Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Abstinence Day Experiment

Mistress and slave had a relatively restful weekend, including a night on the town, an evening watching one of the Oscar nominees, and Sunday evening at home. We fit in some time with family. And of course there was plenty of sex, including a two-a-day Saturday.  For us, it’s common to have sex at least once each day, with the occasional exception caused by an early curtain call for one of us at work. That’s typically every other Monday morning when we are here in River City. For an older guy like me, it probably puts us as “outlyers” on the scale of sex frequency. According to an article I noticed in “Moneyish”, we might be having too much sex!

About one in 10 (12%) had no sex in the past year, 21% had it several times per year, and 34% once or twice a month, according to a study of 20,000 couples. One study found that having sex once a week is the perfect amount to boost relationship satisfaction.

So if we cut our sex back to only once a week, we might be less satisfied with our relationship?  I don’t think so! (The article does not say how many couples have sex 6-7 times / wk.)

One thing this article makes clear is that if you have more sex at home you are amore efficient and effective worker.

Having less frequent and less satisfying sex isn’t just a problem at home either: It also impacts your work. A study of married couples published last year in the Journal of Management found that, regardless of how happy their marriage was, the day after an employee had sex with his or her partner, she was more satisfied and engaged with her career. What’s more, people who engage in sex at least four times per week make more money than those who do the deed less frequently, according to a discussion paper from Nick Drydakis, a fellow at the Institute for the Study of Labor. Regular sex is also correlated with lowered stress and higher on-the-job productivity.

I may be putting this hypothesis to a test today.  I am the one with the early curtain call this AM. So while there was sex yesterday morning here at the UCTMW World HQ, there will be none this am.  Mistress has made it clear that while she enjoys here work-a-day cock, she does not want to be woken so early this morning. So slave will just have to “buck up” (or, I suppose, take matters into my own hand.) 

I promise to report back whether my morning of unwelcome abstinence will make me a grumpier, less effective worker today. I may have to survey my co-workers to see of they notice the difference.

Thursday, March 1, 2018

Back Burner Guy

A few weeks back, this blog quoted an article about the propensity for women and men to have a “back up” lined up, just in case.  Last night, as we retired to our bed, the notion was confirmed as  I noticed Mistress texting a way on her I-phone. I try not to cross examine Mistress when she’s communicating, but in this case I didn’t have to…..

“It’s my old college boyfriend again, slave…..every few months he pops up again…..”

“So is he trying to get into your pants, Mistress?” (I usually get to the point quickly).

“I’m sure he does, slave….but it always starts out with a ‘how are you doing’, then evolves to ‘wouldn’t it be great to run into each other again…..’

“Have you told him you have a ‘free pass’, Mistress?”


(This was said as if I was a little crazy, and that she really did not want to wave the green flag so clearly to this dude.)

“Isn’t this the guy that used to tie you up in his dorm room?”

“It us slave…. it was my first kinky sex…..”

“Was it hot?”

“It was slave…..”

At some point, Mistress signed off, and returned to her kindle before nodding off, with the confidence that “former boyfriend” was still simmering on the back burner.

But before we sign off, what sound like some final reporting by our Western Correspondence on the wind-up of those Winter Olympics he dropped by last week.

Well Boss.....

OK OK OK!   I know you want to hear the story of the Chech Chick Double Gold!    Well, first of all, lets dispense with the story that Vonn is from Minnesota.

NO!!!!!!   she is Ski Club Vail since she was a little runt..... 

So is Shiffrin........     And they have a healthy hatred of Ski Steamboat (and Breckenridge, Copper, Aspen and Key too!!!!)

Not to mention The Butte or that little tiny resort down south of the border......   [In  the fuck--g desert BTW!]

Hell............Moab has better sand skiing than that little backwater!!!!!!

Anyway, the Commies over in Steamboat decided to teach this Commie chick from a country in Eastern Europe how to ski on snow skis 


You are right BOSS....She is pretty HOT!!!!!!!!

Nevertheless Boss,  I, as your expert commentator am not that surprised.     [But very impressed!!!!!]

Most kids in Colorado can ski and board............they just chose a favorite.....    

Butt both for GOLD??????????

Count the poor old broken down WC as Impressed!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh well, got to go boss.....

Lindsey is flying into DIA tonight and asked me to pick her up.  She is bringing this Voodoo guy from Kenya she met in Seoul to cast a spell on Steamboat.

How about Kyle Mack's Silver though!!!!!   He landed "a double cork 1440, Bloody Dracula!  

Love you boss,


Good luck picking up Lindsay, WC…. You're going to "pick Lindsay up"? I hope we’ll see a shot of you giving her a ride on your shoulders to the baggage claim where her 30 pairs of skis will be piling up. Maybe she'd be smarter to skip the slopes for a while and head to the beach.

Sunday, February 25, 2018


Here in River City, Slave’s chickens came home to roost yesterday.  Without going into details, Mistress had decreed that her slave was due for some punishment this weekend. I wish I could say that the wait was worse than the consequences, but…..

After some wake up sex we were off to our various activities. Slave was spending time with my cute grandsons, while Mistress went to exercise and lunch with her sister and mother. We found ourselves back home at around 3:30 or so, with time for a nap, before it was time to prep for a dinner we were hosting for her family.  We were soon snoozing contentedly, and slave was hoping that it might last so long that there would be no time for the punishment I was due.

