Monday, March 23, 2020

Sleepover Dinner Guest Gets a Show

Curious about the dinner guest who stopped by on Sunday night?

As mentioned here, we decided to "risk" entertaining our pal Craig for dinner in Saturday night.  Craig is a writer who lives on a dead ski resort about 40 miles to the north where, he says, the snow just keeps falling. With no neighbors to speak of, and his own part time work places shut down until the pandemic passes,

Craig clearly was in need of some human companionship.  And his visit gave us someone to talk to (and for Mistress to flirt a bit with) other than ourselves. A win / win.

We had a pleasant evening together --lots of opining about the world disorder, including Craig's rather exotic conspiracy theories. (Is this really all about oil and petro-dollars?) And Craig entertained us with his stories of work as an extra on TV and movie sets down in ABQ.

We all got a little buzzed, and lingered after dinner in front of our kiva fireplace.  But was there any hanky panky?  Well, I hate to disappoint all of you cuckold wannabes, but NO.  We have placed Craig  firmly in the "friend zone", and he's way too polite to make his own move on another man's wife without a clear invitation.  We've discussed between us whether to escalate the situation, but Mistress just does not feel comfortable with changing the nature of our friendship.

Of course, that doesn't mean that Mistress doesn't press some conventional boundaries.

Like Sunday morning.

We had invited Craig to spend the night, since the long drive back to his winter wonderland is challenging at night, even without a buzz on.

I was up early, then Craig, and I brewed him a cup of coffee as we hashed over the latest ugly COVID-19 news.

An hour or so later, Mistress sauntered into our kitchen, wearing only  her rather skimpy nightie.  I lifted an eyebrow, wondering if she had bothered to slide into some panties in consideration of our guest.  Mistress never wears panties to bed.

"I hope you don't mind me dressed like this, Craig.  But it's early".

She was flashing lots of legs and cleavage.

(Of course, Mistress must have intentionally ignored the fluffy robe hanging on the back of the bed room door).

"Heck no.  I don't get to see many women, dressed or underdressed, up on the mountain."

At some point, as she prepared us some scrambled eggs, Mistress donned a wooly long tailed shirt, that covered a bit more of her lovely breasts and thighs.  But not much more.

So while Craig did not get a late night visitor in the guest room, at least he got a show!

Sunday, March 22, 2020

Saturday Afternoon

It was an all-in-one weather day here in the high desert.  The morning started with snow showers and clearing off my Subaru for a drive down to the local grocery to take advantage  of "senior hour" (age has its privileges these days).  
Back home - some breakfast burritos in tow - Mistress rewarded me with some particularly enjoyable mid-morning sex.  But first there was some moderately painful cropping to remind me to be particularly supportive (and submissive) during our self-quarantine.

By noon, the sun had filtered through the clouds, providing an opportunity for a long and bracing bike ride with one of our favorite hill climbs, that had us both a little short winded at this 8000 ft. altitude.

Then Mistress adjourned to our patio for some early season sunning. Sure, it was only 50 degrees.  But with the sun out here, that is all Mistress needs!  

Saturday, March 21, 2020

Cuckolding in the Age of Covid-19?

Our here in the high desert we have plenty of opportunities for social distancing.  Long bike rides with only a few cars driving by, and precious few pedestrians.  A hike yesterday along the rim of a stunningly deep gorge, where we encountered only a hand full of fellow hikers, nodding hello from more than 6 feet away, ear buds distracting them.  And this morning, this old slave is going to take advantage of "senior hour" at the local grocery to stock up on provisions.

While we have plenty of friends out here, and typically are thigh deep in social engagements, no one is reaching out even for small group get togethers.  Mistress had a lady friend over to talk about the fate of the lady's small business earlier this week while I ventured into town on a brief expedition.  That's about it.

Frankly, I think most of our friends out here are taking this whole social distancing thing very, very seriously.  Restaurants are shuttered other than for take-out. And social media suggests that most homes are pretty locked down too.  No more party central here in our little town.

But tonight we do have a friend joining us for dinner.  His name is Craig, a tall, handsome writer we met several years back on a ski lift,  who has become part of our social circle.  Craig lives by himself at a dead ski resort with very few neighbors.  Definitely socially isolated. Apparently Craig is not so cowed by Covid-19 that he will turn down a dinner invite in these bleak times.

Over those years we have bantered on the blog and betwixt ourselves about whether Craig is a suitable candidate for acuckolding "Bull". Physically he matches Mistress's preferences: taller and bulkier than her slave (I'm 5'11"", 190 or so).  Mentally agile. But we have concluded he may be a tad too "goofy", and fits more into our "friend zone" than a "cuckolding zone".  Once you propose that part of our friendship could be fucking the wife, well, there's no going back to just hanging out,  joshing, going for a hike, or  sharing some weed!

So Craig will be over tonight. Since he lives about an hour north of here, and we all may over indulge,  Mistress invited him to spend the night rather than drive all the way home. He's done it before.  Or he may take a pass.  Who knows?

I doubt anything kinky will happen.  Probably just some drinks, lots of laughs, appetizers and dinner. We might go "one toke over the line".  But that doesn't mean that, after "lights out", Mistress will sneak out of out bed once lights are out to join Craig in his.  Does it?