Thursday, March 16, 2023

Dinner on the Rim

 Now where were we......

Backcountry camping permits in hand, Mistress, her Slave/Cuckold and Scott, her new "friend", headed back into the rain to our respective cars. Mistress noted we were staying the night at a cabin on the rim, part of the Bright Angel Lodge complex.

"I'm over at the El Tovar", Scott noted as he clicked the remote lock on a hunter green Range Rover with Texas plates, parked near our Subaru.  Mistress jumped on that. 

"Wow.  Beautiful place. Don't we have dinner reservations there tonight, Mick?"

I sensed where this was going.

"That's right.  7:45."

"I was planning dinner there too", Scott responded. 

Of course he was. 

"Why don't you join us.  I'm sure Mick can add one more to our reservation....."

I glanced at Mistress, noting the twinkle back in her eye. So much for our 'romantic' dinner for two before hitting the trail.  But clearly Mistress had something  more  in mind. Something that might simply titillate, or lead to something more.

"I'll take care of it....."

Dinner plans confirmed, we checked into our cabin, which was soon cluttered with all the detriitus of a multi-night camping trip: tent, sleeping bags and pad, food, snacks, water bottles, stove, outerwear, etc. As we got organized and loaded up our now heavy packs, the conversation drifted to dinner.

"So this Scott guy....he seems to have caught your eye Mistress. And if I wasn't mistaken he was eyeing you too."

"Oh're getting ahead of ourselves again.  He seems like a nice guy, and his 'expertise' in the Canyon is bound to help, right?"

"I'm guessing that's not the only expertise you're wondering about Mistress."

She just gave me a look that combined both reproach and a hint of her open mind  about where things might lead with Scott.

 Mistress was primping for dinner. By now the sun was down, but the skies were still spitting a cold drizzle. Yet despite the cold and damp, she was  doing her best to make an impression.  Full make up. Blow drying her hair after a warm shower. And wearing a black dress she had brought for my conference. Coupled with some colorful Cowboy Boots, her outfit highlighted her fit and shapely legs.

I raised an eyebrow.

"A little overdressed for a walk in the cold and dark, Mistress?"

"It's a nice restaurant Slave.  I just want to look good for you....."

"I'm thinking it might not just be for me."

She just gave me that teasing look again. 

The El Tovar is a rambling, turn of the Century architectural masterpiece overlooking the vast Canyon. We found Scott waiting for us in the Lobby, dressed pretty much as before. Jeans, hiking boots, a blue denim shirt and leather jacket.  If he had shaved his half day beard, I sure couldn't tell.  I got the firm hand shake. Mistress went in for an enthusiastic hug, which, I suspected, lingered just a little longer than might be expected for a guy she'd met just that afternoon.

Over adult beverages and then an indulgent pre-hike dinner, we shared family and professional details. Scott was divorced, with two kids in College. He was a founder of one of those Austin, TX tech start-ups, with some funny stories about Matthew McConaughey in a drunken rage at some music bar during SXSW. At some point Slave began feeling like a third wheel, as Mistress and Scott went on about life and (remarkably) some shared acquaintances from her corporate career days.  Was there growing sexual tension in the air?  Hard to tell. But the Cuckold in me was saying "one can only hope".

As our dinner plates were cleared and desert orders taken, I excused myself for a trip to the Men's. I took the chance of texting Mistress for some clarity....."Where is this headed, Mistress?"

On my way back through the Hotel Lobby, I heard a ping from my I-phone. Mistress must have discretely read my text, no doubt explaining to Scott it came from a friend or family. 

"You're looking sleepy, Slave. Long day tomorrow.  Maybe you should head back to our cabin early?"


Over a scrumptious and filling crisp with ice cream for me and Scott....flourless chocolate cake for Mistress, she made her "stick your neck out" move.....

"This is such a beautiful hotel".

(It is. Dark wood, blazing fireplaces, stuffed moose and elk heads, broad picture windows overlooking the now darkened canyon.)

"I've always wondered what the rooms are like...."

"Happy to show you mine", Scott said. (Really? Let's not be too subtle, Scott!) 

"Maybe we can get room service to bring up some night-caps?"

This apparently was my cue.

"I'm feeling a little tired myself.  But you two should go ahead.   I'm just worried about you walking back in the ice and snow in those boots....those sidewalks are pretty dark. and slippery"

"No worries, Mick.  I'd be happy to make sure she's back safe and sound....", Scott reassured, acting the noble gent. 

