Sunday, March 2, 2014

A Sensual SW Saturday

Saturdays are always special here in our SW hideaway.

We know there will be no insistent ringing phones, texts or emails demanding our time and focus from  offices and clients  back in River City.

Instead, it's a day reserved only for Mistress, her devoted Slave and our sensual pursuits.

It started with some slow, unhurried wake up sex in our bed room, with early light filtering through the clouds gathering over the mountain. When we finally came up for air, and we certainly exceeded the generous state average elapsed time,  there was still time left over to laze in bed, read books and listen to the snow report on the radio.

It was actually raining here in our moisture starved valley when we left for the ski mountain. But up top it was beginning to snow.... adding through the day another 14 inches of luxurious powder to what had come on Thursday. That new snow, sticking to our goggles and jackets, created a soft pillowy cushion for our skis, and  provided the best skiing of the year for us, particularly back in the trees, which blocked the chilling wind and provided some shelter from the crowds of locals who suddenly remembered it was still ski season.

Mistress always says that the best part of the ski day is our "rest time" before any evening activities begin. So back at the hideaway, Slave built a fire in our kiva fireplace, Mistress brewed us some warming tea, and we hunkered down with our kindles for an hour or so in front of the fire, until the day's "stress" called us back to bed.

First, of course, there was a nap.

"I love naps, Slave."

Who can quarrel with that?

But when we both woke from an hour of slumber, Mistress was especially frisky.

After Slave made sure Mistress had her starter cum by applying devoted lips and tongue to their highest and best use, she did some extensive cock riding, which seemed to generate a couple of more well expressed orgasms. Then, seemingly sated, she rolled over to indulge Slave's work-a-day cock. When the time came, she generously gave her slave permission to cum as well.

With all those calories burned on and off the slopes, It seemed only fair to indulge Mistress in her favorite local delicacy. So there was another round of spelt pizza topped with mushrooms and goat cheese, with a little left over for Mistress's Sunday breakfast.

By now Mistress was throwing off enough pheromones that I could swear the cute little waitress with the short blonde hair and elaborate tattoos kept returning to our table to chat Mistress up, reminding us that she had "served" her at a now closed restaurant several years ago. Mistress got into the swing if it too, asking about those tattoos, and gently handling blondie's well defined biceps as the fawning waitress explained the history of each one, and how the most recent had been particularly painful.

I was a little surprised when Mistress didn't offer to kiss it and make it better. It sure seemed to be what the blonde was soliciting. I almost asked Mistress if she wanted to invite blondie back home for a night cap, so she could discover whether there were any more tattoos in less conspicuous places.

Over at  All Mine, Suzanne has sometimes mentioned the impertinent little "Party Flirt" that chats up Tammy at neighborhood parties. Maybe blondie will be titled the Pizza Flirt if we encounter her again at Mistress's favorite Pizza joint!

Friday, February 28, 2014

Update from the Hideaway

Our week a way has certainly flown by quickly here. We've been out skiing everyday, though the local drought has taken a toll on the snow base. Hopefully there will be some left when we return in about a month.

There have been late afternoon naps, a smidgen of work dragging us back to reality from time to time,  plenty of morning and afternoon sex, glorious sunsets, and some evenings our with friends and music. We even met an aging hippie in a cowboy hat who told us his stories from the 60's - complete with plenty of peyote (for religious purposes, of course), communes, and building Dennis Hopper's "Captain America" chopper for "Easy Rider". 

While the temperatures are cool still, when the sun is out, Mistress has had trouble resisting the chance to expose her lovely legs to its warming glow:
But with temperatures ranging from the 30's to the 50's on most days, Mistress has not quite gone this far in searching of that late winter tan:

Heck, it's still ski season!

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Where's the Pattern?

Mistress was in  SW nirvana here yesterday morning before we headed up the mountain for skiing: it's so warm that for breakfast she was sitting out on our patio, sunning herself in her undies, while eating re-warmed  spelt pizza with goat cheese and mushrooms left over from the night before.