Alas…..we woke with a hour available for less earnest activities than preparing the evening meal.

“Go get the riding crop slave….and if you can’t find it …. Again…..then we will be using the hair brush.”

Ouch.  “Luckily” I was able to find the crop, and presented it to Mistress. I knew enough to remove my undies.

“On the bed slave”.

She was not lolly-gagging was she?  Altho she may have wished she had gagged her slave, because I proceeded to wine and bitch as she laid into my tender bottom, which had not seen such wrath in some time.

It hurt.  Well maybe stung is a better word to use. Yes, it stung like hell.

But after about 10-15 “lashes”, Mistress relented, her point made.  Now it was time for me to show my gratitude for her mercy by attending to those clean shaven folds.


And after I had delivered a soothing cum for her, she indulged her slave in his own opportunity to take his pleasure of the day.

I really am a pampered house slave, aren’t I?

But not as pampered as our Western Correspondent, who, after some indulgence of his own at that luxurious golf club had one last post from the Winter Olympics.

Just a short note boss because Silverthorn's own Kyle Mack won the silver metal in the mens "Big Air" boarder contest.

For the Big air contest they build this big fucking tower  (It looks like it belongs in an amusement park)-----not a ski area.....

They built one in Denver a few years ago.  They built it right in front of the State Capital building.  Boss, it sure looked to me like it was taller than the Capital dome!!!!!!

Anyway boss..........this "Big Air" thing is plenty fucking crazy!!!!!!!!!!  Trust me on this one........

Mack won the silver with a:

"Double Cork 1440, Bloody Dracula" which translated into adult is:

Hands behind the back grabbing the tail of the snowboard while spinning 1440 degrees while executing two complete back flips at the same time.

The "Double Cork 1440----Bloody Dracula" is described as "a sketchy grab with high consequences" which had never been landed in Competition before.

Mack had tried and failed 4 times in practice......  He was quoted saying "Guess the 5th time was the charm......."   Guess so Kyle!!!!      Way to go Man!!!!

Mack's Summit County neighbor, Chris Corning went into the last round needing a big jump.  He tried the very rare "quad-cork 1800 but just missed it.  He was quoted saying,   "Four more feet of air and we would have landed it, I just couldn't get over my board to land it......"

Well done boys!!!!!!!!!!”

That may be impressive, WC. And certainly death defying.  But I for one consider the star of the games to be Ester Ledecka, the Czech who won gold in both snowboarding and alpine skiing. Now that’s well rounded. It sort of makes her a “switch”.  She’s kind of cute too!


Saturday, February 24, 2018

Punishment Coming?

This morning I woke up with the thought that we might get some high class journalism from our Olympic correspondent.  After all there was the arrival of the apple of the President’s eye in South Korea for the closing ceremonies.  Hopefully the WC would get some revealing photos to share with our readers? With Jared away (and working on that security clearance) the kitten will play?

And then there was the big news about the USA Ice ladies claiming gold over their nemeses from Canada.  That must have been a racy locker room celebration!

And how about that surprising victory of USA curling over Sweden. So much winning! (And is curling just bowling on ice? Do you "play" better after a few beers?)

But instead I woke to learn that the WC had already abandoned his post for some golfing back home:

BOSS!!!!!!!                   So, boss  I'm sitting in the "MENS LOUNGE ONLY!" at my golf club.   Trust me boss it is nice!!!!!!  

Oak locker that are the size of a Diva's dressing room, stream rooms, saunas all over,  many, many  asian massage ladies, (all wearing French maid uniforms BTW!) 

Jacuzzi's all over the place, vibrating lounging chairs, Several poker tables, (BOSS!..... all these guys play poker bare naked!!!!!!!!!)   (Golfers you know!)

These tubs you stick your feet in with Epsom salt and gently massages your sore feet after golf,  (feels heavenly!!!), magical asian pedicures, (manicures are complimentary......long finger nails can fuck with your swing you know.....)

And best of all!!!!!!!!!!!   This chick that puts hot rocks right on your package!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh boss,        I could go on and on!   You got to come out here and spend a day with me at the spa......  I mean golf course:)

Anyway boss the point of this story is...............   

SO......... I'm laying there getting a massage from "Lucy"......... I'm pretty sure she is Cantonese but it is hard to tell from her accent.....     Anyway, I chose the "magic butterfly massage".     According to the menu it is a:

"Sensual finger up your posterior while she lovingly massages your male stalk."

GREAT I THOUGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well boss....................  I was right!!!!!     Was fucking fantastic!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh well,          I forgot the point of this story ........just wanted to earn my keep today, boss......

Tell Molly "Love you baby"!      

On the QT Molly.................Let me know on the "sly".... if you locked boss up for 7 more days...........It would make me very happy! 

Love you baby,

Your big teddy bear:)


Thanks for the “happy ending” WC.  At least it’s good to know that you survived that late night trip to the ski jump hill and UCTMW won’t have to pick up the tab for your Medi-Vac from the Far East. 

But please don’t give Molly any ideas.  She already says I’m due for a punishment this weekend on some sort of Trumped up charge.  Not 7 days in the cage too!