By now it seemed pretty obvious that I was the annoying third wheel who should make himself scarce, ASAP.

I asked for the check, but Scott was one step ahead of me.

"All  taken care of Mick."

Apparently Scott had covered the tab for all of us while I was out of the room. All I had left to do was act grateful, and make my exit, but only after a quick kiss for Mistress.  

"Be careful, sweets", I murmured into her ear.

"Don't worry .....get some rest for our big adventure tomorrow."

We parted in the lobby.  As Scott led Mistress up the broad staircase to the 2nd floor, I had to wonder whether Mistress's "adventure" was already starting.

To Be continiued....

Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Back Home With a Story to Tell

 Mistress and Slave are back home after about 10 days on the road. She seemed to have a relaxing time in the sun during the first phase of our journey.  On breaks from dreary meetings at a conference I could usually find her at pool side with the other wives, and a few husbands who were along for the ride.  Mistress was even seen one morning participating in "aqua aerobics" with the senior set.  I suspect she became fodder for some late night fantasies for some of the old duffers who pulled up on their golf carts for the proceedings.

After  3  days of  me shoveling down buffet meals, (The best thing about COVID was the temporary ban on buffets!), Mistress and slave headed north to the Grand Canyon for what we hoped would be a night camping in the back country. But that was complicated.  There are only so many permits available for  camping down below the rim. And when we sent in our plea for a spot....well we were losers in the so called "lottery".  Our last hope was that a cancellation might pave the way for a scarce spot down at what used to be called the Indian Garden campground.  Otherwise it was a nite at the Bright Canyon Lodge and another in our tent at the crowded above the rim campground.

When we arrived at the Back Country office on Friday afternoon  it was in a cold rain. Deep snow was piled about along the side of the roads and sidewalks. Not exactly good omens for our planned weekend expedition. But as it turns out, the crappy weather must have deterred some who had planned to hit the trail in the morning.  There was a vacancy!  The friendly ranger behind the counter asked for a form I left in the car, and for our license plate number (Presumably so if we turned up dead on the trail, they could auction off our Subaru to pay for the cost of hauling our half eaten corpses out of there?)

When I came back from the parking lot, there were further....developments?

Mistress was standing at the counter with a tall, rugged looking dude who had appeared in my absence.  Maybe late 40's, early 50's.  About 6'2". Dressed sort of outdoorsy casual in hiking trousers and a Patagonia shell  still wet from the ongoing rain. 

"Change of plans, Slave....the Ranger and Scott here have persuaded me that two nights at Indian Garden is much better than one."

"Huh....but what about getting back for the cat....."  

Slave is always conscious of our schedule. 

"Not to worry, Shannon (our cat sitter) will be happy to handle that for one more day. With two nights we will have more time to explore down below....."

Since Mistress is, well, always persuasive, I quickly caved to the change of plans. 

But it gets turned our Scott had a similar but more ambitious itinerary.

"He's going down there too he can give us some tips on campsites and day hikes." Scott chimed in....

"I was planning a couple of days at Indian Garden....then on along the Tonto trail for the rest of the week....." Turns out  Scott is a far more experienced back packer, who makes annual forays into the Canyon.

Well then.  

The sparkle in Mistress's eye suggested that she had more than a passing interest in the "tips" that her new, hunky  friend might provide.

And that's the story that I will be sharing here in the days to come.  Stay tuned.

Wednesday, March 8, 2023

On the Road

 Mistress and her Cuckold / Slave are on the road this week, spending some time in AZ for work and (of course) pleasure. A little more snow and a little less sun in these parts than one might expect.  But at least Mistress had some time for a little Salon style pampering!  Don't let it be said that Slave doesn't spoil her. 

Now we are staying at a somewhat more luxurious resort with palm trees and swimming pools.  Sort of a Beverly Hillbillies dream come true .  Mistress is lounging by the pool while her Slave attends tedious meetings. She clearly makes entertaining eye candy for the country club gentlemen of a certain age passing through.  Fortunately, she saved her sexual energies for me.  There was some pre-dinner cock riding in our room before dinner last night.  Yum!

We did finally hear from the New Boss here at UCTMW Enterprises, LLC.  He had  gone MIA for about 10 days  and we were wondering if something had happened. Options we had considered were:
1. Drowned in a Vat of the high priced lubricant he favors?
2. His long suffering wife B had finally snapped, and disposed of him in a remote CO landfill?
3. Had fallen into the hands of Strict Julie, who had him tied to a rack for hourly lashings?
4. Found a more pliant couple to bully and dominate?

