Thursday, May 30, 2013


Mistress and Slave have been pretty busy this week, though we've kept up our regular wake-up sex, with an evening worship chaser for Mistress. Yeah... you've heard it all before. Last night Slave was privileged to taste those sultry and salty clean shaven folds after an after work bike ride in the early summer River City heat.  Yum.

Sadly, we've had to tone things down with the two Co-Eds home from college.

But here's something that caught my eye and is worth sharing. A Washington Post reporter is soliciting comments on whether women find monogamous sex boring. Here's the link Is Monogamous Sex Boring for Women?

There's even a little story about how some female spiders are more interested in sex with a new partner after 90 minutes, than with the "guy" they just did it with.  So, stripping about social conventions and economic dependency, are babes just as interested in multiple partners as "sowing their wild oats" men are supposed to be?

The writer is looking for comments.

I'm wondering if those of you involved in hot cuckoldy relationships will give her some scorching perspective.

Wouldn't you just hate to make the Washington Post blush?

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Mistress's Latest Admirer

If you hadn't noticed, Mistress has taken a bit of an hiatus on her quest for a "side-dish" - someone to supplement her work-day cock and add a little cuckold spice to our adventures here at UCTMW.  The kids are home, cramping our style, and the pickings at Ashley Madison were particularly thin during her last foray there this spring.

She had me shut down her AM account when the empty nest was re-infested a few weeks back, and concluded she may be stuck with just me for a while, or hope that someone catches her eye the old fashioned, off-line way.

But yesterday... we decided to take the girls over to some friends' home in the City. The weather was finally warming up after several days of chill, and their backyard pool - complete with a full service bar - was open for business. We were even greeted by a new and unexpected member of the household who took a quick shine to Mistress, who was decked out in that hot bikini she acquired for her recent trip to the Islands.

No sooner had she splayed herself on the deck to pick up some supplemental rays, he decided to join her. At this point I'll simply share the photo I took:

When she saw me snapping the photo, Mistress was very specific.

"I don't want to see that posted on facebook.... all our 'friends' don't want to see my ass...."

"Don't worry, dear.... it's not going to facebook."

Of course, I made no promises in front of our friends about posting it to a certain secret sex blog.

Monday, May 27, 2013

A Roll Through the Past

Here is a surprise: Mistress and Slave skipped their Sunday morning Wake-Up sex yesterday - well Slave's was skipped, but I did do some early morning worship - all because we were heading out for a 32 mile urban bike tour through River City. It was one of those large group events for a good cause, that had a bunch of (mostly) white yuppies of various ages, dressed in shiny bright shirts and black tights or shorts,  annoying  Sunday morning church goers as we monopolized a lane of traffic.

We started not far from our inner ring suburban home, winding down into the City, over the River, then back across again. And in the process we passed by some landmarks of our romantic/scandalous past.

On our left, just before entering a large City park overlooking the big river was that old, otherwise nondescript office building where Mistress and Slave first started throwing off sparks. It was the 1988 primary HQ of a certain Greek Governor of a New England state, where Mistress and Slave spent some late evening hours plotting his "stunning victory" over the remaining "dwarfs" of a rather humdrum field of candidates.

Mistress was 25. Slave was 38. Now that I have daughters older than she was at the time, It (almost) embarrasses me to consider that I had trouble keeping my fingers off of her, as we got to know one another better in the pot boiler of Presidential politics. I do recall one evening, as we sat around the table with some staffers and volunteers finding myself standing behind her as she sat there, all perky  and engaged. Did I really start massaging her shoulders, to help relieve the "tension" of the moment.

And who's tension was I relieving?

Pathetic, I know.  I was lucky she didn't accuse me of sexual harassment. Or slap me and call me a dirty old man.

Later, after we crossed over the River and back again, we rolled through our downtown, streets clogged and blocked off for the big kick-off-the-summer food festival. 

"There's our old love nest, Slave....."

Ah yes, the otherwise nondescript apartment building. After a few months of renting hotel rooms, or "borrowing" my father's unoccupied condo for some private time together, we rented a little efficiency apartment downtown, a few blocks from my office.

We spent more than a few torrid lunch hours - well more than an hour certainly - on a futon purchased at one of those funky import stores. Mistress would usually pick up lunch for us. She sometimes ended up tied to the four corners of the futon as I had my way with her delicious 20 something body.

It's hard to imagine we got away with all that, since we were both married to other people at the time.

The absence of cell phones surely helped.

And don't worry, followers, Mistress did not require Slave to wear his cage on that long three hour ride. If I had, what good would I have been to her once the ride was over?

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Cage Day

Mistress elected to "work from home" yesterday, meaning that Slave would be driving downtown on his own. And you know what that means.

"It's a cage day for you tomorrow, Slave."

"Sure thing, Mistress."

I suppose I'm fortunate that, unlike Tammy over at All Mine, I'm not dealing with "Cage week" or "Cage month".  So I was a good sport about making sure that hard steel ring was in place at the base of my cock and balls before I came upstairs to wake Mistress with her work-a-day cock for a little pre-work wake-up sex.

After entertaining her with that semi-confined appendage, I was into the shower, then slid on the "lid", and Mistress closed the little lock for the day. Hopefully she felt more secure that her little tool would not be misused or distracted during the course of the day.

It turned out she had some conference calls in the morning, and then spent some time with our cute Co-Eds in the afternoon, doing what girls do together on a Friday afternoon. No doubt there was some grousing between and amongst them, as our Co-Eds tend to break into sibling rivalry whining when they spend more than about an hour together.

I had offered to arrange a Friday evening trip to the movies on my return, and there was some grousing about what movie to see. But Mistress texted me that our younger daughter might "consider" the option when I got home.

Upon my return, I was grateful that Mistress was willing to unlock my cage, after I proved my devotion to her with some worship from the kneeling position. No doubt she needed a little stress relief needed after an afternoon acting as referee with the girls.

And our younger daughter agreed that she would accompany me to the movies. She picked "Iron Man 3" from the list of alternatives I offered up.

But, wisely, Mistress had other plans.

"What if you go to the movies, and I go over and visit Jay, Slave...."

"No problems, Mistress.... I'm sure you could use a break from the bicker-somes."

So Slave and daughter were off to the multi-plex, and Mistress grabbed a bottle of wine to share with Jay, her former lover and still sort-of friend.

I got home at around 9:45 pm, and Mistress was still "out". (We did not disclose the details of our evening plans to our daughters, since they might raise their expensively shaped eyebrows if they learned that their "boring" Mom was over at some random guy's house on a Friday evening....)

And it was natural for me to wonder what Mistress was up to.... had she and Jay fallen off the "just friends" wagon when his son went to bed? 

But when she got home at around 10:45 pm or so, it turned out that things were still in the "former fuck buddy" stage.

"No messing around, Slave....are you disapointed?"

"No Mistress, just glad to have you home...."