged. Sometimes this "journalist" gets a little lazy).

Molly was having lunch with her new associate, D. They had appropriated a conference room of their mutual client, enjoying some carry out sushi.

D was tall, about her age. Fit. Athletic. Clever. The type with whom Molly could imagine a little adventure. She had already told Mick of his potential as a lover on the side. (She did revel in taunting Mick now that her contract gave her certain rights her Slave did not enjoy).

One of her clients had asked Molly and D to travel together to collaborate on some development work . Over lunch, they were planning their trip. D’s phone rang and he answered, listening to a female voice. His face darkened. He excused himself, stepping outside the conference room into a quiet hallway.

Molly was curious. Pretending to stretch her legs, she walked closer to the doorway, listening as best she could.

“I specifically told you not to do that …I will be home right after lunch. I want to find you naked in the corner, on your knees, with the hairbrush out. I'm going to blister your bare bottom. “

D snapped his phone shut and turned on his heel. Molly had to quickly scurry back to her place at the conference room table


“Nothing I can’t handle”.

Molly had a curious look on her face.

“You heard that conversation didn't you”.

“Yes”, she admitted, blushing.

“That’s OK, I have what you could call an unconventional relationship with my wife. I don't hide it.”

“What kind of relationship?”

“ She is my submissive. I am her Master.”

“ Really?”, Molly said, acting a bit more naïve about the concept of D/s than she, in fact, was. Interesting.

“Yes, and I have found the strict corporal punishment and other …methods…, help keep her in line.”

“Hmmm, what other methods?”

“When we were in Germany I bought her a custom fitted chastity belt.”

“And Why did you do that?”

“To make her more submissive. More under my thumb. But also because she was a chronic masturbator. “
She was spending far too much time pressing a powerful vibrator to her clit, having the most lurid fantasies she would describe to me after her little sessions. Very self indulgent.”

Molly blushed thinking of the Mornings after Mick left for when, when she had done just the same.

“Well that is quite unconventional”

“Yes, but it works well for us”.

Will you lock her in that …. belt when we travel together?”

“Yes, of course. She can’t be trusted otherwise.”

“Oh my,....”.

Molly hesitated, blushed, then decided to take the plunge:

“Is it my imagination or have you been flirting with me these last few weeks, D.?

“Probably. Can’t help it. I find you very attractive”, he said.

“But I'm a married woman”.

“Yes I know. But my wife and I have an agreement. It’s called cuckholding. I can sleep with anyone I like while she is locked in her chastity device. It drives her crazy when I give her the ‘blow by bow’ later on. But Molly, I know you are happily married. I'm just flirting with you. Pay me no mind.”

Molly sat back stunned. She decided to take another plunge.

“You know I have a rather uncoventional relationship with Mick as well. It is all an unbelievable coincidence”.

After she shared some of the lurid details, it was D’s turn to sit back, stunned.

Wow”. he said, “this trip is going to be a lot more fun than I thought. … But, you know, Molly, I am not submissive….”

“Yes I can certainly see that Molly” smiling, eyebrow raised.

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