While it remains unclear what led to his temporary absence, the Boss reappeared Monday night  in our comments section with more cruel and arbitrary directives.  In particular, he demanded 5 consecutive cage days for this hard working cuckold!!
Sadly (for the Boss) I must reveal that the cage got left at home.  In this case, "Justice" delayed means that there will be not denial for me, at least for the next week!

Friday, March 3, 2023

Cuckold Olympics?

Last week, Sara Girl posted the chart below on his/her new blog (listed on our  favorite blog roll to the right). Looking it over, it seemed to be a "dessert list" for those of us who have dabbled in cuckolding over the years. Some tantalizing choices. Others a little too rich or fruity for our tastes.  It made me think of the various ski events at the Olympics.  Not every competitor does both the  downhill and the slalom. And then there are the frees skiers and mogul mashers, out on the fringe of the sport.  

But since we seem to be on hiatus from the new Boss's arbitrary directives this week, (Has he moved onto to a more pliant couple?) - it was tempting  to do what Sara did and comment on whether Mistress and her cuckold have dabbled in or are intrigued by these various Cuckolding "events":

1. "Voyeur Cuckold"- we've done this a bit , though not many of Mistress's lovers have felt comfortable with PDA's in front of pathetic cuckolded hubby.  Fact is, in our experience not many guys interested in "sharing" a sexy MILF really want the cuckolded hubby looking over their shoulder and taking notes. Nor do I think Mistress wanted me to share in her intimate moments with lovers.

2. "The Waiting Cuckold"- More our style. Mistress goes out on a "date", typically at her lover's home, apartment or hotel room, while the caged cuckold marinates in his own juices back home, waiting to hear all the juicy details and "clean up" afterwards.

3. "The Threesome" - only done it once. It takes the right (and rare) chemistry to pull this off. From this cuck's perspective, not nearly as appealing as #2.

4. "The Cuckold Threesome" - Apparently this would involve 2 guys with Mistress,  and the cuckold watching from a corner?  Mistress has high standards, so the thought of her finding two willing guys she'd be willing to share a bed with at the same time, who would also be willing to do it with the Cuckold lurking -- sounds like Unicorn country.  Plus we'd need to spring for a King size bed.  Forgettaboutit.

5. The "Escort Wife"- this involves Mistress getting paid to share the company of some wealthy guy? Must admit its kind of hot as a fantasy, at least for the cuckold, but can't imagine doing this in real life.

6.  The "Sissy Cuckold" - This involves the cuckold being "feminized". Mistress has never relished the idea of her Slave wearing her undies --would stretch them out too much! On the other hand the Boss recently shared some aspirational photos of a MILF and cuckold in matching stockings.  While the "humiliate the cuck" element has its kinky charms,  it's hard to imagine us competing in this event  any time soon.

7.  "The Gang Bang"-- Not our cup of tea. Mistress needs to be romanced a bit by her extraneous lover, which would exclude this sort of scenario.

8.  "The Bi-sex Cuckold"- Our only foray into the cuckold coming into contact with another man's equipment arose in item #4 above.  I guess you had to be there! It's not something we are likely to revisit any time soon, nor is it something  this humble slave dwells on, even in my darkest fantasies.

9. The "Cuckold Gangbang"- I guess this involves the cuckold witnessing the gang bang.  See response to item #7.

10.  "Dogging"-  Huh?  Maybe a reader can clue us in on this one.

11. The "waiting cuckold gangbang" - See response to #7 and #9.

12.  "The Submissive Cuckold"- This is our sweet spot, though most of Mistress's lovers never got the notion that her seemingly normal hubbie harbored submissive fantasies.

13. "Wife on Vacation with Her Lover"- never done that, but there is certainly a buzz connected with the idea of Mistress spending a "romantic" weekend with a hot younger stud while the caged cuckold  sulks at home, contemplating the slutty things she is up to.

14. "The Chastity Cuckold"- This is also the Molly and mick sweet spot.  Slave traditionally wore his cage when Mistress went out with a lover (or when Slave slept in the guest room down the hall).  But (as far as I know) said lovers were never informed of  my caged status, let alone ask to take custody of the  key (until our recent foray with the Boss).  That remains a pretty hot fantasy, at least for the Cuckold. 

Please let us know if there are other Cuckold Olympics events that we have not addressed here!