Sunday, March 22, 2020

Saturday Afternoon

It was an all-in-one weather day here in the high desert.  The morning started with snow showers and clearing off my Subaru for a drive down to the local grocery to take advantage  of "senior hour" (age has its privileges these days).  
Back home - some breakfast burritos in tow - Mistress rewarded me with some particularly enjoyable mid-morning sex.  But first there was some moderately painful cropping to remind me to be particularly supportive (and submissive) during our self-quarantine.

By noon, the sun had filtered through the clouds, providing an opportunity for a long and bracing bike ride with one of our favorite hill climbs, that had us both a little short winded at this 8000 ft. altitude.

Then Mistress adjourned to our patio for some early season sunning. Sure, it was only 50 degrees.  But with the sun out here, that is all Mistress needs!  

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