"This is heaven, Slave...."

"But remember pizza isn't just for breakfast anymore, Mistress."

But the real subject of today's blog is not the expanding boundaries of breakfast food, but something that Donna our Senior Correspondent has been prodding me about. Can any of you find a pattern in these recent rankings of the states?

First, there is the "duration of sex" survey posted here last week, which says that in New Mexico the average duration of each act of intercourse exceeds 7 minutes, the longest interval in the nation. On the other hand, Alaska comes in last, at less than 2 minutes:

Here's the link showing the time for each state.

Then there is this "Gallup Well Being"  survey of all 50 states, measuring various factors such as healthy habits, financial security, workplace contentment, etc. In this one, North Dakota ranks the highest,  and the bottom 5 are Ohio,  Alabama, Mississippi, Kentucky and West Virginia come in last.

New Mexico, a poor state, exceeds expectations on this survey, coming in not far from the middle. Maybe that's because while folks are poor they spend more time in the sack, which has to generate good vibes, right? But then what explains why West Virginia is near the bottom on "well being" but ranks second when it comes to taking time to fuck (even if it might be a kissin' cousin)? And our home state of Ohio - well it's lagging behind on both fronts.

Finally, there is this survey of states based on the location of various "hate groups":

Hate Map 2013

I can't get the map take on this page, but if you click on it you see that the the number of documented hate groups, as cataloged by the Southern Poverty Law Center varies from state to state. There are surprisingly few in New Mexico though: maybe all that time engaged in the act of love leaves little time left over for hate? But again, the 2nd place state of West Virginia on the sex duration index also has a large contingent of haters.  Go figure?

If you can find any correlations here, please let us know dear readers. Now I'm going back to bed with Mistress to see if we can once again hit above our state wide average.

Monday, February 24, 2014

Our Western Correspondent Signs Off From Sochi

Here in the sunny SW, spring seemed to have arrived in mid-January. The snow we left here after the holidays has long since disappeared from our yard, although there is just enough for skiing up on the mountain. We had some visitors yesterday who we showed around the mountain. But at least they did not arrive too early for some lovely wake-up sex here in the Sangres.

We hope our week here will be less eventful than the WC's rampage through Sochi, where he seems to have burned through the UCTMW corporate credit line, and doesn't even have an overpriced Cossack horse whip to present our Publisher as a souvenir from all that cavorting. I guess maybe I should be grateful?

(SOCHI)  Well the WC is flying over the pond

On a Russian Billionaire's G5

Interesting story about how this happened

I rented a Cossack uniform for the party 

And then rented a horse

Those  pseudo Cossacks sucked without horses


I bought a horse

Went riding into the party swinging my whip

This old fat Russian guy said

Amercinski comrade!!!!

Come to me!!!!!!

Are you a true Cossack??????

I am comrade......... I said

Do you want to go to Vegas tommorow????

Guess I could but what is there waiting for us?

What ever we want Amercinski!!!!

I'm on board!!!!!

 I told my new friend!!!!!!!!!!!

So I am flying over the pond

With Geshias stepping on my back


Those gals can really step....

Long story short about how the Geshias got on board 


But rest assured the Tycoon paid for it

BTW Mick I really so need that $250,000.00


In my account when I hit Vegas


I only have $95 K in cash in my wallet 


Come on and wire the cash

I know we kid each other about the company finances

But who has been doing the heavy lifting and bringing in the clients lately

All you do is fuck Molly twice a day

While I have been slaving away in Russia


Did you get a ride from a Russian Tycoon on his G5?????????

Hell this guy could buy Rupert Murdoch

I know you have your sights on buying Fox News

You of who

I should have a vote for every dollar I pay in taxes

You plutocrat you!!!!

Once again

Shame on you Mick Collins!!!!!!

Well a Geisha said it was her duty to entertain me

And I am in the mood for a blow job


The WC is signing off

And stop give me shit about spending your hard earned cash

After all I am the rain maker around here

Just ask Sue

Your humble employee