Thursday, May 3, 2018

And "Insolent" too.....

Mistress corrected her slave yesterday morning about my post.

"You forgot "insolent" slave.  I have heard that tone in your voice the last few days."

This came as we engaged in an unexpected "dance" in bed yesterday morning.  I was using my tongue and lips to entertain Mistress's delectable clean shaven folds.  She was using her palm to spank my ass.

It was not quite as painful as the crop she'd applied over the weekend, but distracting from my prime mission....delivering a pre-intercourse orgasm.  Of course, ultimately, I got the job done and Mistress rewarded her insolent slave with an opportunity for some full on and a little noisy wake-up sex.

"We're going to have to be more quiet over the next few days, slave....."

"True.  But only until Monday....."

Mistress was referring to the arrival of our daughters and a fiancé for this weekend's wedding. Chaos is descending on the Collins household for an eventful weekend here. That means our sex life will have to go into stealth mode until the nest is empty again.

The upside is that Mistress will have to spare the rod.

"You make too much noise with all that whining when you get cropped slave....."

"I think they'd hear the crop hitting my ass even if I didn't vocalize Mistress....."

Later yesterday morning I got a text at work.

"Insolent: showing a rude and arrogant lack of respect. Synonym: impudent."

I better be careful with my tone this weekend, or there will be a reckoning that my ass may not appreciate come Monday evening.

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Petulant? Impudent? Or Both?

The first order of business here today is to display Mistress's new "foundational" garment.  Last week we showed off some whispy thing she had purchased as an intimate layer beneath her elegant "mother of the bride" dress. She (and her slave) were so pleased with it that she decided to acquire another one in black -- a more traditional color scheme for Mistress.  She wore it Saturday night to dinner at the Dowager Domme's house, and gave me a chance to photograph her in it Sunday morning before it was doffed for wake up sex.

Isn't it fetching?

Now, back to today's real subject.

Over the weekend slave was accused of "back sliding".

"You've not been as attentive these last few days, slave!"

"There's too much petulance in this house".

"I don't like that impudent tone, slave!"

You get the picture.

Of courses, Mistress is always right. I probably have been a little distracted with some work drama this last week. And maybe that compromised my focus on atoning for my past offenses and keeping Mistress as my primary focus.  That's not a good place to be with our kids reinfesting the nest starting tonight, and a big wedding over the weekend.

But these well grounded accusations did get us discussing a matter that required the consultation of a dictionary.

Was I really "petulant"?  Or was it more "impudence" that Mistress was calling to my attention?

According to one dictionary I found, "petulant" denotes someone who is "childishly sulky or bad tempered" as in "he was moody and petulant / a petulant shake of the head."

On the other hand, "impudent" means "not showing due respect for another person", as in "she could have strangled this impudent upstart."

Fortunately, Mistress has not (yet) resorted to strangling.  But my ass has certainly received some more corrective action in recent days than it had grown used to.  I am refocused on doing the little things that can help me shed any trace of either petulance or impudence.

Wish me (and my ass) well!

Sunday, April 29, 2018

Our Western Correspondent Takes to the Links

Mistress and slave have been enjoying a laid back weekend here in River City, getting ready for a big family wedding and related events in the coming weeks. While there hasn't been any recent cuckolding here in recent weeks, there has been plenty of worship, conventional sex, and cropping to remind slave of his "place" and the error of his ways.  

But today's blog features some hard core reporting from our Western Correspondent, who seems to be spending a lot of time chasing a little white ball these days:

Well I think I should lighten things up around here (social commentary to follow:) .

I usually play golf at two courses in the Denver metro area because I buy seasons passes at those two courses

It's like skiing.... a lift ticket at Vail is about $160.00 per day...........a season pass (if purchased in Denver) is about $600.00

So it is interesting to note the difference between the two courses

One course is in the southern suburbs of Denver

Mostly white, mostly older, most good guys and gals, most pretty good golfers (think blue and black no moguls), most nice people

The other course is an historic Denver course     (They are both public courses by the way)

The demographic is quite different

In Denver I usually play with a bunch of younger kids ....

Some are ex high school or college players  (very good players) think 300 yard drives right down the middle

Some suck..........

But have a lot of fun playing!!!!!!!!!!!!

Think snowboarders

Never seen anybody smoking a blunt at the suburban course

But Sunday I was playing with three young kids (two guys and a gal) and she was an ex-olympic mogul skier

Its true............I happen to know her name ............(and btw .........she could hit it really  hard for a lady)

On the biggest stage in the world she did a corked 360's in the middle of a black diamond mogul run!!!!!!

I was very fucking impressed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!    

I ski raced for years with chick skiers............  they are a tough breed!

She was my hero for the day!!!!!!

All three were good golfers

So..............we walk up to the 9th tee and there are two groups waiting to hit

Both groups were sharing some joints

So ............  our group walks up and they kindly offer us a hit or two

Now is the funny thing about Colorado today........

Every single person asked what is it?

Sativa? Indica? Hybrid? Flower? Kief? Oil? Shake? 

Most declined not because they didn't want a hit...............but because it was not their brand!!!!!!

I understand.......  (I will never drink a Bud or vote for a republican)

But the times they are a changing

And we can learn a lot from these kids..............

Keep it real my friends


Thanks, WC.  I'm sure these youngsters were happy to have a grizzled old veteran on hand to show them how it's done. Hope that lady boarder didn't get so distracting that it threw you off your game! And thanks for the photos!

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Full Disclosure (Not).

Mistress and slave survived our appointment with our tag team therapists yesterday, but in the process almost lost the poker faces that we have been using to filter out some of the juicier aspects of our mutual "story".

In response to gentle questioning from the female therapist, Mistress conceded that she was "doing better" because her husband was doing "some things" that were demonstrating he is more focused on her,  and not on some menacing "third party". But when pressed on how my conduct has changed, Mistress had trouble being specific.....

"That's good to hear....but try to  be more specific about what Mick is doing that you appreciate so he can keep doing them?"

"Hmmm...... well ......".

After some hemming and hawing, Mistress finally came up with something lame, like I let her pick the movie we saw on Friday night.

Of course, there have been other things she could have mentioned.

"He sends me pictures via text message....."

But that would have led to a follow up:

"What sort of pictures, Molly?"

"Ohh.... pictures of his sad little cock locked up in his cage."

Or she might have mentioned the multiple orgasms Mistress enjoyed that morning as slave spent more time than usual at her command,  licking and sucking on those juicy, clean shaven folds.

Or my willing submission to that stingy riding crop she has used most days to remind me of the errors of my past ways.

After we left our session (which may be our last), we had a mutual laugh at their expense.

"Do you think they are a little suspicious about our miraculous progress, Mistress?"

"I'm not sure slave..... but I was afraid you were going to start laughing.... or talking about how sore your pathetic ass is."

I mentioned that it was odd the male therapist asked me if I was unusually "tired today".  Apparently there was something about my body language that he thought was different. I was tempted to tell him that I was slouching on their couch because my cage was pinching my tender cock and I was just trying to get more comfortable.

If we can share a chuckle over our seemingly clueless therapists, I suppose we are making progress.
