Thursday, February 8, 2018

Date Night for Mistress

Slave has a "date" at a cute grandson's 2nd grade class play. This left a big hole in Mistress's dance card. So why not fill it with a 2nd chance to see if her latest OKCupid suitor S to make a first impression.

So while I am out with the grandkids, Mistress will be meeting S for dinner.

"He wants me to meet him at the restaurant, slave....."

They are dining at a local Indian joint.

"You could ask him to pick you up?"

" I could, I suppose.  But it's just up the street....."

The jury remains out on whether S and Mistress will connect on anything other than appreciation for Bob Dylan and Prince level and/or antipathy for the POTUS level. If there is going to be any "hanky lanky" Mistress may have to present S with an engraved invitation. Or make the first move.

But at least as I sit in the audience of my grandson's play, I can imagine something more than them sharing an order of Chicken Tikka Marsala.

Only one question: cage or no cage?

Monday, February 5, 2018

Our Saturday Night Dinner Guest

Mistress and slave hosted her most recent "prospect" on Saturday evening, aka Super Bowl Eve. Ironically, S is a Minneapolis native, so it was easy to talk about the goings on in the great white north in advance of the big game, as well as local heroes Prince, Bob Dylan and Garrison (say it ain't so) Keilor.

The two of them had a lot in common: Trump antipathy, skiing (he was a ski racer in high school like our Western Correspondent), music, etc. As a result there were no awkward silences. He also seemed to like slave's cooking.

In advance Mistress and slave agreed on some protocols:

1) slave would be in his cage.
2) slave would not mention that he was in a cage. ("I don't think he's into that sort of thing, slave....."
3) I would not do any "hinting" about giving them private time, or abandon her with him without a clear signal from her.

Slave stuck to the plan, but did "abandon" the two of them a few times as I cooked and did the dishes.

S arrived on time at around 7 pm, and Mistress made clear at around 10 pm after we enjoyed dinner that it was time for her to go to bed (without him).

So what was the conclusion at the end of the night?

"He's a nice guy, slave....."


Well it's unclear now whether there is a "spark".  It's clear he is interested in spending more time with Mistress. He's a single dad, with a kid at home, who has no active girl friend / partner. But he's also very much Minnesota polite.

Example: Mistress sat on the couch as we sipped wine and had dinner. I sat on a side chair leaving plenty of room for him next to Mistress.  But he never took the bait, choosing another side chair.  He clearly does not get the cuckold dynamic.  The only physical contact I noticed was on his return from a trip to the WC he passed behind Mistress and briefly rubbed her shoulders. But even that stopped when Slave came up the stairs with a fresh beverage for him.

"You're going to have to make the first move, Mistress.... because he's going to wait for some very explicit signal that he has permission."

Maybe Mistress will even have to get all Domme with him, should she choose. But does she want another sub cluttering up the house?  I doubt it.

So what happens next?  Unsure.  He wants to get together with her again. No doubt he thinks it's time to engage her without her husband in tow. We will keep you posted.

In the meantime, slave is more than happy to continue fulfilling any of Mistress's sexual needs that  arise.

Saturday, February 3, 2018

Date Night Means Cage Time.

Mistress and slave will be entertaining a new "prospect" tonight. We met S via OKCupid and then got together with him for drinks last Tuesday night. Anything for an excuse to avoid the State of the Union address, right?  He's a single dad who lives about 30 minutes from the UCTMW World HQ.  About 6 foot, with a runner's slender physique.  Age wise, he's about mid-way between Mistress and slave.

S is not exactly the "Bull" type.  More heartland polite. But we certainly had plenty to talk about during our two hours or so over drinks on Tuesday. The jury is still out on whether there is a sufficient "spark" that will generate some heat between S and Mistress.  But she determined it was worth getting to know him a little better.  I'll be cooking. They can be chatting over some wine.  We will keep our readers updated on how things develop.

As for me, Mistress laid out some clear directions.

"I think you should be in your cage tonight, slave..... it's been too long."

I guess I am in no position to disagree,

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Cuckold In Chief?

Last week the Trump regime celebrated it's first anniversary. It also was struggling to control the growing scandal about the pay-off of a porn star who was tattling about her affair with the President-to-be while his wife Melania was caring for their new born. Reports were that Mrs. Trump was "blindsided" and pissed. She cancelled plans to join her husband on that junket to Davos, heading to Florida instead.

And when the time came to post on her Instagram account in the anniversary of the inauguration, she didn't show us a photo of her dancing with her super-sized husband. No.  Instead there was this photo of her with a hunky Marine more her own age. Though he had his hat on, I'm guessing he didn't have a combover or dye his hair orange.

We know that the President and his Slovenian wife maintain separate bedrooms. And she bided her time before actually moving into the White House, Was that because of the POTUS's habit of wolfing down burgers in bed, while gorging on FOX News sycophants? Or is it because she has a collection of real, vigorous men to keep her bed warm?

Let's hope that smile on her face reflects what is really going on behind closed doors in the White House residence.